City of Memories, 101min, by Li Jinghui (Taiwan, China).
Set in a winter, the film describes the life of the elderly people in a nursing home, and depicts the friendship, love, marriage and their longing for the companionship of their family. Those who live here are almost between 70 and 90 years old and most of them have experiences in wars. The marriage and fate of the old women during the transition of Taiwan's regime are demonstrated by the ballads they sing in the languages of Chinese, Taiwan Dialect and Japanese. In the love stories that take place in the nursing home, a sense of romance was added to the film.
They have lived through the turmoil of war. With their background and the history of the political situations in Taiwan, the film attempts to describe the ongoing love story and fate of these women to add a moving emotion to the film.
City of Memories is the third documentary in the trilogy "The Realm of Womenhood," after "Where is My Home?" and "The Ballads of Grandmothers." The film depicts the lives of elderly people living in a nursing home: their agony, longing and loneliness. Through the visuals of the film, they gradually illustrate a painting of their life. Love is after all an everlasting treasure intertwined in bittersweet sorrow. Caught in the space between dream and reality, images of wintry Taipei, with its drizzling rain, and the gloomy sky reflect fading minds of these aged women.
8.《学校景观》,时长78分钟,导演David MacDougall(澳大利亚)。
受Lumière的电影及20世纪印度思想家Jiddu Krishnamurti思想的影响,大卫·麦克道格在本片中延续了其关于印度北部传统学校系列影片《Doon学校五重奏》的风格。片中讲述了印度南部安得拉邦(Andhra Pradesh)一个著名的、进步的男女同校学校--丽诗谷(Rishi Valley)学校的故事。终其一生,Krishnamurti taught都在教导,一个人应该努力去冷静而清晰地观察周围的事物。影片就是从这里开始并使观众感到激动和兴奋。本片尝试本找回那种观察世界的清新。它着力于简单的"看"的动作,其中的每一个镜头都包含一个单拍。
Schoolscapes, 78min, by David MacDougall (Australia).
Inspired by the cinema of Lumière and the ideas of the 20th century Indian thinker Jiddu Krishnamurti, David MacDougall follows up his Doon School Quintet, a series of films about a traditional school in North India, with this film about a famous progressive co-educational school in Andhra Pradesh, South India, the Rishi Valley School. Throughout his life, Krishnamurti taught that one should strive to observe more calmly and clearly the things around one. This too was how cinema began, and what excited its first audiences. This film attempts to recapture that freshness of observing the world. It is dedicated to the simple act of looking, in which each scene consists of a single shot.
Transformation,119min, by Yang Gancai(China), Wangyi (China).
Akhas of Manbang village have lived a swiddening cultivation life for generations, but things change: from swiddening or slash-and-burn agriculture; from traditional houses to new ones with asbestos roofs and from 'lightning with resin' to electric bulbs. With electricity and the border road's opening to traffic, they have stepped into the "modern civilization".
Spanning three years, new way of living has had great impact on culture, belief and conception of Akhas. They are keen for new life but do not know what to do with new things. Heads of village and Akhas are both confused.
10.《法律下的姐妹们》,时长104分钟,导演Kim Longinotto(英国)、Florence Ayish(喀麦隆)。
故事发生在喀麦隆西南部的一个小镇昆巴(Kumba),追踪记录了受大众欢迎的政府律师Vera Ngassa和法院院长Beatrice Ntuba的工作。主要人物包括:Amina,她将丈夫告上法庭以此结束她悲惨的婚姻;10岁的Sonita,她敢于指控邻居对她的强奸;以及6岁的曼迦,她试图逃离姑姑对她的虐待。
Sisters in Law, 104min, by Kim Longinotto (UK)、Florence Ayish (Cameroon).
This film is set in Kumba, a small town in South West Cameroon and follows the work of the popular State Counsel, Vera Ngassa, and Court President, Beatrice Ntuba. The main characters are: Amina : who takes her husband to court to end their brutal marrige; 10 year old Sonita who dares to accuse a neighbour of rape and 6 year old manka who runs away from her abusive aunt.
The film is about courage, hope, and the possibility of change.
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文章来源:新华网云南频道 2009年07月24日 12:32:47