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  作者:中国人类学民族学研究会 | 中国民俗学网   发布日期:2009-07-26 | 点击数:47659





        Patriarchal clan systems have thousands of years of history in China. In a traditional family, all the members live together and share the property. Each clan is a small society and the seniority is the master of the clan. The seniority has enjoyed great prestige in the clan society in China, which holds the patriarchal clan rules to be filial.

        There is a family Wang at Shanjia village, Yangjia town, Wafangdian city, Liaoning province in north China. The almost 90 years old Qu Jingying survived two husbands and brought up six children, four boys and two girls. Family Wang has five generations of nearly 70 members now. Qu is the spiritual bond of the harmonious family. The fourth son working in Tianjin does not leave the family, which holds a share of property for him. All the family members eat, live and work together and cultivate the field distributed by the village. The income of the field and orchard is collected by the family. The family keeps the customs of the traditional Chinese family.

        After the death of his father and stepfather, the eldest son Wang Shiyou runs the household of family Wang. As the master of the family, Wang Shiyou tries his best to maintain and develop the family. The reform in the society these years, however, has brought some subtle changes in family Wang.

        The Story of Family Wang, the television documentary records the diminishing big family under the influence of non-agricultural trend, industrialization and modern lifestyle. It is a vivid visual record of the folk life in north China by presenting the collision between traditional ideas and modern social tides.

        UNESCO proclaimed the concept of "masterpieces of the oral and intangible heritage" in 1997. The seventh session of the International Council of Museums in Asia Pacific Region approves the Shanghai Charter on Museums, Intangible Heritage and Globalization in October, 2002. It states clearly that the voice, value, traditions, languages, oral history and folk life shall be recognized and promoted in museums and heritage protection. The intangible heritage is a "live" presentation of the individuality and aesthetics of a nation, a distinction of individual people, the motivation and source to maintain and develop the nation. The intangible heritage is more fragile than the tangible one, especially in the industrialization of the developing countries and the impact of globalization. The intangible heritage is facing the austere phenomenon of diminishing rapidly. To some extent, the disappearance of intangible heritage means the disappearance of cultural diversity. Fortunately, the historical intelligence of human beings has aroused the consciousness to protect the intangible heritage. The UN proclaimed 2002 as the United Nations Year for Cultural Heritage. The UNESCO proposed to save the oral and intangible heritage. (I personally think that the most important is to record and preserve the heritage.)

        The Story of Family Wang and the life of Qu Jingying is a representation of the intangible heritage. The life style of family Wang is of extraordinary value in many viewpoints of history, ethnography, sociology, anthropology, linguistics and literature. It is predictable that the family Wang and its life style will disappear with the death of Qu Jingying. What can we do to the non-regeneratable humane culture?

        Record leaves vivid mark for the Chinese nation;

        Presentation let the changing China known to the nation and the world;

        Preservation set up typical model for the future scholars.

        The Story of Family Wang, the television documentary will follow Qu Jingying and her family Wang for the above reasons.

        19.Every Good Marriage Begin with Tears,时长62分钟,导演Simon Chambers(英国)。

        London Muslim girl Shahanara is changing from pink hot pants into a sari to meet her husband at the airport. She has only met him once before, when she was married in a union arranged by her Bangladeshi family. Shahanara only agreed to the marriage to try and heal old wounds with he father, who had banished her from her family for he Western ways. Meanwhile her devout Muslim sister Hashnara is being groomed for he own arranged marriage, something that at 19 she does not feel at all ready for.

        20.Our Courtyard,时长60分钟,导演Frode Storoa(挪威)、和渊(中国)。

        Yang used to live with his two uncles in his ancestral courtyard home until the Land Reform swept the country in the 1950's. As a result of the collectivization that ensued, his uncles were assigned 'landlord' class status, stripped of their property rights and evicted. Because he enjoyed 'middle peasant' status, Yang was allowed to stay. However, he was force to share the Yang clan courtyard with three poor peasant families, and has been living with them ever since.

        Today in post-Reform China's market economy, property rights have been restored and many Chinese are seeking to better their living conditions. The aging Yang now has the opportunity to buy back a portion of his family courtyard. At the same time, Yang's son dreams of building a courtyard home by the lake. This documentary opens the gate to the Yang ancestral courtyard and sheds light on the lives and emotions of the family as they look into the past and towards the future for guidance on how to secure a home in which they and the future generations of Yangs can continue to prosper.

继续浏览:1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 |

  文章来源:新华网云南频道 2009年07月24日 12:32:47

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