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  作者:中国人类学民族学研究会 | 中国民俗学网   发布日期:2009-07-26 | 点击数:47437

        15.Koriam's Law and the Dead Who Govern,时长110分钟,导演Gary Kilde(澳大利亚)、Andrea Simon(美国)。

        In Koriam's Law Australian anthropologist Andrew Lattas engages with with philosopher-informant Peter Avarea of Matong village, Pomio, Papua New Guinea. Through their impassioned dialogue they uncover the cosmology behind the much misunderstood cultural phenomenon: the Pacific "cargo-cult".

        The Pomio Kivung Movement was founded in 1964 by Michael Koriam Urekit. In the face of official condemnation its political and religious philosophy sought to uncover the path to that perfect existence which whites seemed to have found - or been given - and selfishly monopolised.

        Kivung leaders scrutinised the revelations of missionaries for hidden truths and codes. They examined, too, forms of colonial governance - especially money and bureaucracy - for clues to the source of their power. Koriam's central question was how to find a way back from the original ancestral fault that put his people in this subjugated state in the first place. The Kivung incorporated and localised parts of the Christian tradition whilst seeking an ever closer embrace of the beloved dead, inducing and imploring them to hasten their return so that the deprivations and humiliations of racial inequality might end. In the mean time, the twin organs of white power - Mission and Government - needed to be carefully and cleverly propitiated.

        Koriam's Law concerns itself with the contemporary works and cosmological understandings of the Pomio Kivung. Its leaders are keen to show that the movement has nothing to do with 'waiting for cargo'. Rather, its crucial mission is to prepare the way for the coming 'change' and, at the same time, to organise for a better society in the here and now.




        The Story of Yi Mi (Granny's house)

        Some foreigners came to the remote village to buy the YiMi (Granny's living room) of PinChu's to hold an exhibition in BeiJing. To promote the MoSuo culture, Athough PinChu promised to sell them the YiMi, which was passed down from generations to generations, he feels heavy-hearted. How to protect the traditional culture? People with different backgrounds have different opinions.

        There is an ancient Mosuo village named Lijiaju, located in the mountains between Sichuan and Yunnan province. Every household has a YiMi, a holy place for a Mosuo family in which the family members hold all the important ceremonies such as: giving a birth, holding a funeral.

        It is also a place for meals, entertaining guests, family meetings, and different worship ceremonies. With the development of the society, this place attracts tourists from all over the world and they brought different stories.






        People living in the Golden Triangle

        The film displays a picture of the Wa tobacco grower who are separated by mountains struggle for survival under the special social background of the Golden Triangle and the aboriginal and mysterious life form ,it carries out in a large number of little-known and visual-impacted scene which based on the source screened for many years in the hinterland of the Golden Triangle.

        The film is a reflection of a village of the Wa people which was almost isolated, the villagers live in the shabby huts and armed with the most primitive instinct for survival, multiply and grow on the mountain of an altitude of nearly 2000 meters for generations . They extend the primitive farming methods of slash and burn, opening up land by deforestation , they work from sunset to sundown, planting opium poppy, corn and valleys…while gain nothing but poverty year after year.

        They don't know is the diamorphine which made from the opium poppy harm to the world but know the poppy brings money to them. They only want to dress warmly and ear their fill on planting the opium poppy. They vainly attempt to avoid calamities and impetrate foison by offering sacrifice to the ghosts and gods; and believe in exorcism of the koradji of MOBA and cure disease on sucking opium, thus the they have formed a habitude of "opium cures indispositions and MOBA cures serious disease ". They have been not able to get rid of the addiction of the opium…. The local military government declared that "no planting poppy in the precinct and a realization of on narcotics" in 2005, and they expedited armies to uproot the poppies. Planting poppy was forbidden, but what course the people who get food, salt and clothings on poppy to follow?

继续浏览:1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 |

  文章来源:新华网云南频道 2009年07月24日 12:32:47

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