作者简介:央吉卓玛,中国社会科学院民族文学研究所助理研究员(北京 100732)
Abstract: Since the beginning of the 21st century, with the continuous advancement of the safeguarding of the ICH, it is necessary to change the conception and understanding of community-based approaches and process-based methodologies, returning to the living practice of Gesar epic tradition, thereby breaking through the two traditional conservation modes of “the text-centered” and “the artist-centered.” Through a recent field survey, three case studies with the participatory observations from Yul Hrul Prefecture, Qinghai Province, namely, village-based gyam shis grong tsho practice, clan-based gyam shis hor tshang transmission and the local able coordinator yid shes cross-communities provide a threefold model of grass-roots actions for analyzing community-driven practices for safeguarding ICH, reflecting the understanding of the path choice, local practice and endogenous drive towards sustainable development amongst communities, groups and individuals concerned from the perspective of communities, and the safeguarding of the Gesar epic tradition also radiates to other ICH elements that are interconnected with the epic tradition itself, thus highlighting the synergistic approach of “community-centered” multiple actors and their complementary functional cooperation.
Key words: Gesar epic tradition; ICH element[s]; safeguarding-in-process; communities participation; cultural coordinator
About the Author: Gyang skyid sgrol ma, Assistant Research Fellow at Institute of Ethnic Literature, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (Beijing 100732)
文章来源:中国民俗学网 【本文责编:CFNEditor】