张举文,美国宾夕法尼亚大学民俗学博士(主攻民俗与民间生活,兼攻都市研究)。现为美国崴涞大学亚洲研究中心副教授、美国西部民俗学会副主席;主要研究方向为仪式、流散民民俗、民俗表演、族群认同、海外华人社区、跨国民俗事象(如中国菜,电影和风水),中国民俗和民间生活,以及华人/亚裔美国人的民俗。在以上领域发表论文三十余篇,出版译著《人类及其象征》([瑞士]卡尔·荣格著,合译,1988)、《过渡礼仪》([法] 阿诺尔德·范热内普著,2010)、《记录我们自己》([美]莎伦·谢尔曼著,2011)等。目前正致力于美国华裔民俗与华人社会的通过仪礼研究和电影民俗研究。
个人主页:美国崴涞大学 ; 个人教学空间
Juwen Zhang
Associate Professor of Chinese Language and Culture, College of Liberal Arts, Willamette University.
Professor Zhang earned his M.A. and Ph.D. in Folklore and Folklife from the University of Pennsylvania, along with Urban Studies Certificate. He also attended the graduate programs in Dartmouth College and in Shenyang Normal University in China. His academic training has led his research interests to topics such as, Chinese ritual studies, folklore performance, ethnic identity, humor, material culture, popular culture, and Chinese/Asian American folklore. His current research is on the Rites of Passage in Chinese Societies and Filmic Folklore.
As a language teacher, Professor Zhang has brought with him extensive experience in teaching Chinese language from these programs: Dartmouth College, Middlebury College Summer Language School, Swarthmore College, Haverford College, and Bryn Mawr College in the past seven years, as well as ten years' language teaching in China. His teaching style has integrated the merits from different approaches, emphasizing communicative proficiency. Through visualization and dramatization in reinforcement drills and situational conversations, he tries to make the process of learning Chinese not only efficient, but also interesting and pleasant.
Currently, Professor Zhang teaches Chinese language at all levels and the following culture courses: Rites of Passage in Chinese Societies (CHNSE 252) in the fall and Language, Ethnicity, and Folklore in China (CHNSE 254) in the spring.