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(庄孔韶 中国人民大学社会学系教授)
On the Research Orientations of Anthropology and the Other Disciplines:
Methods of“Locusts”and “Mole”
Zhuang Kongshao
Abstract: The paper is a study of the research orientations of anthropology and the other four or five disciplines such as sociology and folklore, etc., all of which do research in terms of the distributional features in some areas, metaphorically the methods of “locusts”, and in terms of particular location, metaphorically the methods of “mole”. All the research orientations are supposed to be treated equally, because the purpose of all the orientations is a holistic and ultimate knowledge of human beings in a deeper and broader sense of the term. Therefore there is a need for an understanding of different methods of locusts and moles for different disciplines and for a pursuit of the junctures and methods for mutual references and relations in different research frameworks and fieldwork for a cross-disciplinary study. Thus the paper offers a multi-exemplification and argumentation, as well as a prospect, for the methods of a cross-disciplinary study.
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