英文提要 (Abstract)
There are many different views on the Chinese national character. This paper tries to sum up their diversity by deducing 12 aspects altogether, on which a questionnaire survey was based as further investigation. Chinese people of today are asked to judge the character of the Chinese people of yesterday, while in the end the results would be quantified, in order to make the change of the Chinese national character visible. According to theories of "culture and personality", aspects like feeding, weaning, institutionalized care or neglect of children play an important role in the formation of a national character, but in the case of the Chinese, a special role must be ascribed to Confucius, whose doctrine had a significant impact on the development of the national character as well as personality concepts in China. It was only in the last century, after the May-4th-Movement and especially during the Cultural Revolution, that the Confucian model of personality status was severely shaken or even destroyed. The question is how we can learn from history and reshape the model of the Confucian personality in order to promote the reconstruction of the value system and the sublimation of the national character of the Chinese people.
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[4] 赫尔德(Johann Gottfried von Herder 1744-1803):德国哲学家、神学家、历史学家和文学评论家。
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[6] 巴斯蒂安 (Adolf Bastian 1826-1905):德国民族学家。
[7] 晒夫勒(Albert Eberhard von Schäffle 1831-1903):德国经济学家、社会学家和出版家; 里连费尔德(Paul von Lilienfeld 1829-1903):德国血统的俄国社会学家,社会有机体论的代表人物之一;古朴劳费茨(Ludwig Gumplovicz 1838-1909):波兰-奥地利社会学家。
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[21] 这里所讨论的中国人的民族性主要是指中国汉族人的民族性。
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文章来源:民俗学博客-王霄冰的个人空间 【本文责编:王娜】