摘 要:从联合国教科文组织全球能力建设计划,到非洲南部次区域合作,再到中国与非洲国家和中东欧国家的跨区域合作,各利益攸关方在积极参与实施《非遗公约》的进程中,围绕非遗保护开展了形式多样、内涵丰富的合作与交流,为非物质文化遗产保护助力人类文明交流互鉴奠定了深厚的民意基础和广阔的实践空间,也面临着加速实现可持续发展目标的复杂挑战。新时代新征程,扎实做好中国非遗系统性保护,推动中华优秀传统文化更好走向世界,依然需要不断巩固和拓展以社区为基础的各利益攸关方的保护网络和伙伴关系,依托中国在外交领域和文化领域的双边和多边合作机制,以非遗保护之于可持续发展和人类持久和平的对话资源夯实“民心相通”桥梁,以中国实践积极参与全球文化治理,为推动构建人类命运共同体的中国方案做出切实贡献。
作者简介: 马千里,扬州大学外国语学院副教授(扬州 225127)
Abstract: International cooperation and exchanges on Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) safeguarding have multiple forms, such as UNESCO’s Global Capacity Building Programme, subregional cooperation in Southern Africa, cross-regional cooperation between China, African countries and Central and Eastern European countries. Various stakeholders have carried out cooperation and exchanges in various forms with rich content on ICH safeguarding during their implementation of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. These activities have laid a solid foundation of public opinion and created numerous potentialities for the purpose that the ICH safeguarding can promote the exchanges and mutual appreciation of Civilizations. These cooperation and exchanges are also facing challenge of accelerating the achievement of the sustainable development goals. In the new era, to accomplish a systematic safeguarding of ICH in China, and to promote the representative traditional Chinese culture to the world, it is still necessary to continuously consolidate and develop the community-based safeguarding network and partnership among stakeholders. China's bilateral and multilateral diplomatic and cultural cooperation mechanisms are also needed, so as to solidify the “people-to-people communication” through the dialogue resources from the ICH safeguarding for sustainable development and lasting peace. An active participation in global cultural governance with China’s practices is therefore necessary to promote the building of a Community with a Shared Future of Humanity, which is the core at China’s solutions for the world.
Keywords: intangible cultural heritage, a community with a shared future of humanity, belt and road initiative, international cooperation
About the Author: MA Qianli, Associate Professor at School of International Studies, Yangzhou University (Yangzhou 225127)
文章来源:中国民俗学网 【本文责编:CFNEditor】