原题:教科文组织《信使》送你原汁原味的“稻鱼鸭” !
Sharing the latest articles of the UNESCO Courier with you.
On the occasion of the Chinese New Year, “UNESCOcourier” - a bilingual WeChat subscription account of the UNESCO’s flagship magazine The Courier - was officially launched on 31 January 2019.
In the latest edition of the Courier, an article from Chinese experts titled Discussing "Rice-Fish-Duck Agriculture" and People, brought us atmosphere of the festival, and gained the attention of readers worldwide. This article, which introduces the “Rice-Fish-Duck” ecosystems in Guizhou, China, has allowed the culture and traditional wisdom of Chinese agriculture and farming to reappear in the context of global agriculture production and advancement.
在最新一期的杂志中,一篇来自中国专家的文章《论稻鱼鸭和人》,给大家带来了十足的 “年味”,也引起了全球读者的关注。这篇关于中国贵州 “稻鱼鸭” 生态系统科学价值的介绍,让中国农耕文明的传统智慧在全球化农业生产背景中重放异彩。
The Dong people, living in Congjiang county, in the heart of Guizhou province, invented centuries ago a “green” agricultural system to produce organic food. They catered to the biological and ecological characteristics of the various organisms, and made the rice, fish and ducks live harmoniously without any pesticides. The system preserves the diversity of local agricultural species, reduces the production costs, and increases the market value of the rice, fish and ducks. The “Rice-Fish-Duck” system, dating back to the Eastern Han dynasty, is recognized by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and was designated a Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) site in 2001. It was cited as “an extraordinary living model of water and soil resources”.
位于中国贵州省中部从江县的侗族,于几个世纪前发明了一种生产有机食品的 “绿色” 生态系统,它巧妙地运用了各种生物的生态特征和特殊需求,在不使用杀虫剂的情况下,使稻、鱼、鸭这三个土生土长的品种在耕地匮乏的土地上和谐共存。它既保护了当地农作物品种的多样性,降低了生产成本,又提升了稻、鱼、鸭的的市场价值。这种可追溯到东汉时期的智慧农业生态模式,也得到了联合国粮食及农业组织 (FAO) 的认可,于2001 年被指定为全球重要农业遗产系统遗址(GIAHS),并被称为是 “一种超乎寻常的充分利用水土资源的生活模式” 。
A series of photos taken by Chinese photographer Kuang Huimin gives us a clear picture of the people’s life and wisdom from the land of "rice, fish and duck".
让我们通过一组来自中国摄影家旷惠民的摄影作品,近距离感受来自这片 “稻鱼鸭” 土地上人的智慧。
As you search “UNESCO Courier” in the WeChat public platform, you will find more of what the Chinese call “New Year Goods” – goods traditionally given as gifts in the New Year season to bring wealth, luck, health, and prosperity – in the form of knowledge. This global knowledge sharing platform provides you with analyses of hot topics, articles from the latest Courier, short video explorations of UNESCO headquarters in Paris, and information about the reader’s club activities. Please subscribe to “UNESCOcourier”, and join us in exploring a sea of thoughts and ideas!
在微信公众号里搜索“UNESCO Courier”,找到我们,你将发现更多沉甸甸的知识 “年货”,进入一个全球性的知识共享平台。这里不仅有热点分析、最新主题文章、教科文巴黎总部的视频探秘,还有旨在培育和发展世界公民的读者俱乐部活动分享!欢迎关注 “联合国教科文信使”,在思想浪潮里淘金!
Read article Discussing "Rice-Fish-Duck Agriculture"
文章来源:“联合国教科文信使”微信公众号 2019-02-12 【本文责编:孟令法】