反思人类学从根本上颠覆了民族志的权威,但是这并不意味着民族志方法乃至人类学研究已经走投无路。面对上述质疑与困境,坦率地承认语言、修辞、权力和历史是公开出现在写作过程中的;坦承在文化研究中,我们不再能够了解全部的事实,或声称接近了它们。清楚地意识到并承认我们所表述的只是“部分的真实”(partial truths),即真相、真理的相对性、部分性和动态性;同时在整个田野工作与写作过程中对权力关系保持警醒和反思,不断探索新的更接近社会世界现实的文化表述方式,这正是民族志重新获得权威(合法性)的基本前提。
在一个全球化与地方化交融共进的世界中,中国的社会-文化人类学面临更大和更多的困境与挑战,一方面,我们必须正视由于历史、文化乃至政治原因造成的中国人类学的微弱与沉默的现状,具体而言,传统的经典性民族志工作尚未大功告成;而另一方面,在世界范围内,传统人类学的权威、主流及其理论方法在全面的反思中一无幸免地遭到质疑,我们对此后现代人类学的新挑战也不能视而不见;故此我们需要在两条战线上同时作战。而现实状况却是我们的学科依然自鸣得意或者自得其乐地沉浸在崇高、神秘甚至自恋的情绪中,依然在贵族式地奢侈着,依然在社会转型需要学术研究的迫切中不着边际、华而不实着,…… 徜若真如沈原所批评的:就问题意识的生产而言,面对巨大的社会转型,……却因遭遇“后现代”,只强调“微小实践”和走向“碎片化”的思维方式;在理论和技术方面,本来应当发展有能力把握剧烈社会变动的理论和方法,但却简单接受最适合于测量稳定社会的理论和技术手段,……这就窒息了中国社会学的“想象力”,造成了它的“错位”:在形成阶级分层的时代去研究职业分层;在社会冲突的时代去研究稳定结构;在劳动生产过程之外去研究劳工;面对底层社会的苦难却因强调“价值中立”而无动于衷(沈原,2009,2-3),那么实在是这一时代学术和学术人的悲哀。
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We are in the process of the social transformation that someone called “the third great transformation” (in Karl Polanyi"s meaning). In front of this process, as social sciences researchers, we have to present and answer the fatal and divertive (academic interesting) questions, which deal with the great social changes and produce the academic knowledge. The social transformation bring invitation and challenge to social anthropology in the same way, it is imminently demand to make the sociological imagination running to the ethnographic penetration, that should include four aspects: the macroscopical visual field of ethnography; the historical dimension of ethnography; the theoretical ambition of ethnography; and the reflexive capability of ethnography.
Above-mentioned four aspects aim at some disfigurement or limitation in Chinese anthropology nowadays, that including cannot see the wood for the forest so that be incapable to front of the big social transformation; run short of historical perspective for penetrating through the traditional society, communist society, and post-communist society; there is a lack of question-idea, that research become just description without theoretical ambition; and be short of reflexivity that means feeling self mysterious, elite, and lofty luxury but apart from people"s everyday life and social practice in the rich and complicated social-cultural change. We can attempt to have the Extended Case Method, Oral History research, and Process-Event Analysis to get to ethnography penetration.
Being provided with this ethnographic penetration, as a kind of important mental quality, ethnographers can understand and interpret the great transformation in Chinese society, and accomplish the academic and public missions.
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文章来源:中国社会科学在线 2012年07月22日08:41 【本文责编:CFNEditor】