美国当地时间2019年10月17日,美国民俗学会2019年年会举行颁证仪式,中国民俗学会荣誉会长朝戈金、常务理事高丙中被推选为美国民俗学会“荣誉国际会士”(Honorary International Fellow)。
美国民俗学会成立于1888年,按例每年召开一次年会。第131届年会暨2019年年会于10月16-19日在美国马里兰州巴尔的摩市如期举办。美国民俗学会会士”(Fellows of the American Folklore Society)制度设立于1960年,旨在认定和表彰美国民俗学会会员中对民俗学学科和民俗学研究事业作出突出贡献的人士。2016年,美国民俗学会增设“荣誉国际会士”,以表彰国际上有卓越贡献的民俗学者。
在过去的几年间,先后有赫尔曼·鲍辛格(Hermann Bausinger)等7位来自不同国家的民俗学者相继当选“荣誉国际会士“。在今年的颁证仪式上,朝戈金(中国社会科学院)、高丙中(北京大学)、于鲁·瓦尔克(Ulo Valk,爱沙尼亚塔尔图大学)等4名民俗学者获此殊荣。
Fellows of the American Folklore Society
Established in 1960, the Fellows of the American Folklore Society is an honorary body of folklorists, whose election to the Fellows signifies their outstanding contributions to the field. Members of the Fellows have produced a significant number of important articles, books, and other scholarly productions or exhibitions on folklore, and have provided meritorious service to the Society and the discipline of folklore studies. In addition to its honorary function, the Fellows sponsor activities to advance folklore studies, including mentoring programs for students, plenary sessions at the annual meeting, and special awards. The Fellows meet annually during the AFS annual meeting, usually inducting new members at that time.
The President of the Fellows for 2019 is Marcia Gaudet, emerita of University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
文章来源:中国民俗学网 【本文责编:张丽丽】