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  作者:北京大学中文系民间文学教研室 | 中国民俗学网   发布日期:2013-06-02 | 点击数:7041

演讲题目:Historical Pop Culture as Intangible Culture Heritage?

主讲人:比尔· 艾伟(Bill Ivey)



主办:中国民俗学会  北京大学中文系民间文学教研室



比尔· 艾伟 Bill Ivey (AFS President, 2006-2007)

Bill Ivey is the Director of the Curb Center for Art, Enterprise, and Public Policy at Vanderbilt University, an arts policy research center with offices in Nashville, Tennessee, and Washington, DC. He also serves as Senior Consultant to Leadership Music, a music industry professional development program, and chairs the board of the National Recording Preservation Foundation, a federally-chartered foundation affiliated with the Library of Congress.

From May, 1998 through September, 2001, Ivey served as the seventh Chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal cultural agency. Following years of controversy and significant budget cuts, Ivey's leadership is credited with restoring Congressional confidence in the work of the NEA. Ivey's Challenge America Initiative, launched in 1999, has to date garnered more than $19 million in new Congressional appropriations for the Arts Endowment. Ivey returned to Washington, DC, in the fall of 2008 to serve as Team Leader for Arts and Humanities in the Barack Obama Presidential Transition.

Prior to government service, Ivey was director of the Country Music Foundation in Nashville, Tennessee. He was twice elected board chairman of the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences. Ivey holds degrees in folklore, history, and ethnomusicology, as well as honorary doctorates from the University of Michigan, Michigan Technological University, Wayne State University, and Indiana University. He is a four-time Grammy Award nominee (Best Album Notes category), and is the author of numerous articles on US cultural policy and folk and popular music. Ivey is the author of Arts, Inc.: How Greed and Neglect Have Destroyed Our Cultural Rights (University of California Press, 2008), called by critic Benjamin Barber "an important book about democracy.” (来源:美国民俗学会网站


Arts, Inc.: How Greed and Neglect Have Destroyed our Cultural Rights

Bill Ivey on the state of the arts in America

In this impassioned and persuasive book, Bill Ivey, the former chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts, assesses the current state of the arts in America and finds cause for alarm. Even as he celebrates our ever-emerging culture and the way it enriches our lives here at home while spreading the dream of democracy around the world, he points to a looming crisis. The expanding footprint of copyright, an unconstrained arts industry marketplace, and a government unwilling to engage culture as a serious arena for public policy have come together to undermine art, artistry, and cultural heritage—the expressive life of America. In eight succinct chapters, Ivey blends personal and professional memoir, policy analysis, and deeply held convictions to explore and define a coordinated vision for art, culture, and expression in American life.


At a time when international polls show doubts about America, our art and culture are a crucial resource for our soft power. Bill Ivey does a wonderful job of explaining the importance of art as a public issue. —Joseph S. Nye, Jr., author of Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics

A profoundly important diagnosis by perhaps America’s best-qualified critic of the harm to our culture caused by overregulation and inadequate support. Ivey has given us a rich and beautifully written warning about the culture we’re losing, and a powerful and historically compelling image of a culture that could be.—Lawrence Lessig, Stanford Law School

Walt Whitman was democracy’s eloquent poet who understood that democracy is not just a form of government but a way of life rooted in culture. Bill Ivey is culture’s eloquent advocate who knows that as democracy needs the arts, the arts need the advocacy of government. His manifesto Arts, Inc.  is a passionate attack on the commercialization of culture and a plea for a cultural bill of rights that will restore to all Americans their right to a heritage, to creative expression and to a creative life. This is not just a vital book about the arts, but a vital book about democracy. —Benjamin R. Barber, author of Jihad vs. McWorld and Consumed

Bill Ivey has written a thoughtful and thought-provoking book on the state of the arts in America today. He tracks our loss of heritage and risk-taking and comments cogently on the past culture wars. His discussion of the corporate hijacking of intellectual property is highly articulate and should be read by everyone.—Jane Alexander

You don’t have to agree with all his conclusions to recognize that Bill Ivey’s Arts, Inc.  is an important book. It’s a must-read for all those interested in American art and culture and the public interest in preserving access to our heritage for everyone, and as it contributes to the arts of today and tomorrow.—Frank Hodsoll

Arts, Inc. is the first comprehensive effort to explore the role and potential of a coordinated vision for art, culture, and expression in American public life. Through strands of personal and professional memoir, policy analysis, for-profit and nonprofit industry insights, and personal conviction, Bill Ivey defines a new canvas for more productive and inclusive conversations on the expressive life of our nation and its citizens.—Andrew Taylor, Bolz Center for Arts Administration, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Very few observers of the contemporary U.S. and global arts worlds have Bill Ivey’s capacity for first-hand examples of how trade representatives, artists, music executives, corporate attorneys, elected officials, non-profit executives and many other participants influence the course of the arts, and in particular, the public’s access to the arts. Arts, Inc. is an important work because it asserts, in a very thoughtful and urgent manner, that Americans have a right to a better expressive life.—John Kreidler, retired Executive Director, Cultural Initiatives Silicon Valley



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