[20] 祝秀丽,《辽宁省中部乡村故事讲述人活动研究——以辽宁省辽中县徐家屯村为个案》,第86-87页,北京师范大学博士学位论文2002年。
[21] Richard Bauman,“Disclaimer of Performance,”in Responsibility and Evidence in Oral Discourse,eds.Jan H.Hill and Judith T.Irvine.New York,Victoria:Cambridge University Press,1992(first published 1993),p.95-196.
[22] Richard Bauman,“The Field Study of Folklore in Context,”in Handbook of American Folklore,p.366.
[23] Edward D. Ives,The Tape-Recorded Interview:A Manual For Field Workers in Folklore and Oral History,p.45.
[24] Linda Dégh,Folkltales and Society:Story-Telling in a Hungarian Peasant Community, p.113.
[25] Folkltales and Society:Story-Telling in a Hungarian Peasant Community,p.54.
[26] J.Mason Brewer, Worser Days and Better Times.转引自Bruce Jackson,Fieldwork. Urbana and Chicago:University of Illinois Press,1987,p.262.
[29] George Marcus,Michael Fischer,eds.Anthropology As Cultural Critique:An Experimental Moment in the Human Sciences.Chicago,1986.James Clifford,“Introduction:Partial Truth,”in Writing Culture,eds.James Clifford and George Marcus,California,1986.
[30] 金光亿,《现代社会人类学:60年代以来的主题、理论与方法》,《社会文化人类学讲演集》(上),第182-183页。
[32] 王铭铭,《远方文化的迷:民族志与实验民族志》,《社会文化人类学讲演集》(上),第254-255页。
[33] 乐梅,《关于女性人类学》,《社会文化人类学讲演集》(上),第469页。
[34] 吕微,《反思的民间文学与民俗学的学术伦理》。
[35] 同上。
[36] 高丙中,《知识分子、民间与一个寺庙博物馆的诞生:对民俗学的学术实践的新探索》,《民间文化论坛》,2004年6月,总第137期。
[37] Bruce Jackson,Fieldwork,p.263-265.
[38] Fieldwork,p.263-264.
[39] The Tape-Recorded Interview:A Manual For Field Workers in Folklore and Oral History,p.34.
[40] Fieldwork,p.259.
[41] Lauri Honko,“Do we need a folkloristic code of ethics?”in FFN 21,March 2001:2-7.
[42] [url]http://www.afsnet.org/aboutAFS/ethics.cfm[/url]
[43] Ulrich Marzolph, “A Code of Ethics for Folklore Studies:An invitation to participate in an interdisciplinary debate,”in FFN 14,December 1997: 11-12.
[44] Lauri Honko,“Do we need a folkloristic code of ethics?”
[45] Lauri Honko,“Do we need a folkloristic code of ethics?”
[46] 吕微,《反思的民间文学与民俗学的学术伦理》。
[47] 需要指出的是,“家乡民俗学”概念的提出以及结合了家乡田野研究经验的一些理论探索成果,在此方面做出了重要贡献。但是,相关研究在理论和实践层面都有待进一步深入。
[48] Richard Bauman,“The Field Study of Folklore in Context,”in Handbook of American Folklore,p.365-366.
[49] 廖明君、巴莫曲布嫫,《田野研究的五个在场——巴莫曲布嫫访谈录》。
[50] Richard Bauman,“The Field Study of Folklore in Context,”in Handbook of American Folklore,p.366.
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文章来源:民俗学博客—杨利慧的空间 【本文责编:王娜】