[1] Edmund Leach, Social Anthropology, Fontana, 1983, pp.126-127.
[2] "Preface by Bronislow Malinowski", in Fei Xiaotong, Peasant Life in China, London, 1939, p.xx.
[3] 费孝通著《乡土中国》之“后记”,北京三联书店1985再版,页94。
[4] W.W.Rostow, The Stages of Economic Growth, Cambridge,1960.
[5] Clifford Geertz, Peddlers and Princes, Chicago, 1963.
[6]Eric Hobsbawm and Terence Ranger, The Invention of Tradition, Cambridge, 1983; Benedict Anderson, Imagined Communities, Verso, 1983.
[7] Edward Shils, Tradition, Chicago, 1981.
[8] 如:Steven Harrel, 1985, "Why do the Chinese work so hard? Reflections on an entreprenuer ethic", Modern China, Vol.11, pp.206-266.
[9] 如:Justin Niehoff, "The Chinese villager as industrialist", Modern China, 1987, Vol.13, pp.278-309.
[10] Gordon Redding, The Spirit of Chinese Capitalism, de Gruyter, 1990.
[11] Martin Whyte, "The Social Roots of Chinese Economic Development", The China Quarterly, 1995, No.144, pp.999-1019.
[12] Kenneth Dean, Taoism and Popular Cults in Southeast China, Princeton, 1993, pp.4-6.
[13] Clifford Geertz, Peddlers and Princes, pp.3-4.
[14] 塘东蔡氏家族《蔡氏家谱》,1985年版。
[15] G.William Skinner, "Marketing and social structure in rural China", Journal of Asian Studies, 1964-65:2-43;195-228.
[16] Steven Sangren, History and Magical Power in a Chinese Community, Stanford, 1987, pp.61-92.
[17] 郑振满《明清福建家族组织与社会变迁》,湖南教育出版社1992年版,第62-103页。
[18] 参见:Arthur Wolf ed., Religion and Ritual in Chinese Society, Stanford, 1974, pp.105-182; Emily Martin Ahern, Chinese Ritual and Politics, Cambridge, 1981.
[19] Stephan Feuchtwang, The Imperial Metaphor: Popular Religion in China, Routledge, 1992.
[20] 王铭铭《试论泉州港的勃兴与泉州地区人口增长的关系》,刊与《福建人口》,1987(1)。
[21] Robert Redfield, Peasant Society and Culture, Chicago, 1956.
[22] Ernest Gellner, Nations and Nationalism, Blackwell, 1983.
[23] 周英《封建迷信与群众文化》,刊于《群众文化》,1988(1)。
[24] Helen Siu, "Recycling tradition", Unofficial China, Perry Link et al eds., Westview, 1989, pp.121-137.
[25] Maurice Freedman, Lineage Organisation in Southeast China, Athlone, 1958.
[26] Emily Martin Ahern, Chinese Ritual and Politics, Cambridge, 1981.
[27] 菲律宾锦东同乡会1987年重印《章程》。
[28] 金井镇侨联会编《金井侨乡》1990,第88-89页。
[29] 请参考周忠德和严炬新编译《现代化问题探索》,知识出版社1983年版。
[30] 斯潘塞 (Jonathan Spence)《改变中国》,三联书店1990年版,第291-295页。
[31] Myron Cohen, "Cultural and political inventions in modern China", Daedalus,1994,122:2, pp.151-170.
[32] Anthony Giddens, 1985, The Nation-State and Violence, Polity.
[33] 不过,由于她的模式局限在对地方政治精英阶层的地位分析,因此不足以作为建构汉人社区史叙述框架的基础。汉学人类学者如要清楚地表述汉人社区中社会力量的历时性转型,需要对社区中和影响社区的外来社会-文化力量作出历史的探讨,而要做到这一点,他们尚需要在宏观的国家与社会关系变迁史的框架下作一番试验。
[34] 费孝通等著《人的研究在中国》,天津人民出版社1993年版。
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