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  作者:琼斯 (Michael Owen Jones) 朝戈金 巴莫曲布嫫 | 中国民俗学网   发布日期:2008-10-16 | 点击数:29412


  [1] 访谈录的文本誊写(interview transcripts)说明:目前国内学界发表了不少访谈类文章,但尚未形成一套适用性较强的文体誊写标准,这里采用的相关符号仅为访谈者尝试性使用的标注办法:

2) 圆括号“( )”内的字段表示注解;
3) 方括号“[ ]”内的字段表示动作、体态或副语言的表达;
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10)“~ ~ ~”表示叙述中犹豫、不连贯;
11) “┄”表示突起的停顿;

  以上标注方法受“民族志诗学”(Ethnopoetics)关于文本呈现方式(从口头表演到印刷文本)的启发,在操作上部分地参考了美国民俗学田野访谈和口述史访谈的誊写格式,同时在整理过程中我们也分别征求了杨利慧、安德明、刘宗迪、康丽等同人的意见。大家都一致认为访谈录(包括田野访谈和学术访谈)的誊写格式应该作为学科规范加以重视。欢迎大家对以上的试验性操作提出批评和建议,以推进誊写规范的讨论。【说明】这里所说的誊写格式,发布到网上之后都“消失”了,需要了解的读者请对照纸媒原刊──CFN 编辑注

  [2] 多尔逊从上个世纪50年代后期起,就开始提倡从历史的角度研究民俗和民间文学的起源和发展,从边民、移民、地区、族群、大众传播等角度构架了“美国民间文化学说”(theory of American folk culture)。他的历史性贡献在于从民间传统发展美国民俗学,提出美国具有独特的“民间形式”(folk forms),并且体现为特定的地方化的“民间群体”(folk groups),包括“德裔宾夕法尼亚人”、“奥扎克高地”、“西班牙裔的新墨西哥人”、“犹他州的摩门教徒”、“大城市的民间故事和传说”,以及“大学生的民俗”等。按照这种思路,他将学理性的潜在概念带进了民间文化的阐释。正是在多尔逊的引领下,“美国民俗学的发展既吸纳了欧洲诸多重要的学术传统, 超越了‘原始遗留物’学说的囿限;而且‘在一个较短的时期内,使美国文明出现在赤裸的大地上, 并赋予了与众不同的研究机构、文献、行为和民俗传承’,由此美国文化的多样性催生出诸多精神文化的理性感受者和思考家。”(摘自2003年《密西根遗产奖》授奖词)──访谈者注

  [3] 唐·约德(Don Yoder):美国音乐家和民俗学者。1950 年代,在富兰克林和马歇尔学院执教;1960年代,先后在宾夕伐尼亚大学的宗教思想系和民俗与民众生活系任教。约德的学术著述大多与宾夕伐尼亚的德国移民及其生活有关。他的主要研究兴趣之一是福音派新教友联合教堂。约德主要著作包括:《马汉汤沟河的歌:宾夕伐尼亚的荷兰民谣》 (Songs Along the Mahantongo: Pennsylvania Dutch Folk-Songs, 1951,合著),《宾夕伐尼亚的宗教事物》(Pennsylvania Spirituals, 1962),《美国民众生活》(American Folklife, 1976编),《宾夕伐尼亚的德国移民:1709-1786》(Pennsylvania German Immigrants:1709-1786, 1980),《莱茵地区移民:美洲殖民时期的德国移民者名录》 (Rhineland Emigrants: Lists of German Settlers in Colonial America, 1981编),《马汉汤沟河谷的装饰家具》(Decorated Furniture of the Mahantongo Valley, 1987),《发现美国民众生活:族群、宗教与区域文化研究》(Discovering American Folklife: Studies in Ethnic, Religious, and Regional Culture, 1990)。──访谈者注


Bronner, Simon J. 1998 Following Tradition: Folklore in the Discourse of American Culture. Logan: Utah State University Press.
Bronner, Simon J. 1986. American Folklore Studies: An Intellectual History. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas.
Bauman, Richard. 1969. "Towards a Behavioral Theory of Folklore: A Reply to Roger Welsch." Journal of American Folklore 82:167-170
Ben-Amos, Dan. 1985. “On the Final[s] in Folkloristics.” Journal of American Folklore 98:334-336.
Ben-Amos, Dan. 1974 ed. Folklore Genres. Austin: U. of Texas Press. Publications for American Folklore Society, Bibliographical and Special Series, 26. (See especially the introduction and essays by Bynum, Dégh/Vázsonyi, Seitel, Toelken, Hrdlicková, and Ben-Amos.)
Ben-Amos, Dan.  1972. “Toward a Definition of Folklore in Context.”  In Toward New Perspectives in Folklore, A. Paredes and R. Bauman, eds., Austin: U. of Texas Press, p. 3-15.
Ben-Amos, Dan, and Goldstein, Kenneth S. 1975 eds. Folklore: Performance and Communication. The Hague:Mouton. (See especially the introduction and essays by Hymes, Rosenberg, Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, and Dégh/Vázsonyi)
Dorson, Richard M. 1983. Handbook of American Folklore. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Dorson, Richard M. 1972 ed. Folklore and Folklife: An Introduction. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (See especially essays by Dégh, Richmond, Abrahams/Dundes, Smith, Georges, Yoder, List, and Kealiinohomoku)
Dorson, Richard M. 1968 ed. Peasant Customs and Savage Myths: Selections from the British Folklorists. Two-volume set. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Dorson, Richard M. 1968. The British Folklorists: A History. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul
Dorson, Richard M. 1952. Bloodstoppers and Bearwalkers: Folk Traditions of the Upper Peninsula. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press
Dundes, Alan. 1999 ed. International Folkloristics: Classic Contributions by the Founders of Folklore. Lanham, Boulder, New York, Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield.
Dundes, Alan. 1999 ed. “Folk-Lore and the Origin of the Word.”International Folkloristics: Classic Contributions by the Founders of Folklore. Pp9-14. Lanham, Boulder, New York, Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield.
Dundes, Alan. 1965 ed. The Study of Folklore. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Dundes, Alan. 1980. “Who are the Folk?” Interpreting Folklore, Pp1-19. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Brunvand, Jan Harold. 1997. The Study of American Folklore: An Introduction. 4th Edition. New York: Norton. Originally published in 1968.
Georges, Robert A., 1986. “The Pervasiveness in Contemporary Folklore Studies of Assumptions, Concepts and Constructs Usually Associated with the Historic-Geographic Method,” Journal of Folklore Research, Volume 23, Nos. 2-3 May-December 1986
Georges, Robert A., and Jones, Michael Owen. 1995. Folkloristics: An Introduction. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Jackson, Bruce. 1985. "Folkloristics." Journal of American Folklore 98:95-101.
Jackson, Bruce. 1986. "Into the Looking Glass: Reply to Kirshenblatt-Gimblett and Ben-Amos." Journal of American Folklore 99:75-77.
Kagarow, Eugen. 1929. “Folkloristik und Volkskunde.”Mitteilungen der Schlesischen Gesellschaft für Volkskunde 30: 70-77.
Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Barbara. 1985. “Di Folkloristik: A Good Yiddish Word.” Journal of American Folklore 98:331-334.
Leland, Charles G. 1890‑92. “Aus dem Begrüssüngsschrieben an die Gesellschaft,” Ethnologische Mitteilungen aus Ungarn 2(1): 2‑3.
Oring, Elliott. 1986 ed. Folk Groups and Folklore Genres: An introduction, Logan, Utah: Utah State University Press.
Oring, Elliott. 1986 ed. Folk Groups and Folklore Genres: A Reader, Logan, Utah: Utah State University Press.
Paredes, Americo, and Bauman, Richard. 2000 eds. Toward New Perspectives in Folklore. Bloomington: Trickster Press.Originally published for the American Folklore Society in 1972, Austin: University of Texas Press.
Redfield, Robert. 1960. The Little Community and Peasant Society and Culture, Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press
, Robert. 1947. “The Folk Society.” American Journal of Sociology 52: 293-308. And in Readings in Anthropology. Morton H. Fried ed. New York: T.Y. Crowell, 1964. Pp311-31.
Stahl, Sandra Dolby. 1989. Literary Folkloristics and the Personal Narrative, Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Toelken, Barre. 1996. The Dynamics of Folklore. Revised and expanded edition. Logan: Utah State University Press. Originally published 1979.
Welsch, Roger. 1968. “A Note on Definitions.” Journal of American Folklore 81:262-264.
Welsch, Roger. 1969 “A Comment on Professor Bauman's ‘Reply.’ ” Journal of American Folklore 82:170
Yoder, Don. 1976 “Folklife Studies in American Scholarship.” American Folklife. edited by Don Yoder. Austin: University of Texas Press, pp. 3-18.
Yoder, Don. 1963. “The Folklife Studies Movement,” Pennsylvania Folklife 13:43-56.
Zumwalt, Rosemary Levy. 1988. American Folklore Scholarship: A Dialogue of Dissent, Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.


  (巴莫曲布嫫 整理 翻译)


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