Gao Bingzhong, an folklorist in China, is the first person leading the "Living World" into Folklore and defining it as the field of Folklore. With folklorists having not enough understanding of this academic concept, the attention of it has just stayed in the level of the philosophy, lacking of the feasibility study in the operational level. The "Living World" of Folklore includes two levels: ordinary life-world and primitive life-world. The study field of Folk culture and Folk life is in the living world. In other words, this study will ultimately fall on the two specific levels of the "Living World". So making specific and in-depth analysis of this two levels can preliminarily show the significance of the "Living World" in Folklore study.
文章来源:《温州大学学报(社会科学版)> 2008年第7期 【本文责编:思玮】