(16)黄忏华,《美学略史》,商务印书馆,1924年;上海:上海书店,1992年影印《民国丛书》第一编66辑,20、27、39-40页。该书讨论心理学的美学时将费肖尔(Friedrich Theodor Vischer,他写作费诗)、立普斯(他写作栗泊士Lepps,应作Lipps)列为一例。
(20)近代德国的美学文选,参见Harry Francis Mallgrave and Eleftherios Ikonomou eds., Empathy, Form, and Space: Problems in German Aesthetics, 1873-1893 (Los Angeles: The Getty Center For The History Of Art, 1993)。
(26)Friedrich Meinecke, Die Entstehung des Historismus (München: R. Oldenbourg, 1965, 2d ed.), p. 357.
(29)最近对于赫尔德美学的介绍文章见张玉能:《赫尔德与狂飙突进的浪漫主义美学思潮》,《青岛科技大学学报》2004年第二期;英文学界对赫尔德美学思想的研究见Robert Edward Norton, Herder's Aesthetics and the European Enlightenment (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1991)。宗白华的弟子刘小枫《诗化哲学:德国浪漫美学传统》(济南:山东文艺出版社,1986年)一书研究了德国从古典时代到现代马克思主义的浪漫主义美学传统,但完全没有提赫尔德。
(31)如Charles Edward Gauss 为《观念史辞典》所写的词条Empathy, 见 Dictionary of the History of Ideas (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1973 -1974), pp. 85 -89; 以及 G. W. Pigman, “Freud and the History of Empathy,” The International Journal of Psycho-Analysis 76: 2 (April, 1995), pp. 237-256.
(32)Theodore Lipps, Aesthetik: Psychologie des Schnen und der Kunst, Hamburg und Leipzig: Leopold Voss, 1906. 1914-1920出第二版。
(33)温克尔曼的最新传记见Wolfgang von Wangenheim, Der verworfene Stein: Winckelmanns Leben (Matthes & Seitz Berlin, 2005)。
(36)1805年歌德在图宾根发表了《温克尔曼及其世纪》(Winckelmann und sein Jahrhundert: in Briefen und Aufstzen, Tübingen 1805 )一文纪念温克尔曼;有关同时代德国学者对温克尔曼的评介,见Henry C. Harfield, Winckelmann and His German Critics. 1755-1781. A Prelude to the Classical Age, New York: King's Crown Press, 1943.此书出版在李长之《德国的古典精神》刊出之后,李当时没法看到。
(38)Wilhelm Dilthey, Die Geistige Welt: Einleitung in die Philosophie des Lebens(Stuttgart: B. G. Teubner, 1957), pp. 326-27.
(44)古留加著、侯鸿勋译《赫尔德》,上海:上海人民出版社,1985年;卡岑巴赫(Friedrich Wilhelm Kantzenbach)著、任力译:《赫尔德传》,北京:商务印书馆,1993年,此书即Johann Gottfried Herder in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten, 1999年由Reinbeck: Rowohlt出了第七版。最好的赫尔德传记是Rudolf Haym, Herder: nach seinem Leben und seinen Werken (Berlin: Grtner, 1880-85. Berlin: Aufbau-Verlag, 1958重印本);其次是Robert Thomas Clark, Herder: his life and thought ( Berkeley: University of California Press, 1955 );其它传记还有Wulf Koepke, Johann Gottfried Herder (Boston: Twayne, 1987); Michael Zaremba, Johann Gottfried Herder: Prediger der Humanitt (Kln: Bhlau, 2002);关于赫尔德人生片断的论著包括:Wilhelm Dobbek, Johann Gottfried Herders Jugendzeit in Mohrungen und Knigsberg, 1744-1764 (Würzburg: Holzner-Verlag, 1961 ); Margot Westlinning, “Der junge Herder in Knigsberg, ”in Knigsberg und Riga, ed. Heinz Ischreyt (Tübingen 1995 ), pp. 69-85; Wilhelm Dobbek, “Johann Gottfried Herder in Bückeburg 1771 bis 1776,” Schaumburg-Lippische Mitteilungen 20 (1969), pp. 37-56; Cordula Haux, Eine empfindsame Liebe': Der Brautbriefwechsel zwischen Caroline Flachsland und Johann Gottfried Herder (Unpublished M. A. thesis. Bielefeld 1988); Tino Markworth, “Zur Selbstdarstellung Herders in den ersten Bückeburger Jahren,” in Bückeburger Gesprche über Johann Gottfried Herder 1988, ed. Brigitte Poschmann (Rinteln: Bsendahl, 1989), pp. 81-97; Christoph Fasel, “Der spte Herder im klassischen Weimar,” in Herbergen der Christenheit. Jahrbuch für deutsche Kirchengeschichte 19 ( 1995), pp. 145-163.
On the Relationship between Herder and Contemporary Chinese Aesthetics
Abstract: This paper attempts to offer an elaborate discussion of how the aesthetics of German scholar Johann Gottfried Herder ( 1744-1803 ) has been received among modern Chinese philosophers and scholars in the early twentieth century, especially his theory on Einfühlung. This paper suggests that it was Wang Guowei who encountered Herder at first through his reading of Japanese philosophical works. Yet by that time he was not quite aware of his aesthetic thoughts. And it was Cai Yuanpei who first introduced the idea of Einfühlung to Chinese readers. But he failed to capture its connection with Herder. Lü Cheng and Huang Chanhua also made some preliminary attempts at introducing Herder's idea to China. The comprehensive introduction of the theory on Einfühlung in Herder's aesthetics had not been done until the appearance of scholars who studied in Europe, such as Zhu Guangqian and Zong Baihua. This paper also touches upon the association of Herder's aesthetics and the study of art history via a closereading of Li Changzhi's works.
Keywords: Herder-romantic-aesthetics-Einfühlung
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文章来源:中国民俗学网 【本文责编:思玮】