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  作者:巴瑞·托尔肯(Barre Toelken)   译者:巴莫曲布嫫 | 中国民俗学网   发布日期:2005-09-06 | 点击数:21367

Bierhorst, John. The Red Swan: Myths and Tales of the American Indians. New York: Farrar. 1976.
Brady, Margaret K. "Some Kind of Power": Navajo Children's Skin11'alker Narratives, Salt Lake City: U of Utah P, 1984.
Dauenhauer, Nora Marks, and Richard Dauenhauer, eds. Baa Shuka, Our Ancestors: Tlingit Oral Narratives. Seattle: U of Washington P, 1987.
DuBois. Thomas "Ethnopoetics," Foley, Teaching 123-35
Fine, Elizabeth C. "Leading Proteus Captive: Editing and Translating Oral Tradition." Foley, Teaching 59-71.
Foley, John Miles. Immanent Art: From Structure to Meaning in Traditional Oral Epic. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1991.
______ ed. Teaching Oral Traditions. New York: MLA, 1998.
Grinnell, George Bird. Blackfoot Lodge Tales. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 1962
Hymes, Dell. "Folk1ore's Nature and the Sun's Myth." Journal of American Folklore 88 (1975): 345-69.
Jones, Suzi, and Jarold Rarnsey, eds. The Stories We Tell: An Anthology of Oregon Folk Literature. Corvallis: Oregon State UP, 1994.
Momaday, N. Scott 1974. The Way to Rainy Mountain Albuquerque: U of New Mexico P, 1974
Roemer, Kenneth, ed. Approaches to Teaching Momaday's The Way to Rainy Mountain. Approaches to Teaching World Lit. 17. New York: MLA, 1988.
Running at the Edge of the Rainbow: Laguna Stories and Poems. Videocassette. Prod. Larry Evers. With Leslie Marmon Silko. Tucson: U of Arizona P.
Ruoff, A. La Vonne Brown. American Indian Literatures: An Introducing Bibliographic Review, and Selected Bibliography. New York: MLA, 1990.
Scollon, Ron, and Suzanne B. K. Scolon. Personal conversation with Barre Toelken, 1982.
Sekaquaptewa, Helen. "Iisaw: Hopi Coyote Stories." Words and Place: Native Literature from the American Southwest. Prod. Larry Evers. Videotape. Tucson: U of Arizona. 1978.
Tedlock, Dennis, trans. Finding the Center: Narrative Poetry of the Zuni Indians. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 1978.
Toelken, Barre. "Culture and Narrative Meaning: Narrative and Cultural Meaning." Dona Folcloristica. Ed. Leander Petzoldt and Stefaan Top. Frankfurt: Lang, 1990. 235- 45. 
Toelken, Barre, and Tacheeni Scott. "Poetic Retranslation and the 'Pretty Languages' of Yellowman." Traditional Literatures of the American Indian: Texts and Interpretations. Ed. Karl Kroeber. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 1981. 65-116.
Tsinaabaas Yazzie (Little Wagon). Personal account, taken by dictation by Barre Toelken, Montezuma Canyon, UT, 5 Dec. 1954.
Vanderwerth, W. C., ed. Indian Oratory. Norman: U of Oklahoma P, 1971
Wasson, George B., Jr. "Coyote and the Strawberries." Jones and Ramsey 125-30.
Witherspoon, Gary. Language and Art in the Navajo Universe. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 1977.
Wolgamott, Susan Wasson. "The Girl Who Married a Sea Otter." Jones and Ramsey 262-63.
Zolbrod, Paul. Dine Bahane: The Navajo Creation Story. Albuquerque: U of New Mexico P. 1984.

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