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雷格尔、范鑫 主编:《古希腊罗马文化在东亚的接受》(英文)
  作者:雷格尔 范鑫 | 中国民俗学网   发布日期:2019-01-13 | 点击数:4603
书名Receptions of Greek and Roman Antiquity in East Asia
主编:Almut-Barbara Renger and Xin Fan 
Hardcover:496 pages
Publisher:BRILL(November 22,2018)


  "This book is a milestone in the development of studies of reception of the Greco-Roman Classical tradition.It consolidates the growing tendency to expand these studies beyond Europe and North America and will both stimulate further research and remain as an indispensable reference work for years to come."Glenn Most,Professor of Ancient Greek at the Scuola Normale Superiore(Pisa)

  "Ambitiously conceived and adequately executed,this anthology showcases the result of a multiyear research project on the receptions of Greek and Roman classical culture across East Asia.By taking a multidisciplinary approach,it includes a cross-section of well researched and richly written papers on how the Greek and Roman gods,their myths and legends and the various forms of art and literature inspired by them fascinated Asian artists,architects,poets,writers and scholars over the past five centuries.Meanwhile,the book presents convincing evidence that this cross-cultural dialogue has not followed a unilateral path.Rather,in their transferring to Asia,as the editors and contributors argue,Western classical cultures were not only received by the Asians but they themselves also received a new form of life that has,to some extent,rivaled its original form.It is a valuable reading for Western classicists and specialists in Asia and,indeed,anyone interested in cross-cultural communications between the East and West and beyond."Q.Edward Wang,Professor of History at Rowan University and Peking University

  "(...)In this book,the authors have covered a wide range of topics on the spread and reception of Greek and Roman culture in East Asia.This is a highly significant work.To borrow from Edward Said's"travel theory,"one can argue that Greek and Roman culture in East Asia was a"travel of culture."Through this process from West to East,Greek and Roman culture kept changing its outlook.From its Classical origins in Europe,it eventually gave birth to the modern world in East Asia."Ge Zhaoguang,Professor in the National Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies and the Department of History at Fudan University in Shanghai


  Almut-Barbara Renger,Ph.D.(2001),Heidelberg University,is Professor of Ancient Religion,Culture and their Reception History at Freie Universität Berlin.She has published monographs and many articles on the relationship of religion and literature,diverse aspects of cultural and religious theory,dynamics in the history of religions between Asia,Europe and America,and the reception of Greco-Roman antiquity,including Oedipus and the Sphinx:The Threshold Myth from Sophocles through Freud to Cocteau(University of Chicago Press,2013).

  Xin Fan,Ph.D.(2013),Indiana University,is Assistant Professor of East Asian History at the State University of New York at Fredonia.He has published several articles and is finishing a monograph on world history in China.

  Contributors are:Jaewon Ahn,Ikuho Amano,Shadi Bartsch,Luciana Cardi,Guangchen Chen,Byoung Jo Choe,Elizabeth Craik,Xin Fan,Neöl Golvers,Chia-Lin Hsu,Yuh-Jhung Hwang,Sari Kawana,Deogsu Kim,Haiying Liu,Jinyu Liu,Xiaofeng Liu,Andreas Müller-Lee,Fritz-Heiner Mutschler,Rui Nakamura,Hiroshi Nara,Almut-Barbara Renger,Carla Scilabra,Ichiro Taida,Yang Huang,Tianshu Yu,and Lihua Zhang.


  John T.Hamilton
  List of Figures and Tables
  Notes on Contributors
  Almut-Barbara Renger and Xin Fan
  Part 1:Encountering Traditions:Early Exchanges and Transfers of Knowledge
  1 The Jesuit Mission to China and the Reception of Ancient Greek and Roman Culture in China and Korea
  Andreas Müller-Lee
  2 Reading Classical Latin Authors in the Jesuit Mission in China:Seventeenth to Eighteenth Centuries
  Noël Golvers
  3 History and Reception of Greek and Latin Studies in Japan
  Ichiro Taida
  Part 2:Receiving Texts:The Travel of Tropes and Literary Fusions
  4 Translating and Rewriting Western Classics in China(1920s~1930s):The Case of the Xueheng Journal
  Jinyu Liu
  5 Toward a New Mode of Vernacular Chinese:A Study on Zhou Zuorens Modern Translation of Theocritus Id.10
  Lihua Zhang
  6 St.Sebastian Reborn:Greco-Roman Ideals of the Body in Mishima Yukios Postwar Writing
  Ikuho Amano
  7 Retelling Medeain Postwar Japan:The Function of Ancient Greece in Two Literary Adaptations by Mishima Yukio and Kurahashi Yumiko
  Luciana Cardi
  Part 3:Negotiating Terms:The Discourse of Antiquity and Modernity
  8 An Adoring Gaze:The Idea of Greece in Modern Japan
  Hiroshi Nara
  9 Imagining Classical Antiquity in Twentieth-Century China
  Xin Fan
  10 Leo Strauss and the Rebirth of Classics in China
  Xiaofeng Liu
  11 The Ancient Greeks in Modern China:History and Metamorphosis
  Shadi Bartsch
  Part 4:Pluralizing Legacies:Visual,Material,and Performing Cultures
  12 Cool Rome and Warm Japan:Thermae Romaeand the Promotion of Japanese Everyday Culture
  Sari Kawana
  13 Back to the Future:Reviving Classical Figures in Japanese Comics
  Carla Scilabra
  14 Queen Hudijin:A Medea-like Chinese Woman in Guo Moruos Historical Play The Peacocks Gallbladder
  Tianshu Yu
  15 Seoul as an Exhibition Space of Urban Daily Life:The Contemporary Korean Reception of Agamemnon-Ghost Sonata(2005)
  Yuh-Jhung Hwang
  16 Politics,Culture,and Classical Architectural Elements in Taiwan
  Chia-Lin Hsu
  Part 5:Sharing Traditions:Western Classics in Contemporary East Asia
  17 Classical Studies in China
  Yang Huang
  18 Retrospect and Prospect of Western Ancient History Studies in Korea:Awaiting the Sixtieth Anniversary of the Korean Society of Western History 
  Deogsu Kim
  19 A Brief Report on Classical Scholarship in Korea,Focusing on Literature
  Jaewon Ahn
  20 The Influence of Roman Law in Korea
  Byoung Jo Choe
  21 Western Classics at Chinese Universities and Beyond:Some Subjective Observations
  Fritz-Heiner Mutschler
  22 Western Classics in Japan:Memories of Bungakubu,Kyoto,1997~2002
  Elizabeth Craik
  23 The Reception of Parthenon Sculpture in Modern Japanese Art Studies
  Rui Nakamura


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