演讲人:迪姆·罗仪德 (Timothy Lloyd)
题目:Thinking Big in Folklore
迪姆·罗仪德(Timothy Lloyd)
迪姆·罗仪德在乔治华盛顿大学获得博士学位。他的博士论文题目是《国家民俗节日:文化、历史和公共民俗工作》。他的研究兴趣包括美国饮食民俗、俄亥俄州民俗、职业文化、民俗的公共实践的历史等。 他在美国主要的民俗学杂志上发表了多篇文章和评论。与人合著《伊利湖渔民:工作、认同和传统》一书(伊利诺伊大学出版社),该书1990年被北美海洋史协会评为最佳航海史书。
多年来,他担任了许多组织,如法美基金会(French-American Foundation),民俗文化基金(Fund for Folk Culture,FFC),国会图书馆(Library of Congress),密歇根州艺术委员会(Michigan Council on the Arts),密歇根州立大学博物馆(Michigan State University Museum),美国俄亥俄州立大学图书馆(Ohio State University Libraries)和史密森尼学会(Smithsonian Institution)等机构的董事会成员或委员会顾问。
Timothy Lloyd
Executive Director of the American Folklore Society(AFS)
Adjunct Associate Professor at the Ohio State University
(PhD, George Washington University)
Timothy Lloyd is executive director of the American Folklore Society. Founded in 1888 by a collective of humanities scholars, museum anthropologists, and private citizens--including author Mark Twain and US President Rutherford B. Hayes--the Society (www.afsnet.org) is the leading organization in the US for scholarship and public education about folklore, folk art, and folk culture. Its more than 2,200 members and subscribers are scholars, teachers, and libraries at colleges and universities; professionals in arts and cultural organizations; and community members involved in folklore work. Many of its members live and work in the US, but their interests in folklore stretch around the world, and today about one in every eight AFS members is from outside the US.
Before coming to the Society, Lloyd served as executive director of Cityfolk, a nationally recognized folk arts organization located in Dayton, Ohio. Earlier still, he was deputy director of the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress, before which he served as director of folk arts programs for the Ohio Arts Council and as a folklorist for the Smithsonian Institution's Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage. Lloyd received his PhD in American studies from The George Washington University, and his BA in comparative literature and MA in design from The Ohio State University. He has taught folklore at Colorado College, The George Washington University, The Ohio State University, and Utah State University.
His research interests include American foodways, occupational culture, and the history of public practice in the field of folklore. He has published articles and reviews in the major American folklore journals, as well as essays and chapters in edited volumes, and co-authored Lake Erie Fishermen: Work, Identity and Tradition (University of Illinois Press), named the best maritime history book of 1990 by the North American Society for Oceanic History.
Lloyd has served as a board and committee member or consultant for many organizations, including the French-American Foundation, the Fund for Folk Culture, the Michigan Council on the Arts and Cultural Affairs, the Michigan State University Museum, the Ministry of Culture and Communication of the Republic of France, the National Council for the Traditional Arts, the National Endowments for the Arts and Humanities, the National Recordings Preservation Board, the Ohio Arts Council, the Ohio Humanities Council, the Ohio State University Libraries, and the Smithsonian Institution. He represents the AFS within the American Council of Learned Societies and the National Humanities Alliance. He also serves as an adjunct faculty member of the Institute of Language and History at Shandong University in Jinan, China.
文章来源:民俗学论坛 2009-10-12 19:17 【本文责编:思玮】