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  作者:中国民族学年会 | 中国民俗学网   发布日期:2006-04-26 | 点击数:6837


时间: 2006.11.25---11.27













7、科普讲座(为大学生):参考议题a人类学知识背景准备对摄影爱好者的意义与价值;b、傲慢与偏见―抛开“现代”的潜意识与视觉人类学入门;c、 从费孝通的“穷人社会学”到温总理的“穷人经济学”;d、 民族志电影―非民族风情片的风情。







广州新港西路135号中山大学传播与设计学院  邮政编码:510275


e-mail: bdcheng@zsu.edu.cn



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CFP                             Guangzhou, 2006 , February


 International Conference on Visual Anthropology

 Shared territories - contested boundaries

Ethnographic Cinema, Visual Anthropology and the Anthropology of the Visual

Is their a transcultural agenda for Visual Anthropology in the 21st Century?

Date:           November 25-27  2006

Location:       Zhongshan University, Guangzhou, China

Organizers:     Zhongshan University, Department of Anthropology, Zhongshan University, School of Communication and Design

Co-Organizers: Chinese Association of Ethnology

Chinese Association of Visual Anthropology

 With the support of:    Commission for Visual Anthropology (CVA) of ICAES

Nordic Anthropological Film Association (NAFA)

Institut fuer den Wissenschaftlichen Film-knowledge and media (IWF)


The first International Conference on Visual Anthropology ever to be organized in China took place in Beijing more than a decade ago ( Bejing , April 1995 – Organizers – Institut fuer den Wissenschaftlichen Film (IWF) – knowledge and media, Goettingen– Institute of Nationality Studies (INS), Beijing). It was in the same year that the Chinese Association of Visual Anthropology (CAVA) was founded as one of the many positive outcomes of that historic conference.

Since then a number of smaller and larger International Conferences dealing with issues and agendas discussed in the world-wide community of Ethnographic Filmmakers and Visual Anthropologists in the early 21st century have been organized by CAVA and others ( Lanzhou 2002, Kunming 2004, Hohehot 2005).

Back in 2004 - on the Conference in Kunming-, Zhongshan University, Department of Anthropology, Guangzhou (Canton), China, represented by Prof. Deng Qiyao, agreed to function as host and main organizer for a follow-up conference which was scheduled for 2006. The main aim and idea of this International Conference which will take place November 25-27 in Guangzhou, is to take stock of current debates and developments which are dominating the field of Ethnographic Film and Visual Anthropology on an international and transcultural level. It is hoped that the Guangzhou Conference will provide the next very big International Visual Anthropology event in China – the meeting of the Commission on Visual Anthropology (CVA), which is part of the International Union of  Ethnological and Anthropological Sciences (IUEAS) – and which will have its 15th World Congress in Kunming 2008, with a fresh momentum and a concrete research agenda for the coming two years thus intensifying already existing international exchange projects/programs and establishing new realms of transcultural

cooperation, bringing together participants from China and its neighboring asian countries and representatives from western countries and other regions.

This three day event will be co-hosted by the Chinese Association of Ethnology which will held its yearly meeting at the same time at Zhongshan University. We hope that this schedule will encourage Chinese Ethnologists/Anthropologists to also register for our Conference and that international scientific exchange can thus be fostered on the broadest conceivable level.

In a ten point manifesto called  “The Future of Ethnographic Cinema” which was recently published worldwide via the Internet, its authors (Paul Henley, David MacDougall, Steef Meyknecht, Metje Postma and Rossella Raggazzi) stated, that Ethnographic Cinema and Visual Anthropology “… is a means of transcultural communication that is more widely understood than either written texts or spoken language, and it is now being produced all over the world in a broad variety of forms. Film-makers from the former world centres such as Paris, New York, London and Amsterdam should encourage this diversification and localization of the genre. “

We – the organizers of the up-coming International Conference –

Shared territories and contested boundaries

Ethnographic Cinema, Visual Anthropology and the Anthropology of the Visual

Is their a transcultural agenda for Visual Anthropology in the 21st Century?

totally agree with this view. At the same time we are hoping that the Guangzhou Conference in addition to what is expressed in the western world centres will add a distinctive non-western resp. asian view on the very same issues and topics of discussion.

We thus strongly encourage participation from members of neighboring ASEAN countries and members from countries /political entities from the Greater China Region to take part in our conference and to deliver presentations on their own projects and theoretical agendas.

Anybody interested in organizing a panel:

Panel proposals due until:

30 APRIL 2006  /  2006.04.30 (dead-line)

Paper proposals:

Paper abstracts (English/Chinese – up to 250 words) due until:

15 JUNE 2006/2006.06.15 (dead-line)

 Please send your information/material via e-mail to the following e-mail addresses:


Prof. Deng Qiyao

e-mail: dengqiyao@tom.com



Assoc. Prof. Dr.Karsten Krueger

e-mail: dr.karsten_krueger@web.de  

e-mail: drkarstenkruger_cn@hotmail.com 

  文章来源:人类学在线 2006-04-24 00:56:46

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下一条: ·面对全球化的挑战 关注少数民族艺术遗产保护

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