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——2018世界竹藤大会 联合国教科文组织-国际竹藤组织联合平行论坛
  作者:BEJ/CLT | 中国民俗学网   发布日期:2018-06-28 | 点击数:5813


Linking Bamboo and World Heritage with Creativity

UNESCO & INBAR joint session at the Global Bamboo and Rattan Congress 2018


2018世界竹藤大会  联合国教科文组织-国际竹藤组织联合平行论坛

      The UNESCO - INBAR joint session on “Linking Bamboo and World Heritage with Creativity” will take place in the afternoon of 26 June 2018 in Beijing. This session is part of the first Global Bamboo and Rattan Congress organised by the International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR) from 25 to 27 June 2018.


      Since ancient times, bamboo has been an integral part of China’s natural landscape, a building block of civilisation, and a carrier of cultural imagination and creativity. Bamboo also sustains the outstanding biodiversity and cultural creativity at many World Heritage sites in China. The Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries, for instance, relies on its bamboo forests to provide shelter and nurture to Giant Pandas. At the China Danxia World Heritage site in Chishui, home to 87 thousand hectares of bamboo forest, the craft of bamboo carving and weaving are passed down for generations, playing deeply into the cultural identity and daily lives of the local residents.


      Bamboo’s natural and cultural versatility opens up possibilities in offering new and creative solutions in addressing the challenges that World Heritage sites in China often face, which is the conflict between conservation and development. In China’s 52 World Heritage sites, especially the 12 natural World Heritage sites, heritage conservation and economic development are often in conflict with each other, resulting in inefficient conservation and unsustainable development.


      To address the challenge, UNESCO Beijing Office launched the World Heritage sustainable livelihood activity in 2017 in the project framework of “Conservation and Management of World Heritage Sites in China” (Phase III). The objective is to help local communities in and around World Heritage site develop eco-friendly and sustainable means of livelihood by leveraging intangible cultural heritage and creativity. At China Danxia World Heritage site in Chishui, one of the activity’s pilot site, UNESCO Beijing Office cooperates with INBAR in encouraging creativity among bamboo artisans to add value to bamboo handicrafts, and in nurturing young talents as intangible cultural heritage transmitter and community leader. The hope is to help reshape local market for handicrafts and enhance the capacity for community development.


      In an effort to facilitate dialogue and open up possibilities for new partnerships, UNESCO joins INBAR for a session on “Linking Bamboo and World Heritage with Creativity”. Key participating entities include the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the 3 pilot World Heritage sites (Ya’an of Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries, Shilin of South China Karst, and Chishui of China Danxia), Chengbu County of Hunan Province, Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, the Beijing Gugong Cultural Promotion Co., Ltd., the Jingdezhen Ceramic Culture Tourism Group, Beijing Mercedes-Benz Sales Service Co., Ltd., and Tsingyuan Culture Heritage.

      为了促进对话并拓展合作,联合国教科文组织驻华代表处与国际竹藤组织共同主办“创意联结竹子与世界遗产” 平行论坛。主要参与单位包括中华人民共和国文化和旅游部、三处试点世界遗产地(四川大熊猫栖息地雅安片区、中国南方喀斯特云南石林、中国丹霞贵州赤水)、湖南省城步县、上海美术学院、北京故宫文化传播有限公司、景德镇陶瓷文化旅游集团,北京梅赛德斯-奔驰销售服务有限公司,以及清源文化遗产。

      Pursuant to the World Heritage Sustainable Livelihood Project Experience Day Event held last November at the Mercedes Me Café in Beijing, this session aims to further facilitate experience sharing among the pilot World Heritage sites. Moreover, this session provides a platform to expand the partnership with the private sector to leverage resources on designing, promoting and sales of the sustainable livelihood products. It is expected this session will start the dialogue to forge the multi-stakeholder partnership to connect creativity, World Heritage conservation and sustainable livelihood development.

      继去年11月在北京梅赛德斯-奔驰体验店举行的世界遗产地可持续生计项目体验日活动, 这一论坛希望能够进一步推动试点世界遗产地之间的横向经验交流。除此之外,论坛还将为拓展与私营部门的合作提供平台,以更好地调动设计和营销资源,促进可持续生计产品的发展。希望此次论坛能够开启多方合作伙伴对话,并在联结创意、世界遗产保护和可持续发展方面促成更深入的合作。

  文章来源:“联合国教科文组织”微信公众号 2018-06-26

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下一条: ·创意联结竹子与世界遗产:UNESCO-INBAR联合平行论坛于6月26日成功举办
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