杜德桥(Glen Dudbridge,1938-2017)
杜德桥(Glen Dudbridge,1938-2017),英国汉学家,专攻8-17世纪的中国文学与宗教文化,主要研究方向为叙事传统和俗文化。
主要著述(Major Publications):
A Question of Classification in Tang Narrative:The Story of Ding Yue. Firenze:L.S.Olschki, 1999.
Aborigines of South Taiwan in the 1880s.Taipei:Shung Ye Museum of Formosan Aborigines: Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica,1999.
Religious Experience and Lay Society in T'ang China: A Reading of Tai Fu's Kuang-i chi. Cambridge[England]; New York: Cambridge University Press,1995.
The Goddess Hua-yueh San-niang and the Cantonese Ballad Ch'en-hsiang T'ai-tzu.Taipei: Han hsueh yen chiu chung hsin [Hanxue yanjiu zhongxin]1990.
The Tale of Li Wa: Study and Critical Edition of A Chinese Story from the Ninth Century. London: Ithaca Press,1983.
The Legend of Miao-shan. London:Ithaca Press for the Board of the Faculty of Oriental Studies, Oxford University,1978.
近期著述(Recent Publications):
Lost Books of Medieval China:The Panizzi Lectures 1999, London:The British Library, 2000
Die Weitergabe Religiöser Traditionen in China, Munich:Carl Friedrich von Siemens Stiftung, 2004
Books,Tales and Vernacular Culture:Selected Papers on China, Leiden: Brill, 2005
文章来源:中国民俗学网 【本文责编:CFNEditor】