《中国民族民间文艺集成志书》由文化部、国家民族事务委员会、中国文学艺术界联合会有关文艺家协会发起编纂,文化部民族民间文艺发展中心组织出版。包括《中国民间歌曲集成》《中国戏曲音乐集成》《中国民族民间器乐曲集成》《中国曲艺音乐集成》《中国民族民间舞蹈集成》《中国戏曲志》《中国民间故事集成》《中国歌谣集成》《中国谚语集成》《中国曲艺志》。按行政区划立卷,每个省、自治区、直辖市各10 卷,共计298 卷、395 册,约4.5 亿字。此外,香港、澳门各卷正在编纂中,台湾、重庆未立卷;《中国曲艺音乐集成》《中国曲艺志》中海南未立卷。
这一工程始于上世纪八十年代, 是国家社科基金重大项目、国家艺术科学重点项目。全国十几万名文化工作者参与,对中国浩如烟海的民族民间文化进行了全面普查、挖掘和抢救,记录了丰富的民间文化基础性资料,被称为中国的文化长城。
A Brief Introduction to
The Annals and Collection of China Ethnic/Folk Literature and Arts
The Ministry of Culture of P.R.C., the State Nationalities Affairs Commission and relevant society attached to the China Federation of Literature and Art Circles have launched and organized the project of Annals and Collection of China Ethnic/Folk Literature and Arts since 1979. The Annals and Collection of China Ethnic/Folk Literature and Arts have a total of ten groups, include Collection of Chinese Folk Songs, Collection of Chinese Folk Instrumental Music, Collection of Chinese Opera Music, Collection of Chinese Opera Art and Music, Collection of Chinese Folk Dances, Annals of Chinese Local Operas, Collection of Chinese Folk Stories, Collection of Chinese Folk Ballads, Collection of Chinese Folk Proverbs, and Annals of Chinese Opera Art and Music. The whole group has completed 298 volumes (10 volumes to each province, each autonomous area and each municipality directly under the Central Government), 395 books, and published 450 million Chinese characters. Volumes of Hong Kong and Macao are being compiled. Taiwan and Chongqing has not established as projects. Hainan did not publish the Collection of Chinese Opera Art and Music and Annal of Chinese Local Opera.
It is a National Key Project of Science of art, and also one of the National Social Sciences Fund Major Projects. The project employed more than ten million China cultural activists to join in safeguarding, collecting and classification of this collection. They did an overall profound investigation in the ethnic/folk literature and arts in the country and gave an account of the historical and current situation of the heritage systematically. It known as the Great Wall of Culture in China.
ZhongYuan HongYuan (Beijing) Cultural Communication Center is responsible for issuing the book.

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文章来源:中国民俗学网 【本文责编:思玮】