作者:复旦大学北欧中心 中国民俗学网 发布日期:2009-02-21
Elias Lönnrot at the age of 39, six years after the publication of the Kalevala (1835), when he was District Physician in Kajaani. Lithography by J. Knutson in the Folklore Archives of the Finnish Literature Society, Helsinki.复旦大学北欧中心与芬兰土尔库大学卡莱瓦拉研究所联合主办 现代社会中的民间传统: 纪念芬兰史诗卡莱瓦拉出版160周年 与会者:民俗学研究者、博士后,以及中国文学与文化专业的学生 会议语言:英语 注册和论文摘要提交截止日期:2009年4月30日 请将英文摘要(150个单词)以doc 或rtf 格式传给下列电子邮件地址: Pekka Maria 费用:注册费50 欧元, 报到时提交 了解会议内容,请下载PDF附件。 更多详情请登录以下网站: www.kalevalainstuutti.fi www.nordiccentre.org Dear receivers Please, find attached the Call for papers of the conference "Folk Traditions in Modern Society", Fudan University, Shanghai, 25-26 September 2009. I would be grateful if you could forward this information to persons and organizations which could be interested in it. Yours sincerely Pekka Hakamies Director of the Kalevala Institute -- Pekka Hakamies -- Professor of Folkloristics, Dep. of Cultural Studies FIN-20014 University of Turku, Finland +358 2 333 5247 Email to Pekka 下载相关附件 PDF DOWNLOAD >>>>
Elias Lönnrot at the age of 39, six years after the publication of the Kalevala (1835), when he was District Physician in Kajaani. Lithography by J. Knutson in the Folklore Archives of the Finnish Literature Society, Helsinki.
Dear receivers Please, find attached the Call for papers of the conference "Folk Traditions in Modern Society", Fudan University, Shanghai, 25-26 September 2009. I would be grateful if you could forward this information to persons and organizations which could be interested in it. Yours sincerely
Pekka Hakamies Director of the Kalevala Institute -- Pekka Hakamies --
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