



The Custom Culture and the Literature of the Han Dynasty

【作者】昝风华 【导师】王洲明


【摘要 (中文/英文)】 绪论 风俗文化是指广大民众集体创造、拥有和传承的文化现象。由于风俗文化对文学创作具有重要影响,所以从风俗文化的视角来考察中国古典文学是对其进行立体交叉研究的有效途径之一。鉴于当今学术界对汉代风俗文化与汉代文学关系问题之研究的欠缺,本文将全面系统地探讨汉代风俗文化对本时期文学的影响;通过这种探讨,可以在理论上打破汉代文学中没有或极少风俗文化因素的偏见,在实践上证明从风俗文化的视角来研究汉代文学是可行的,而且是必要的。 第一章汉代风俗文化与汉代文学综论 汉代风俗文化大致可分为四个部分,即物质风俗文化、社会风俗文化、精神风俗文化和语言风俗文化,每一部分又可细分为若干小的具体门类;各种具体门类的风俗文化既自具特色,又表现出某些总体特点。从时间角度去看,汉代风俗文化具有较强的稳定性,但也存在着某些流变,其中风俗的儒化现象是最引人注目的。随着风俗儒化过程的推进,从西汉到东汉,社会风气逐渐由尚武崇利变为尚文崇义,由轻急疏放变为舒缓谨厚。从空间角度去看,汉代风俗文化具有一定程度的统一性,但又存在着明显的地域差别。造成汉代风俗文化之地域性差异的因素主要有自然环境和地理位置、人口状况、上层举措、历史传承等...更多。 汉代文学作者是由汉代风俗文化到本时期文学作品的中介。汉代文学作者对当时之风俗文化持有两种态度,即接受和批判。前一种态度使他们自觉或不自觉地吸收了风俗文化中的某些因素;后一种态度使他们发表了大量旨在“辩风正俗”的书面言论,以上都对汉代文学创作与作品的思想内容和写作艺术产生了重要影响。由于汉代文学作者接受风俗文化的程度各异,对待风俗文化的态度也不尽相同,所以其作品的风俗文化色彩也随之表现出一定差别。 关于汉代风俗文化对汉代文学的影响问题,可从以下三个角度去作考察:从共时态的角度去看,汉代风俗文化对本时期文学的影响主要表现为:汉代风俗文化促进了本时期文学作品的创作和传播;汉代文学作品反映了丰富的民俗事象,并表现了作者的一些风习性文化意识;汉代风俗文化对本时期文学作品的艺术特色有深刻影响;汉代民间文学对本时期之正统文学有重要影响。从历时态的角度去看,汉代风俗文化对本时期文学的影响主要表现出两种情况:首先,两汉风俗文化的一些阶段性变化使本时期文学作品在思想内容和艺术风格等方面也起了某些变化;其次,风俗文化在两汉时期的不同阶段对文学之影响力的强弱也有所不同,这造成了汉代文学作品之风俗文化色彩的浓淡变化。从地域差异的角度去看,汉代风俗文化对本时期文学的影响主要表现为:在汉代地域风俗差异的影响下,汉代文学作品反映了各地不同的风土人情,并使用了一些方言土语,在艺术成就及风格上也呈现出某些地域性差别。 第二章汉代风俗文化与汉诗 从总体上看,汉代风俗文化对汉诗的影响主要表现为:汉代乐舞、宴饮、祭祀、方仙道等风俗文化促进了汉诗的创作和传播;俗乐的流行造成了汉代歌诗内容的世俗化;汉代乐舞、享乐、祭祀等风俗和风俗的地域差异影响到了汉诗的体裁、形式、语言和风格;汉代文人诗歌对本时期民间歌谣有较多借鉴。 汉代风俗文化中,与汉诗关系较为密切的主要有乐舞风俗、交通行旅风俗和享乐风气,它们各在不同的层面上对汉代诗歌产生了突出影响。 首先,汉代乐舞风俗对汉诗的艺术特质具有突出影响,这主要表现为:汉代乐舞的娱乐功能使汉诗具有较强的趣味性,包括世俗之趣、拟人之趣、谐隐之趣、妙理之趣、逢迎之趣等;汉代歌与舞、歌与戏相结合的乐舞表演方式赋予汉诗一定的表演性,这主要是指许多汉代诗歌具有与舞蹈或百戏表演相配合的舞词或“戏”词之性质;汉人“悲歌当泣”的音乐行为方式和“以悲为乐”的歌乐欣赏风习是造成汉诗悲情美的原因之一。 其次,汉代享乐风气对汉诗的思想内容具有突出影响,这主要表现为:两汉时期,弥漫于衣、食、住、行、游艺、两性等诸多生活领域的享乐风气使“乐”字成为汉诗中一个引人注目的字眼;在汉代享乐风气的影响下,汉诗较为突出地反映了时人的两种世俗享乐生活——即知足型享乐和奢侈型享乐——与其背后所隐藏着的两类享乐观念,以及享乐观念的滋蔓、强化和延伸现象。 再次,汉代交通行旅风俗对汉诗中表现出行情景和心理的内容有突出影响,这主要表现为:汉诗中的这部分内容反映了汉代人民在走马驰逐中追求快感、通过出行观光来愉悦心灵和出行时重排场讲气派以自我炫耀的风习;汉诗中对出行之艰险的描写和感叹、对时人惜别思乡心理和自由行游于四海九天之愿望的表达,都与汉代交通行旅风俗有着密切联系。 第三章汉代风俗文化与汉赋 从总体上看,汉代风俗文化对汉赋的影响主要表现为:汉代风俗文化是汉赋题材内容的重要来源,汉代器物制作风俗在汉赋中的反映尤其具有不同寻常的意义;汉赋喜用铺陈夸张手法,风格闳富奇丽,这些特点的形成与汉人喜爱奇谈虚语的风气、汉代的神仙信仰、汉人追求完整繁富的审美风尚以及其他种种多姿多彩的风俗事象都有较大关联;汉代文人赋对本时期民间文学有一定借鉴。 汉代风俗文化中,与汉赋关系较为密切的主要有游艺风俗、建筑风俗和地域风俗,它们各在不同的层面上对汉赋产生了突出影响。 首先,汉代游艺风俗对汉赋的创作和传播、内容和艺术都具有突出影响,这主要表现为:汉代游艺风俗推动了汉赋的创作和传播;汉赋多方面地描写和反映了时人的游艺生活和娱乐用品;汉赋反话正说的艺术手法与汉代倡优的语言表达方式有关;汉人以辞赋娱悦耳目的风习是造成汉赋奇丽之美的因素之一。 其次,汉代建筑风俗对汉赋中的建筑描写具有突出影响,这主要表现为:汉代风水术的流行使汉赋中的建筑描写体现出一定的风水观念;汉代法天则地、仿生象物的营造理念的流行使本时期赋家特别重视对建筑物之象征性特点和意蕴的表述。 再次,汉代地域风俗对汉代都市赋具有突出影响,这主要表现为:由于汉代地域风俗差异的存在,《两都赋》、《二京赋》、《南都赋》、《蜀都赋》等汉代都市赋分别反映了包括地方神话传说在内的长安、洛阳、南阳、成都等地的不同风俗,具有鲜明的地域色彩。 第四章汉代风俗文化与汉代散文 从总体上看,汉代风俗文化对本时期散文的影响主要表现为:汉代风俗文化对于本时期散文内容的丰富和功能的扩大具有重要意义;汉代风俗文化影响到了本时期散文的写人、叙事、说理艺术及其总体风格;汉代神话传说和民间故事对本时期散文的风格及语言有一定影响。 汉代风俗文化中,与本时期散文关系较为密切的主要有相人信仰、预知信仰和各种社会风气,它们分别对汉代历史散文的人物形貌描写、汉代历史散文的叙事模式和汉代说理散文的内容特色产生了突出影响。 汉代相人信仰对汉代历史散文之人物形貌描写的影响主要表现为:汉代相人信仰的流行造成了本时期历史散文的一种特殊的写人方式,即通过相术判语间接描写人物的外貌;又使本时期历史散文中一般的人物形貌描写体现出或隐或显的相术寓意,也就是说,汉代历史散文的作者常常借助对人物外貌的祥正、凶邪或奇异之处的刻画来暗示人物的品性或命运。 汉代预知信仰对本时期历史散文之叙事模式的影响主要表现为:汉代预知信仰的流行使得本时期历史散文之作者在叙述历史事件时,常以带有民俗信仰意味的预兆(包括预言)来暗示、照应事件的发展趋向和结局,从而形成了若干叙事模式,主要包括贵人有吉验模式、败亡有凶兆模式、梦兆应验模式、以善恶报应理念为依据之预言应验模式等。 汉代社会风气对本时期说理散文之内容特色的影响主要表现为:由于各种不良的社会风气引起了汉代文人学者的不满,风俗批判成为汉代说理散文的重要功能之一,这使得本时期说理散文的内容呈现出鲜明的“嫉俗”倾向,并增强了本时期说理散文内容上的民俗底色和时代感。 第五章汉代风俗文化与汉代小说 汉代风俗文化对本时期小说的影响主要表现为:汉代小说主要是在民间传说的土地上萌生出来的,当时的方士文化和俳优文化则是滋养它们的阳光雨露;方士、俳优或身份近于方士、俳优的文人是汉代小说作者队伍中的重要力量;汉代小说在内容上主要是对各种传言俗说的汇合,其中既有神怪故事,又有人物轶事,尤多神仙方术之谈;由于作者构成、内容来源等因素的影响,汉代小说具有虚诞、怪异、谐谑、想像丰富、注重形象性和故事性等艺术特点,这些特点赋予其较强的文学意味。 结论 汉代风俗文化对本时期文学的发展具有不可忽视的推动作用。汉代风俗文化不但包含着多种文学创作契机,还为文学作品提供了多条传播渠道;汉代风俗文化不但丰富和充实了本时期文学作品的思想内容,还是造成其多方面艺术特质的重要力量。汉代风俗文化的世俗化特点在一定程度上加强了汉代文学作品对人生、人情的表现。从这个意义上说,汉代风俗文化在汉魏文学走向自觉的过程中也起了一定的推动作用。

Introduction Custom culture refers to the culture that is created, possessed and passed on by the masses. Because custom culture has important influence on literature, investigation from the visual angle of custom culture is an effective way to study Chinese classical literature interdisciplinarily. Seeing that the present academia is short of research on the relation between the custom culture and literature of the Han dynasty, This dissertation will study the influence of the custom culture on the literature in the Han dynasty Comprehensively and systematically, which can break through the prejudice that the Han-dynasty literature has few customary factors in theory and prove in practice that to study the Han-dynasty literature from the visual angle of custom culture is feasible and essential. Chapter One A Synthetic Discussion on the Custom culture and Literature of the Han Dynasty The custom culture of the Han Dynasty can roughly be divided into four parts, i.e. material custom culture, social custom culture, spiritual custom culture and language custom culture. And every part can be subdivided into several small concrete classes. Each concrete kind of custom culture has some characteristics of its own. They also have some overall characteristics. Seeing from the time angle, the custom culture of the Han dynasty had strong stability, but it also had some changes. Among the changes, the custom Confucianism, i.e. the change of the social custom from profit pursuit and frivolity to morality advocacy and gentleness, is the most noticeable. Seeing from the space angle, the custom culture of the Han dynasty had some unity, but it also had obvious regional differences which were mainly caused by natural environment, geographical position, demographic situation, the action of the upper stratum and historical inheritance. The authors were the medial factor between the custom culture and literature in the Han dynasty. They had two attitudes to the custom culture, ie. acceptance and criticism. Because of the first attitude, they had absorbed some factors of the custom culture. Because of the second attitude, they had written a lot of works which were in order to verify the custom. The above factors exerted an important influence on the creation, contents and writing art of the Han-dynasty literature. The authors accepted the custom culture to various degrees, and their attitudes towards the custom culture were also different in the Han dynasty, so the customary color of their works accordingly shows some differences. We can investigate the influence of the custom culture on the literature in the Han dynasty from three angles. Seeing from the common tense angle, the literature was mainly influenced by the custom culture in four aspects: Firstly, the custom culture boosted the creation and dissemination of the literature. Secondly, the literature reflects abundant custom things, and expresses some customary notions. Thirdly, the custom culture influenced the artistic character of the literature deeply. Fourthly, the folk literature had important influence on the orthodox literature. Seeing from the lasting tense angle, the literature was mainly influenced by the custom culture in two aspects: Firstly, some changes of the custom culture caused certain changes in the contents and style of the literature. Secondly, the change of the influence power of the custom culture caused the change of the depth of the customary color of the literature. Seeing from the regional difference angle, the literature was mainly influenced by the region customs in three aspects: Firstly, the literature reflects different local customs. Secondly, it uses some dialect. Thirdly, there are certain regional differences in its artistic achievement and style. Chapter Two The Custom Culture and Poetry of the Han Dynasty Generally speaking, the poetry was mainly affected by the custom culture in four aspects in the Han dynasty: Firstly, the customs of music and dance, dinner, sacrificial offering and faith in necromancy, supernatural beings and Taoism promoted the creation and dissemination of the poetry. Secondly, the prevalence of the folk music brought about the secular inclination of the contents of the song poetry. Thirdly, the customs of music and dance, hedonism, sacrificial offering and different regions influenced the type, form, language and style of the poetry. Fourthly, the literati's poetry learned a lot from the folk songs. Among the custom culture, music and dance, traffic and travel and hedonism climate had comparatively close relations with the poetry. They influenced the poetry on different gradations and aspects. The music and dance custom influenced the artistic character of the poetry notably. Firstly, the recreational function of the music and dance brought strong interest to the poetry, which includes secular interest, anthropomorphic interest, humorous and enigmatic interest, philosophic interest and flattering interest, etc. Secondly, the combination of songs and dance and combination of songs and acrobatics gave the poetry some performing nature, which mainly refers to the nature that many poems had cooperated with dance or acrobatics. Thirdly, the customs of "sing sadly instead of weeping" and "regarding sadness as happiness" were one reason for the sad style of the poetry. The hedonism climate influenced the content character of the poetry notably. The hedonism climate in clothes, food, housing, travel, recreation, sex and so on made the word "happy" noticeable in the poetry. Under the influence of this climate, the poetry reflected the Han dynasty people's content-oriented and luxury-oriented hedonistic life and philosophy, and the spread, intensification and extension of the hedonistic philosophy outstandingly. The traffic and travel custom influenced the expression of traveling scene and psychology in the poetry notably. Firstly, these contents of the poetry reflects the customs of obtaining pleasure by riding with great speed, traveling with sightseeing and travel ostentation. Secondly, the hardness and danger of travel, the reluctant-to-part and homesick psychology, and the hope of traveling freely in the world expressed in the poetry all have close relations with the traffic and travel custom. Chapter Three The Custom Culture and Fu of the Han Dynasty Generally speaking, Han Fu was mainly affected by the custom culture of the Han dynasty in three aspects: Firstly, the custom culture was an important source of the contents of Han Fu. And the implement making custom reflected in Han Fu was especially meaningful. Secondly, the characteristics of elaborating, overstating, magnificence, richness, strangeness and beauty shown in Han Fu had close relations with the influence of the customs of strange talking, faith in celestial beings, pursuit for integrality and richness in aestheticism, and many other kinds of colorful customs. Thirdly, the literati's Fu learned a lot from the folk literature. Among the custom culture, recreation, building and region customs had comparatively close relations with Han Fu. They influenced Han Fu on different gradations and aspects. The recreation custom influenced the creation, dissemination, contents and artistic character of Han Fu all notably. Firstly, the recreation custom promoted the creation and dissemination of Han Fu. Secondly, Han Fu describes and reflects the Han dynasty people's recreational life and implements in many aspects. Thirdly, the ironic artistic tactic of Han Fu was in relation to Han dynasty comedians' language. Fourthly, The Han dynasty people's custom of get recreation through Fu was one reason for the strangeness and beauty of Han Fu. The building custom influenced the building description in Han Fu notably. Firstly, the prevalence of the geomantic omen tactics made the building description in Han Fu embody certain geomantic omen ideas. Secondly, the prevalence of the simulation idea in building made the authors of Han Fu pay special attention to the statement of the symbolic features and meanings of buildings. The region customs influenced the city Fu notably. Because of the regional custom differences, the city Fu such as Liangdu Fu, Erjing Fu, Nandu Fu and Shudu Fu reflected the different customs of some places such as Chang'an, Luoyang, Nanyang and Chengdu with local myths and legends in them separately. Therefore, the city Fu has distinct region colors. Chapter Four The Custom Culture and Prose of the Han Dynasty Generally speaking, the prose was mainly affected by the custom culture in three aspects in the Han dynasty: Firstly, the custom culture had important meaning for the content enrichment and function expansion of the prose. Secondly, the custom culture influenced the art of the description of characters, narration and argument, and style of the prose. Thirdly, the myths, legends and folk stories influenced the style and language of the prose. Among the custom culture, the faith in physiognomy, the faith in divination, and the social fashions had comparatively close relations with the prose. They exerted important influence on the description of characters' appearance in the historical prose, the narration mode in the historical prose, and the content feature of the argumentative prose separately. The effects of the faith in physiognomy on the description of characters' appearance of the historical prose in the Han dynasty are mainly as follows: Firstly, the prevalence of the faith in physiognomy made the historical prose often describe characters' appearance indirectly by physiognomy judgements. Secondly, it often made the general description of characters' appearance in the historical prose have certain implied meaning. In other words, the writers of the prose often implied characters' personality or fate by the description of the auspicious, ominous or unusual points of their appearance. The main effect of the faith in divination on the narration mode of the historical prose in the Han dynasty is the following: Because of the prevalence of the faith in divination, the writers of the historical prose often used omen(including prediction) with folk faith meaning to suggest the events' ending or correlate omen with ending when narrating historical events. This formed certain narrative patterns which mainly includes that honored persons had auspicious omen, bad events had ominous omen, dream omen came true, prophecy based on deserved fate came true, etc. The main effect of the social fashions on the content feature of the argumentative prose in the Han dynasty is the following: Because some bad social fashions provoked the literati's discontent, it became an important function of the argumentative prose to criticize the customs. And that caused a sharp inclination of "hating common customs" in the contents of the argumentative prose. It also enhanced the folk undertone and times-sense of the contents of the argumentative prose. Chapter Five The Custom Culture and Fiction of the Han Dynasty The fiction was mainly affected by the custom culture in four aspects in the Han dynasty: Firstly, the fiction originated chiefly in hearsay. And the necromancy culture and comedy culture were its nutrition. Secondly, Many fiction writers were necromancers, comedians or bookmen whose status were like necromancers or comedians. The contents of the fiction are mainly hearsay and legend including freaky stories and person anecdotes, etc. There are particularly many contents about supernatural beings and necromancy. Owing to the factors such as writer composition and content source, the fiction has the artistic features of absurdity eeriness, wittiness, rich imagination, emphasis on imagery and narration, which give it strong literary colors. Summary The custom culture played an important role in the development of the literature in the Han dynasty, which can not be ignored. The custom culture not only contained a variety of literary creation opportunities, but also provided a number of channels for the dissemination of literary works. The custom culture not only enriched and added to the contents of the literary works, but also was a major force in the formation of their many artistic qualities. To some extent, the secular character of the custom culture strengthened the expression of human life and feelings of the literature in the Han dynasty. Therefore, the custom culture of the Han dynasty also played a role in advancing the literature of the Han-Wei period to move towards consciousness.

【关键词 (中文/英文)】 汉代; 风俗文化; 文学the Han dynasty; custom culture; literature

【发表年期】2007年03期 【网络出版投稿人】山东大学 【DOI】CNKI:CDMD:1.2007.088631