


CNKI 中国博士学位论文全文数据库

【作者】金正镐 【导师】黄有福


【摘要 (中文/英文)】 居住是能够使人类长期停留在一定的场所并营造生活的人工居处,居住文化是人类在居住生活中习得并传承下来的生活方式及与居住生活有关的一切文化现象。本论文以东北地区的满族、汉族、朝鲜族的民居为对象,具体阐明了自然环境及其他因素对居住及其文化的影响。 本研究从多学科研究视角,即在综合考察过去学界在建筑学、地理学、民俗学、民族学、文化人类学等学科领域研究成果的基础上,试图阐明与民居相关的人类多种多样的生活面貌,以及文化的发生和形成根源。根据这种宏观的研究方向,本研究要具体解决下面五个方面的问题: 第一,通过对中国东北地区满族、朝鲜族、汉族传统民居外形的比较,找出 各民族民居外形上的不同特点。 第二,通过对各民族地区传统民居的平面布局及其内部结构进行比较,找出 其共同点和不同点及其原因。 第三,通过对传统民居空间布局及其利用形态的研究,考察各民族、各地区民居在空间利用上的不同特点。 第四,以各民族传统民居在外形、内部结构、空间利用等方面的不同特点为基础,考察传统民居和居住文化的相互关系及其规律。 第五,作为对以上各种观点的阐释,从环境决定论、环境可能论、文化决定论、文化生态论等观点出发,考察本研究的主要论题,即影响人类生活的要素-- 民居建筑,在同一地区,从形态到空间利用上所存在差异的原因,以及在同一地区的民居中所反映的居住文化的不同特点等,从而探讨影响居住文化的最主要因素。本论文共分成八个部分:即绪论、传统民居与居住文化、东北地区传统民居 的形成背景、满族的传统民居与居住文化、朝鲜族的传统民居与居住文化、东北 汉族的传统民居与居住文化、对中国东北地区传统民居与居住文化的比较分析、结束语。绪论中涉及到了研究动机、研究目的、研究方法、研究范围,以及在研究过 程中遇到的问题、局限性,还有对以往研究的综合分析。 在第一章中,指出本研究的对象—住宅、居住文化以及与传统民居相关的基本理论。特别是对在以往的民居和居住文化研究中普遍使用的环境决定论、环境可能论、文化决定论等文化生态学观点进行理论分析,并提出理论根据。 在第二章中,对本研究的总背景—东北地区的历史、自然地理、人文地理 等情况进行阐述,并指出对各民族民居的外形及居住文化产生影响的要因。从第三章到第五章是本研究的核心部分。从建筑学、地理学、文化人类学、 民俗学、民族学角度,对满族、朝鲜族、汉族等三个民族的传统民居及居住文化, 分别进行考察,为将在第六章中进行的对各民族居住形态和居住文化的不同特点的分析提供依据。还将与各民族的传统民居有关系的北京四合院、沈阳故宫、韩 国传统民居等,与东北地区各民族的传统民居进行比较,阐述其共同点和不同点。在第六章中,以第三章到第五章所揭示的满族、朝鲜族、汉族的居住形态及 居住文化的具体内容为基础,分析三个民族居住文化的共同点及不同点,找出决定三个民族居住形态及居住文化的各种要素和形成三个民族居住文化不同特点的根本原因。最后在第七章中,在前面几章的论述中所出现的事实和问题的基础上,为以后的研究者提示了方向。东北地区各民族独特的民居形态及居住文化是,在长期受东北地区自然环境、人文环境及固有的民族文化等因素的影响下形成和发展下来的。笔者通过这次研究,对民居和居住文化的形成产生影响的主要因素的有关结论概括如下: 第一,东北地区各民族住宅的外形,主要是由于气候的影响形成的,即构成 各民族住宅外形的要素—屋顶的坡度、墙壁的厚度等突出反映了气候的影响。 除此之外,各民族的民居,深受当地的地形、地势等自然环境的影响。 第二,各民族民居的规模及建筑物的布局,受各民族经济生活水平的影响。即由于家庭的经济实力不同,在住宅的规模上出现差异;由于各民族经济生活方式不同,出现不同的空间布局。第三,各民族住宅的内部结构深受民族固有文化的影响。传统民居的内部结 构,受各民族精神文化即民族固有的思想背景及宗教因素的影响。第四,居住文化是在住宅和民族文化的相互影响中形成的,同时具有历史性 和时代性。 如前所述,住宅是综合反映自然环境、气候环境、经济生活、民族文化等因 素影响的建筑物,而居住文化是在此基础上生成的。所以,各民族的居住文化是 在各民族社会文化的背景下保存下来的,又随着时代的发展不断地发生变化。其中,与居住相关的风俗最好地反映了各民族居住文化的特色。由于这种风俗的存 在,各民族的居住文化才能够长久地传承和保存下来,这对各民族住宅的外形及 内部结构的保存起重要作用。

The word residence means the artificial whereabouts that human being stays for long-period of time in a fixed form. And residential culture means the culture refering to the practice of housing that have been naturally developed along with human history.The purpose of this thesis is to clarify the specific elements that have been presumed to influence human residence and residential culture. And research target is the dwelling houses of Manchu, Korean-Chinese and Han nationality of Northeast China.This research proceeds in a synthetic method based on Architecture, Geography, Folklore, Ethnology, History etc. This research is wished to solve subsequent specific problems as follows:First, search for the external characteristic and the difference of traditional dwelling houses of Manchu, Korean-Chinese and Han nationality of Northeast China.Second, compare and contrast the plan arrangement and inner structure of traditional dwelling houses of each ethnic group and area. And search for the similarity and difference between them and find the cause of influence.Third, examine the spatial arrangement and utilization form of traditional dwelling house. And find the difference of spatial utilization of the dwelling house, and the cause of difference.Fourth, based on the result of research in the front, I wish to find the rules of the pattern for traditional dwelling house and residential culture.Finally, find the elements that influence the dwelling house construction, the reason why the form of dwelling house is different in the same area, and the difference of residential culture that happens through this factors. And I wish to find the most important element that influence the formation of residential cultureThis thesis is consisted of eight parts. First, at the introduction will be mentioned the motive and the purpose of proceeding this research, followed by the analysis of method, Extent and limitation of the research. And progress analysis about existing research regarding tradition dwelling house.Chapter 1, examines basic theories regarding house, residential culture and traditional dwelling house which is the main point of this thesis.In Chapter 2, examine history, natural and geographical circumstance in Northeast China that is the stage of this thesis.The main discussion of the theme in this thesis locates in the chapters from three to five. In Chapter 3, examine traditional dwelling houses of Manchu, in Chapter 4, examine tradition dwelling houses of Korean-Chinese, Chapter 5, examine tradition dwelling houses of Han nationality and residential culture. Also, analyze the simmilarity and the difference through the comparison of the traditional dwelling houses in Northeast China, with other traditional houses such as Beijing Siheyuan, Shenyang Gugong, Korean traditional dwelling house.In Chapter 6, analyze the simmilarity common and the difference of residential culture of these three ethnic groups, Manchu, Korean-Chinese and Han nationality.And in Chapter 7, do direction presentation about the research of a successor on the basis of new fact and questions that is derived through whole process in front.The conclusion regarding traditional dwelling house, and the effect of residential culture formation that is obtained through this research is as follows:First, the external shapes of each ethinc's traditional houses in Northeast China is formed in accordance with the natural condition of environment and is the obsolute result of climatic environment.Second, the scale and the building arrangement of each ethnic dwelling houses are greatly affected by the economic factor of each ethnic group.Third, each ethnic culture has great effect on the inner structure of its house. Inner structure of ethnic traditional dwelling house receive great influence of culture, through cultural and religious background of the ethnic group.Fourth, residential culture is the thing, formed by the effect of the mutual interaction of housing and ethnic culture. It represents the effect of history and the effect of age at the same time.As ment...

【关键词 (中文/英文)】 东北传统居住文化; 满族民居; 朝鲜族民居; 东北汉族民居; 文化生态论 residential culture of Northeast China; a dwelling house of Manchu; a dwelling house of Korean-Chinese; a dwelling house of Han nationality; cultural ecology

【发表年期】2005年04期 【网络出版投稿人】中央民族大学 【DOI】CNKI:CDMD:1.2005.066755