




【作者】特木尔巴根 【导师】白振声


【摘要(中文/英文)】 蒙古族是有着悠久历史和灿烂文化的民族。历史上曾建立过横跨 欧、亚两洲的蒙古大帝国,建立过中国历史上前所未有的统一的多民 族国家——元朝。在长期的发展过程中蒙古族各族群遍布蒙古高原以 及祖国各地。甘肃省河西走廊最西端、祁连山脚下,持鞭游牧、生息 繁衍、创造独具特色文化的雪山蒙古人便是诸多族群中的一员。据历 史文献记载,他们是厄鲁特蒙古和硕特部后裔,是一代天骄成吉思汗 的子孙。他们在移居到这里的两百多年的历史过程中,传承保留着众 多的蒙古族传统文化,同时,还在兼收并蓄、博采众长中,使原有的 文化更加丰富多彩,创造了内涵丰富、特色鲜明的雪山蒙古人文化。 首先,雪山蒙古人所保留传承的传统文化内容之多、形式之完整,是 远非其他地方蒙古人所可比拟的。因此笔者在描述雪山蒙古人传统 文化概貌的基础上进一步探讨了雪山蒙古人保留传统文化的有效措 施。其次,雪山蒙古人文化具有浓郁的地域特色,笔者通过雪山蒙 古人地域文化研究,试图解析此种文化的特殊性及其生成的原因,更重要的是揭示其形成发展的一般性规律。另外,为进一步深入认 识在社会转型中的雪山蒙古人文化的现状,笔者采取了个案调查,并 对此进行了整理和研究。基于以上的考虑,笔者从雪山蒙古人历史实际出发,以充分可靠 的文献史料和田野调查资料为依据,按照民族学的文化理论对雪山蒙 古人文化进行了认真梳理和较为全面系统的分析、阐述。论文主要内 容有: 第一部分:概述了雪山蒙古人的来源以及他们赖以生存的自然地 理环境;解析了雪山蒙古人名称的来历,考察了雪山蒙古人文化产生、 发展的历史脉络。 第二部分:民族学、人类学界通常把文化归纳为物质、制度和精 神等三个层面,“一是物质层面(外层),即体现人与自然的关系,包 括衣、食、住、行;二是制度层面(中层),即人与人的关系,包括了政 治组织、社会、家庭、亲属、教育制度等;三是精神层面(内层),即 人与超自然的关系,包括价值观念、意识形态、思维方式、伦理道德、 审美情趣、宗教信仰等等。”’笔者按照这一惯例,将雪山蒙古人文化 分为物质文化(第二章)、制度文化(第三章)、精神文化(第四章) 三个方面,依据较为详细的民族志资料,对雪山蒙古人文化的构成进 行了较为全面系统的阐述。 第三部分:是本篇论文的典型调查部分。笔者先后进行了两次田 野调查,采用参与观察、深度访谈、问卷调查和居住体验等方法,获 取了雪山蒙古人文化的最新信息和第一手资料,同时,结合相关统计 数据,对雪山蒙古人文化的现状与发展趋势进行了探讨。 第四部分:论文的总结部分。对上述内容进行总结基础上,采取 了纵向和横向比较的方法归纳出了雪山蒙古人文化的传统性、地域性 和多样性三大特征。 总之,本文是运用了人类学、民族学的理论方法对雪山蒙古人文,容观琼“关于文化和文化变迁的研究—人类学方法论研究之四”,《广西民族学院学报》,1999年1期 2 化进行的综合研究,由于涉及的范围比较广泛,因此也借鉴了教育学、 民俗学、语言学等相关学科的理论。本论文的目的在于通过研究雪山 蒙古人文化,帮助人们了解该群体的文化历史、文化特点、生成原因、 发展状况和趋势,以研究者的角度,为雪山蒙古人优秀传统文化的保 护、利用发展总结经验,探讨对策。


Mongolia people has a long history and a magnificent culture, they ever set up the Mongolia empire, spans Europe and Asia in history, and more, they first ever set up a unified multinational-state whose name is Yuan Dynasty. During the long historical development, now, families of Mongolia people live everywhere in Mongolia altiplano and the country. Among those Mongolian families, Snow Mountain Mongolian who settles at the foot of Qilian Mountain that lies at the west side of West River Corridor and lives on nomadism, creates their unique culture. According to the recordation of historical literature, they are the descendant of Heshuote division of Erlute Mongoliab and offspring of Habu Tusahaer who is the younger brother of great king, Genghis Khan. Since they have moved here for 200 years, they inherited and retained so many traditional Mongolian culture. At the same time, they develop the original culture more colorful and create the Snow Mountain Mongolian culture with abundant connotation and bright characteristic. There is no other Mongolian than Snow Mountain Mongolian who inherited and retained so many contents and formats of the traditional cluture. So, here, firstly by discirbing a picture of Snow Mountain Mongolian traditional culture, the wirter also seeks for effective efforts to reserve this traditional culture. Secondly, because of the strong regional characteristic of Snow Mountain Mongolian culture, the writer tries to understand its uniqueness and more importantly, finds out the general rules of its development.Furthermore, the writer did some case studies in order to deeply understand the current status of Snow Mountain Mongolian culture, especially, the status of traditional culture during the society transformation.Based on the above thoughts, starts from the historical facts of Snow Mountain Mongolian, the writer specifies the Snow Mountain Mongolian culture comprehensively and systematically by plenty reliable history materials and seriously scientific analysis. The main contents of this thesis include the followings:In the first part of the thesis, it introduces the origin of Snow Mountain Mongolian as well as the natural environment they lived on. Also, it tells the origin of the name of Snow Mountain Mongolian, reviews the process of its development and produce.The second part specifies that culture is usually concluded in three levels (tiers): physical, institutional and spiritual level respectively in ethnography and anthropology. The outer one is called physical one. It embodies the relationship between human being and nature, which includes clothing, diet, housing and traffic. The middle one is called institutional one. It embodies the relationship between people, includes political organization, society, family, relatives and educational system. The third tier, inner tier is called spiritual one. It embodies the relationship between human being and super-nature, it includes value, ideology, thinking method, ethic and moral, taste and interest, faith and religion, and so forth. Based on this theory, Snow Mountain Mongolian culture is divided into physical culture, institutional culture and spiritual culture by the writer, more details are given to these three categories respectively in this part.The third part is the case study part of the thesis. To getting the latest information and first-hand material about Snow Mountain Mongolian culture, the writer held two on-site investigations and studies by ways of interview, observation, self-experience and questionnaires etc. Meanwhile, by collecting data and statistic, the writer discusses the current status and future development trends of the Snow Mountain Mongolian culture in this part.The fourth part is a summary of the thesis. Based on the previous parts of the thesis, it sums up three characteristics of Snow Mountain Mongolian culture by comparison study. The three characteristics are: traditional character, regional character and variety character.In conclusion, by taking advantage of theories and methods of...

【关键词 (中文/英文)】 雪山蒙古; 文化; 传统; 多样性 snow mountain Mongolian; culture; tradition; variety

【发表年期】2005年04期 【网络出版投稿人】中央民族大学 【DOI】CNKI:CDMD:1.2005.066790