



Acculturation and Domestication  

【作者】毛巧晖 【导师】陈勤建


【摘要 (中文/英文)】 延安时期解放区的“民间文学”是在承继晚清至二十世纪三十年代民间文学学术积淀的基础上,再加上中国共产党重视民间文学的传统以及当时中共领导的核心地区延安的文化生态环境诸因素的共同作用下形成的中国民间文学学术史上一个特殊阶段。这一时期的民间文学在中国共产党政治体制影响下发生了涵化,同时民间文学本身固有规律产生地张力,使得这种偏移向本位归属,在这种合力作用下,形成了特殊的“民间文学”,它被当作单纯的文学来对待,与民俗学研究完全隔离,同时知识分子从自己的立场出发构建了一个想象的“民间”,与真正的民间产生隔阂,这一理念在当时特殊的历史语境中起到过积极的作用,而且从客观上也促进了当时民间文学的发展,积累了宝贵的研究经验。后来的民间文学学术研究承继了这一研究理念,那就是对民间文学的研究落入单纯的文学巢臼,而且研究者不能真正站在民间的立场,而是陷入自己构想的“民间”中,但没有将科学的研究经验继续深化和发扬。这样随着特殊历史语境的消失,这种理念就成为当今民间文学学术研究取得实质性进展的瓶颈,因此当今民间文学学术界必须转变观念与立场,才能使得民间文学的研究发生质的飞跃。 本文本论部分分为五章:第一章论述了清朝中后期,中国特殊的社会形势,使得知识分子积极地寻找拯救民族之路,在向外国学习中,他们发现了民众,将目光定格在了“民间”,因此这一时期就形成了“民间”思潮的先声,在这样的情形下,知识分子中间形成了对民间文学零星、片断的看法和理解,也就出现了前学科的民间文学理念,而这就为延安时期民间文学的出现作了学术积淀;第二章主要论述了民俗学伴随着新文化运动诞生,与文学革命有着密切的联系,研究者涉及民间文学研究的目的是文学革命,因此它只是文学革命的一种工具,也就形成了民间文学研究的文学性倾向,这一传统在延安时期得到了极至发挥:而文学革命的终极目的是为了建立新的文化价值体系,进而形成新的民族国家,文学革命的提倡者当时处于启蒙者的立场,这样他们就从民间文学中寻找与启蒙一致的思想,因此他们构建了一个想象的“民间”,这一理念在延安时期得以延续;第三章论述了影响延安时期民间文学的发展和兴盛的另外两个因素,即中国共产党重视民间文学传统和陕北生态环境中丰富的民间文化蕴涵,前者使得延安时期中共在民间文学领域形成一套较成熟的政策,将民间文学纳入到了文学的体系,而且将其作为结合群众的一种表现,成为更好地领导群众,让群众了解中国共产党政策的一种方式;后者则为延安时期解放区民间文学的兴盛提供了环境境遇。第四章通过对这一时期民间文学的理论研究、对民间文学的改造、作家的民间文学创作以及民间艺人的民间文学这四个层面的论述,可以看出“民间文学”的涵 ……

The formation of the "folklore "in the Liberated Area during Yan'an period, a special stage in the history of the Chinese popular literature, is the result of the joint strands of influences. The academic development of folklore from late Qing Dynasty to the 1930s has paved the foundation. The Chinese Communist Party's traditional preference on the folks and the cultural-ecological environment of the north in shanxi under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) have also attributed to the formation. The folklore at that particular stage, due to the influences of the political institution of the CCP and the natural tension of folklore's own sake, has undergone acculturation and a diversion to its original standard. Under the joint influences mentioned above, the "folklore" has formed its own characteristics, i.e. it is treated as literary creations and secluded from folkloric research by those intellectuals. The so-called "folk", different from its true meaning, is the assumption concocted from the intellectual's own perspective, which has performed positive functions and promoted the folklore development at that specific historical context. In addition, the development has provided valuable experience for researchers. The later folklore researchers have inherited this tradition, and they have confined their folklore to the literary research. Instead of studying the folklore from the creation of the folks, the researchers, starting their research from their own assumed "folks", have failed in promotion of scientific research. The concept of the assumed "folks", with the change of the historical context, has become a bottleneck which has blocked the real development of folklore. Therefore, in order to boost a fundamental change of folklore research, transformation of research concept and methods is of the must.The dissertation is divided into five chapters. In the first chapter, the author has put her emphasis on how those Chinese intellectuals have paid their attention on "folks" in the middle and later Qing Dynasty. The author has analyzed the crisis China faced at that time and the efforts intellectuals made so as to save the country. While learning from the foreign cultures, the intellectuals found the enlightenment of the folks as the way to save their country. Thus, there appeared the first attempt to study the folks. The intellectuals, forming a fragmentary and distorted understanding of folklore, started the pre-disciplinary concept of folklore research. This tradition has served as the direct academic source for the folklore development during Yan'an period. The second chapter has discussed the close connection folklore has with the literary revolution. Firstly, folklore comes into being with the new cultural revolution. Secondly, the researchers treat folklore as a means to start a literary revolution to reverse the traditional literature. To them, folklore encompasses the literary elements. This tradition has overstated during Yan'an period. Hoping to establish a new cultural value system, the researches put the ultimate goal of the literary revolution to form a new nation. As the enlightenment precursors, those advocators of the literary revolution, wishing to find some enlightened ideas from the folklore, have concocted the ideal "folks". This assumed concept has found its continuity during Yan'an period. The third chapter has analyzed the other two influential factors: the CCP's preference on folklore traditions and the rich resources of the north in Shanxi folk culture. To treat the folklore as a means to integrate the common folks and form an empathy, the CCP has issued mature policies, by involving the folklore into a literary system, to encourage the CCP for a better leadership and for the common folks to understand the CCP policies. The rich resources of the local folk culture have guaranteed the flourishing of the folklore at that time. Chapter Four has further discussed the features of folklore during Yan'an period from four aspects: the theoretical research, the reforms, the writers' creations and the creations of the folk artists. After the analysis, the author has demonstrated the features of folklore: its acculturation and diversion to its natural origin. In Chapter Five, the author has explored the transmission and extension of the folklore concept established during Yan'an period to the folklore research after 1949.Besides, in the Introduction of the dissertation, the author has briefly explored the historical and current research done on folklore in the liberated area during Yan'an period. And in this section, the author has given a brief account on her research goal, meaning, methodology and frame to be used. In the part of the conclusion, the author has expounded the concept of "folks ", research object of folklore as the summary of the dissertation.

【关键词 (中文/英文)】 涵化; 归化; 延安时期; 解放区; “民间文学”; 民间 Acculturation; Domestication; The Liberated Area; During Yan'an Period; "Folklore"; Folk

【发表年期】2005年06期 【网络出版投稿人】华东师范大学 【DOI】CNKI:CDMD:1.2005.086234