
[ 分享] 中外著名的人类学民族学家肖像及简介(来源于百度)



马歇尔•萨林斯(Marshall Sahlins)

马歇尔•萨林斯(Marshall Sahlins),复旦大学社会科学高等研究院学术委员会创始委员,芝加哥大学荣誉教授、美国科学院院士。
萨林斯先生是当代著名的人类学大师之一。他生于 1930 年12月,于 1954 年获得密执根大学人类学博士学位,毕业后留校任教。1973 年,调任芝加哥大学人类学系教授,后担任芝加哥大学杰出教授之职。萨林斯现为芝加哥大学荣誉教授、美国科学院院士。
萨林斯1960 年代曾为新进化论代表人物。1970 年代初开始,萨林斯开始致力于文化理论的重建工作,结合文化人类学与结构人类学,确立了一种人类学的新风范。其主要代表作也于 1990 年代在得到了系统翻译。北京三联书店、上海人民出版社,相继于 1990 年代末 21 世纪初,出版萨林斯所著《甜蜜的悲哀》 及 《历史与文化论丛》等四种。
Marshall David Sahlins (born December 27, 1930, Chicago, Illinois) is a prominent American anthropologist. He received both a Bachelors and Masters degree at the University of Michigan where he studied with Leslie White, and earned his Ph.D. at Columbia University in 1954 where his main intellectual influences included Karl Polanyi and Julian Steward. He returned to teach at the University of Michigan and in the 1960s and became politically active, protesting against the Vietnam War. In the late 1960s he also spent two years in Paris, where he was exposed to French intellectual life (and particularly the work of Claude Lévi-Strauss) and the student protests of May 1968. In 1973 he moved to the University of Chicago, where he is today the Charles F. Grey Distinguished Service Professor of Anthropology Emeritus.
Sahlins' work has focused on demonstrating the power that culture has to shape people's perceptions and actions. He has been particularly interested to demonstrate that culture has a unique power to motivate people that is not derived from biology. His early work focused on debunking the idea of 'economically rational man' and to demonstrate that economic systems adapted to particular circumstances in culturally specific ways. After the publication of Culture and Practical Reason in 1976 his focus shifted to the relation between history and anthropology, and the way different cultures understand and make history. Although his focus has been the entire Pacific, Sahlins has done most of his research in Fiji and Hawaii.
In his Evolution and Culture (1960) he touched the areas of cultural evolution and neoevolutionism. He divided the evolution of societies into 'general' and 'specific'. General evolution is the tendency of cultural and social systems to increase in complexity, organisation and adaptiveness to environment. However, as the various cultures are not isolated, there is interaction and a diffusion of their qualities (like technological inventions). This leads cultures to develop in different ways (specific evolution), as various elements are introduced to them in different combinations and on different stages of evolution.
In the late 1990s Sahlins became embroiled in a heated debate with Gananath Obeyesekere over the details of Captain James Cook's death in the Hawaiian Islands in 1779. At the heart of the debate was how to understand the rationality of indigenous people. Obeyesekere insisted that indigenous people thought in essentially the same way as Westerners and was concerned that any argument otherwise would paint them as 'irrational' and 'uncivilized'. Sahlins, on the other hand, was critical of Western thought and argued that indigenous cultures were distinct and equal to those of the West.
In 2001, Marshall Sahlins became the executive publisher of a small press called Prickly Paradigm.


Social Stratification in Polynesia (1958)
Moala: Culture and Nature on a Fijian Island (1962)
Evolution and Culture (ed., 1960)
Stone Age Economics (1974: ISBN 0422745308)
Tribesmen (1968)
The Use and Abuse of Biology (1976: ISBN 0472087770)
Culture and Practical Reason (1976: ISBN 0226733599)
Historical Metaphors and Mythical Realities (1981: ISBN 0472027212)
Waiting For Foucault (1999: ISBN 1891754114)
Islands of History (1985: ISBN 0226733572)
Anahulu: The Anthropology of History in the Kingdom of Hawaii (1992: ISBN 0226733637)
How "Natives" Think: About Captain Cook, for Example (1995: ISBN 0-226-73368-8)
Culture in Practice (2000: ISBN 094229937X)
Apologies to Thucydides: Understanding History as Culture and Vice Versa (2004: ISBN 0226734005)

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haha 萨林斯长的好憨哦








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