


Religious Diversity and Ecological Sustainability

In China


Sponsored by

Minzu University of China

Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religion and Ethnic Diversity

Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology

  Contextualizing the Ecological Consciousnesses and Environmental Ethics of Ancients and Moderns in China
Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim
Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Science and Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology
“ Environmental Ethics for a Chinese Context”

Yang Shengmin
School of Ethnology & Sociology
Minzu University of China
“Fromthe Esoteric Buddhism to the Yishan Sect of Islam: Why MysticalReligious Sects have More Powerful Influences on the Residents of TalimuBasin”

Tu Weiming
  The Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies
  Peking University
  Asia Center, Harvard University
“The Ecological Implications of Confucian Spirituality in the 21th Century”

  Rebecca Nedostup
  Department of History, Boston College
“Finding Nature in Religion, Hunting Religion from the Environment”

       Discussant: Peter van der Veer and Ding Hong
   11:15 – 11:25   Tea/Coffee & Snack Break
11:25 – 12:00   Panel Discussion
12:15 – 13:30   Lunch

  Panel 2
  Parking Nature, Greening lifestyles in Private and Public spaces of Urban China
Nancy Chen
Department of Anthropology
University of California, Santa Cruz
“Elemental Connections: Self-Cultivation, Ecology, and Reframing Urban Spaces”

Robert Weller
Department of Anthropology
Boston University
“Globalizations and Diversities of Nature in China”

Pan Jiao
Department of Anthropology
School of Ethnology & Sociology, Minzu University of China
“The Niche and Organization of the Yi People in the Manufacturing Zhujiang Delta”

Ole Bruun
Roskilde University, Denmark
“Feng shui: A resource for Chinese ecology?”

  Discussants: Jin Ze and James Miller
   15:20 – 15:30  Tea/Coffee & Snack Break
15:30 – 16:00  Panel Discussion




Panel 3

  Water, Crops, Animals and Ecological Protection
James Miller                                      An Jing
School of Religion Sociology                  School of Ethnology and
Queen’s University Ontario, Canada       Minzu University of China
“Religion and Ecology of the Blang”

Ren Guoying
School of Ethnology & Sociology, Minzu University of China
“Ecologyand Livelihood: A Study on Food Fight between the Animal and the Humanat the Tujia Ethnic Township of Xiaguping, Shennongjia”

Yang Zhuhui
School of Ethnology & Sociology, Minzu University of China
“The Dong’s Sticky Rice Cultivation and Related Cultural Operation”

Zhang Yahui
School of Ethnology and Sociology, Minzu University of China
“The Sacrificed Water Ghosts in the Jinci Temple”

  Discussant: Guan Kai and Deborah Sommer
               17:30 – 18:00 Panel Discussion
18:30 – 20:00 Dinner





  Panel 4
  Myths, Place-making, and Ecological Practices from Comparative Perspectives
Kasang Gyal
Institute of World Religions
The Chinese Academy of the Social Sciences
“Folk Beliefs and Ecological Preservation: Case Studies of Sacred Mountains in Tibetan Regions”

Dan Smyer Yu
Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity
“Earthwork, Home-Making, and Eco-Aesthetics among Amdo Tibetans”

Young Soon KIM
Multicultural Studies of Graduate School, Inha University
Study on the Creation of the Digital  
Ethnography for Incheon Gumdan Traditional Villages

Min Junqing     
The Chinese Islamic Association
“Allah and Agency: a Case Study of the Ecological Practice and Religious Expression of a Chinese Islamic Order”

  Discussant: Su Faxiang and Emily Yeh   09:50 – 10:20 Panel Discussion
  10:20 – 10:30   Tea/Coffee Break & Snack





Panel 5

  NatureConservancy or Nature Consumption: the Entanglement of TraditionalEco-religious Practices, the State, and Market among Tibetans andMongolians
Emily Yeh
Department of Geography
University of Colorado, Boulder
“Competing articulations of Tibetan Buddhism and Environmental Protection”

Su Faxiang
School of Ethnology & Sociology
Minzu University of China
“A Research on Resettlement in Amdo Tibetan Pastoral Area”

Qi Jingyu
School of Ethnology & Sociology
Minzu University of China
“GrasslandEcological Emigration and Cultural Adaptability: A Case Study ofApplied Anthropology for the Source of the Yellow River”

Bao Zhiming
The Ethnic Minority Study Center of China
Minzu University of China
“Howthe Ecology is Forgotten during the Process of Ecological Relocation: ACase Study of S Banner in Inner Mongolia from a SociologicalPerspective”

  Discussant: You Bin and Dan Smyer Yu   11:50 – 12:20 Panel Discussion
12:30 – 14:00 Lunch

19:30 – 20:15 Documentary Film Show & Discussions with students




  Panel 6
  Cultural Practices and Ecological Sustainability
Liu Mingxin
School of Ethnology and Sociology
Minzu University of China
“Analysis on the Influence of the Environment Factors on the Forming and Development of Manchu’s Folk Culture”

Zhang Xi
School of Ethnology and Sociology
Minzu University of China
“Advancing Theories of Ecological Anthropology”

He Qimin
School of Philosophy and Religion
Minzu University of China
“Adapting or Choosing?: A Study on the Religious Cultural Ecology”

Liu Xiapei
College of Philosophy and Sociology
Beijing Normal University
“Culture, Belief, Ecology and Sustainable Development: Take the Ancient villages in China as Example”

  Discussant: Robert Weller and Nancy Chen
15:35 – 16:05 Panel Discussion

18:00 – Dinner

19:30 – 20:15 Documentary Film Show & Discussions with students
Place: Fisrt Floor Lecture Hall , Wenhua Building, Minzu University of China
19:30 – 20:30    Journey of the Universe (55 minutes/2011)
                     Producers: Mary Evelyn Tucker and Brian Thomas Swimme
  20:35 – 21:05       Embrace (30 minutes /2011)
                      Producer: Dan Smyer Yu
                        Directors: Dan Smyer Yu and Pedma Tashi
Host: Su Faxiang
Discussant: Emily Yeh and Wang Jianmin
21:10 – 21:40     Discussions




  Panel 7
  The Earth, Sentience, and Eco-Minds of the Ancients
Chen Xia
Institute of Philosophy, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
“A Daoist View of Ecology: the Co-existence of Dao and Wu(物)”

Deborah Sommer
Department of Religious Studies, Gettysburg College
“Conceptualizations of the Earth and the Ritual Management of Natural Resources in Classical Chinese Texts”

Joseph Adler
Asian Studies Program
Kenyon College
“The Great Virtue of Heaven and Earth: Deep Ecology in the Yijing (易经)”

Zheng Xiaoyun
Institute of World Religions
The Chinese Academy of the Social Sciences
“Ecological Significance of Theravada Buddhist Practices in Yunnan”

Peng Guoxiang
Department of Philosophy and Religion
Peking University
“Ecological Implications and Beyond: Rereading the Inquiry of the Great Learning”

10:10 – 10:20 Tea/Coffee Break

  Discussant: Mary Evelyn Tucker and Ole Bruun
   10:20 – 10:50 Panel Discussion


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