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【作者】崔玲玲 【导师】田联韬


【摘要 (中文/英文)】 台吉乃尔蒙古人的音乐文化是蒙古族音乐文化中的重要一支,是一笔丰厚的 民族文化遗产。其人生仪礼中的仪式及音乐,不仅体现了台吉乃尔蒙古人丰富的 民俗和多彩的音乐,也体现了蒙古民族悠久的传统文化。 台吉乃尔蒙古人从新疆地区的卫拉特蒙古部落迁至青藏高原,与当地的藏 族、土族、撒拉族、回族、汉族、哈萨克族等民族杂居。多民族的居住环境形成 了文化间的交流、趋同与融合。由于地处青藏高原,交通相对较闭塞,这对保留 古老的民族文化又起到了不容忽视的作用。通过对青海台吉乃尔蒙古人的人生仪 礼的仪式及其音乐的考察研究,我们既可以看到蒙古族古老文化的遗存,也可看 到文化的变迁过程。本文借鉴民俗学中有关人生仪礼的研究理论,以台吉乃尔蒙 古人的人生仪礼及仪式音乐的实际情况为基础,结合其传统观念,尝试着制作一 个研究模式图,进行分析、解释。即将台吉乃尔蒙古人人生仪礼的总体,看做是 一个完整的圆圈,从中间分开,上半部分为人们由生到死的过程中的仪礼,称其 为生活仪礼;下半部分为人的由死到生的轮回过程中的仪礼,称其为信仰仪礼。 这两部分仪礼的总和,体现出一个台吉乃尔蒙古人传统观念中完整的人生仪礼的 过程。 全文分为: 第...更多一章为绪论部分,旨在介绍目前该课题的研究现状,全文的资料来源,本 文的研究目的、意义和范围、对象,使用的研究方法、理论,以及笔者所进行的 田野工作与论文整体的纲要。 第二章叙述了青海蒙古族、人生仪礼和音乐的概况。主要对青海地理环境、 青海蒙古族及台吉乃尔蒙古人的迁徙史、文化概况、,人生仪礼、音乐种类与特 征,进行了较为细致的描述。 第三章的重点,是对台吉乃尔蒙古人最重要的四种人生仪礼做翔实的个案实 录。本章每一节的个案描述,均包括三方面的内容,即:归纳资料中的人生仪礼 内容,实录人生仪礼,总结对比。通过三个方面的描述,可以看出台吉乃尔蒙古 人人生仪礼的融合、变迁的趋势。 第四章主要是对台吉乃尔蒙古人人生仪礼中的仪式音乐做形态方面的分析。 文中介绍、分析了人生仪礼音乐中所使用的各类歌曲。并对人生仪礼中整体音乐 的结构形式进行分析。本章中将青海藏族和内蒙古地区蒙古族的音乐与台吉乃尔 蒙古人的音乐做比较分析。还借用了专业音乐理论中的曲式结构概念对每一个人 生仪礼及音乐做仪式结构和曲式结构的分析、解释。 第五章从文化阐释的角度,解释台吉乃尔蒙古人的人生仪礼及仪式音乐。主 要内容有,对人生仪礼中的隐性仪礼--信仰仪礼的分析,阐释其与生活仪礼的 关系;同藏族与内蒙古地区蒙古族人生仪礼文化方面的比较中,找出文化传承与 文化趋同的脉络;人生仪礼及音乐对于社会生活所起到的功能作用。最后,笔者 运用民族音乐学的模式分析方法,分解仪式音乐中的核心层次、中介层次和外围 层次,用以剖析仪式及仪式音乐中的固定因素与非固定因素。

The musical culture of Taijinaier Mongolian is an important one and a rich national culture legacy as well. The rites and the ritual music of life not only have reflected the abundant customs and colorful music but also reflected the Mongolian historic traditional culture. Taijinaier Mongolian migrated from Weilate Mongol tribe to Tibetan plateau, and mixed inhabited with local Tibetan, Tu, Sala, Hui Han Hasac which led to culture communicate, assimilate, and melting. On the other hand ,because of living in Qingzang plateau and hard to access, which caused an important result that the ancient national culture were preserved. Researching the rites of life and ritual music we can observe cultural heritages of Taijinaier Mongolian and the changing process of culture. Using the theory on folklore about the rites of life for reference and basing on the rites of Taijinaier Mongolian ,the writer try to make a study mode that means the total rites of life will be seen as a circle separated from middle ,the upper is the rites from life to death ,named rites of living ,the lower named rites of belief is the rotation from death to life . this two parts of rites will reflect the monglian 's total traditional conception about the life process. In the first chapter, mainly introduce the study situation of this topic, the original of data, aim, meaning , scope, object, studying way, theory as well as the filedworks and the outline writer did. The second chapter ,briefly introduce Qinghai Mongolian, their rites of life and ritual music including the geographical environment ,Qinghai Mongolian and their migrate history, culture, rites of life, the categories and characters of music . in the third chapter, the writer record the most four kinds of important rites of life in detail case .including three aspects rsummerize the contents of rite ,record and compare the rites through which we can conclude the tendency of melting and changing .in the fourth chapter ,analysis the Taijinaier Mongolian ritual music on patter aspect, the writer introduce and analysis the all kinds of song used in the rites and the structures of whole music. In The fifth chapter , from the point of cultural interpretation, Taijinaier Mongolian's rites of life and ritual music will be expounded. Through analyzing the invisible rites--rites of belief , the both of rites of living and that of belief were expounded. To compare the rites of Zang nationality with that of inner Mongolian ,we can observe the lines of cultural conveyance ,assimilation and the function of rites to social life .last ,applying the method of mode analysis on ethnomusicology ,the writer analysed the core, intermedium, and scope of outside of ritual music and expounded the regular and irregular factors in rites and ritual music.

【关键词 (中文/英文)】 台吉乃尔蒙古人; 人生仪礼; 仪式音乐; 互渗性; 融合性; 趋同性; 传承性 Taijinaier Mongolian ; rites of life ; ritual music; interpervation; melt-ability; assimilation; conveyance

【发表年期】2005年01期 【网络出版投稿人】中央音乐学院 【DOI】CNKI:CDMD:1.2004.136047