
【课上课下】第5讲│瓦勒克(Ülo Valk):民俗学的概念基础

于鲁·瓦勒克(Ülo Valk)

Ülo Valk
Professor of Estonian and Comparative Folklore

Ülo Valk is professor of Estonian and Comparative Folklore at the University of Tartu, Estonia. During 2003-2004 he is a Fulbright scholar at the Center for Folklore and Ethnography at the University of Pennsylvania. His research interests include genre theory, demonology and belief.

Degree information
Ülo Valk, Doctor's Degree, 1994, (sup) -, Eesti rahvausu kuradi-kujutelm (Image of the Devil in Estonian Folk Religion), University of Tartu  

Honours & Awards
2006, Ülo Valk; Prize for Popularizing Estonian Science. II prize.  
2006, Ülo Valk; Annual prize of the journal "Keel ja Kirjandus" in folkloristics  
2003, Ülo Valk; The best Estonian Science Foundation grant project in the humanities ('Legend as a folklore genre')  
2003, Ülo Valk; Flubright scholar at the University of Pennsylvania.  
2002, Ülo Valk; Visiting Professor at the University of Kiel (Prof. Dr. Werner Petersen-Gastprofessur).  
2000, Ülo Valk; Visiting professor in folkloristics at the University of California, Berkeley  
1996, Ülo Valk; Prize of Academia Europaea for young scholars.  

Field of research
2. Culture and Society, 2.6. Philology and Linguistics(vernacular religion and genre theory)  

Current grants & projects
Folklore and Society: Tradition Memory, Creativity, Applications  
Alternative Discourses of Belief: Folkloristic Perspectives  
Centre of Excellence in Cultural Theory  
Authority and Utopias in Estonian and Finnish Belief Narratives  

Some recent publications:
'On the Connections between Estonian Folk Religion and Christian Demonology', Mitteilungen für Anthropologie und Religionsgeschichte, Band 8. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 1994
(pp. 191-209).
'The Black Gentleman: Manifestations of the Devil in Estonian Folk Religion', Folklore Fellows' Communications No. 276, Helsinki, 2001.
'Authorship and Textuality. Kalevipoeg as Epic Landscape', Kalevala and the Worlds Traditional Epics, ed. Lauri Honko. Studia Fennica Folkloristica 12. Finnish Literature Society: Helsinki, 2002 (pp. 405-417).

Fall 2001: professor of Estonian and Comparative Folklore, University of Tartu;  
2002 - 2003: chair of the Department of Literature and Folklore, University of Tartu;  
2003 - 2004: visiting scholar at the Center for Folklore and Ethnography, University of Pennsylvania  
2004: professor of Estonian and Comparative Folklore, University of Tartu  

Administrative responsibilities
2010 - ... Member of the International Association of the History of Religions  
2010 - ... Expert of the Finnish Academy (projects in cultural research)  
2010 - ... Expert of grant projects of the Slovenian Research Agency  
2009 - ... Member of the executive committee of the Estonian Society for the Study of Religions  
2009 - ... Vice-President of the International Society for Folk Narrative Research (ISFNR)  
2009 - ... Member of the editorial board of "Journal of Indian Folkloristics" (Mysore, India)

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FFC 276
Ülo Valk:
The Black Gentleman: Manifestations of the Devil in Estonian Folk Religion.
Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia (Academia Scientiarum Fennica). 2001. 217 pp.

ISBN 951-41-0884-1 (hardback)  22 euros (hardback)
ISBN 951-41-0885-x (paperback) 18 euros (paperback)

This empirical study of the Devil in the collections of the Estonian Folklore Archives, reflecting the world of belief inhabited by the Estonians in the 19th and 20th centuries, is also a book about suspicion and fear in everyday life. It describes how religious folklore has drawn borders between the human and the non-human, how it has modelled the Other, the supernatural and social evil. As a study of folk narrative, and legends in particular, it mainly discusses variation at the level of motif with special reference to the visual guises of the Devil. These are projected against the backcloth of international folklore and demonological treatises on Christianity.

ÜLO VALK studied folklore, literature and Indology at the University of Tartu in the 1980s. He later worked as a researcher at the Folklore Department of the Institute of the Estonian Language and Literature, which in practice meant working in the national Folklore Archives. At present he is Professor of Estonian and Comparative Folklore at the University of Tartu. Dr Valk has done fieldwork in Estonia and India and has published articles on folk religion, demonology, legends and folksongs in Estonian and English. FFC 276 is a slightly revised version of his doctoral thesis, submitted to the University of Tartu in 1994




爱沙尼亚民俗与比较民俗学教授 (Professor of Estonian and Comparative Folklore)


于20世纪80年代在塔尔图大学从事民俗、文学和印度学研究,其教育背景为爱沙尼亚语文学研究(studies of Estonian philology 1980-1986);1994年在塔尔图大学获博士学位(语文学?)2003-2004年,作为富布赖特学者在美国宾夕法尼亚大学民俗与民族志研究中心访学。随后成为塔尔图大学爱沙尼亚语言与文学研究所民俗部的研究人员,那里开展的学术实践实际上意味着在国家民俗档案中工作。瓦尔克博士在爱沙尼亚和印度进行过实地调查,以爱沙尼亚语和英语发表过许多文章,涉及民间宗教,鬼神,传说和民歌的研究。


“著作权和文本性”作为史诗景观的 Kalevipoeg”,《卡勒瓦拉和世界传统的史诗》劳里·杭柯编,芬兰民俗学研究丛书(Studia Fennica Folkloristica),芬兰文学学会,赫尔辛基,2002年(第405-417)。
“爱沙尼亚民间宗教与基督教的恶魔观念”(论文),刊于Mitteilungen für Anthropologie und Religionsgeschichte, 明斯特:乌加里特出版社,1994年,页191-209。

个人代表作:《黑绅士:恶魔在爱沙尼亚的民间宗教中的表现》, FFC276,芬兰科学院,赫尔辛基,2001年。[The Black Gentleman: Manifestations of the Devil in Estonian Folk Religion, FFC276, Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia (Academia Scientiarum Fennica). 2001. ]  

这项实证研究基于爱沙尼亚民俗档案馆馆藏中的恶魔资料,反映了生活在19和 20世纪的爱沙尼亚人的信仰世界,以及日常生活中的怀疑和恐惧。该著描述了宗教民俗如何在人类与非人类之间划出的边界,又如何模塑了“他者”、超自然力量及社会的邪恶。作为民间叙事,尤其是传说研究,本书主要讨论了母题层面的变异,对恶魔的视觉伪装给予了特别的关注。其研究从背景上对国际民俗学和鬼神学中对基督教的有关论述形成一种反向投射。该著是作者的博士学位论文,完成于1994年,出版时略有修订。

文化理论中的精英中心(Centre of Excellence in Cultural Theory )


2001年秋季:塔尔图大学,爱沙尼亚语和比较民俗学 教授
2002 - 2003:塔尔图大学,文学和民俗学系 主任
2003- 塔尔图大学,哲学系,文化和艺术研究所;
2003 - 2004:美国宾夕法尼亚大学民俗与民族志研究中心,访问学者
2004年:塔尔图大学,爱沙尼亚语和比较民俗学 教授

2010 - 国际宗教史学会 会员
2010 - 芬兰科学院文化研究项目专家
2010 - 斯洛文尼亚研究机构项目评审专家
2009 - 爱沙尼亚宗教研究学会执行委员会委员
2009 - 国际民间叙事研究会(ISFNR)副会长
2009 - 《印度民俗学》编委会成员(Mysore,印度)

2006年,民俗学杂志Keel ja Kirjandus年度奖

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回复 61# 的帖子

Richard Bauman and Charles L. Briggs (2003):
Voices of Modernity: Language Ideologies and the Politics of Inequality. New York: Cambridge University Press.


