


【地点】北京大学社会学系(理科五号楼)203 室
【主讲人】Karl G. Heider(卡尔 G.海德)

【学者简介】卡尔 G. 海德教授于1966年在哈佛大学取得博士学位,现为南卡罗来纳州大学人类学系教授。1981年他对印尼电影的研究,发现电影影响和形塑了印尼国家的文化(出版Indonesian Cinema, 1991)。此后,他开始关注和研究影视人类学,并将其运用于人类学教学中。他曾多次到西伊利安岛的达尼人中间,对达尼人进行研究,并出版了相关的民族志,拍摄了相关的民族志电影(Tikal, 1961; Dani Sweet Potatoes, 1974; Dani Houses, 1974)。

【主要著作】The Dugum Dani (1970); Indonesian Cinema (1991) Films For Anthropological Teaching (1995:第八版); Grand Valley Dani (1997:第三版); Ethnographic Film (2006:修订版); Seeing Anthropology: Cultural Anthropology Through Film (2007:第四版)等。

【讲座简介】人类学家和当地人之间的合作已经越来越普遍,著名的民族志电影制作者让·鲁什(Jean Rouch)正是因他与非洲西部各族群之间形成的“分享的人类学”而出名。海德教授在新几内亚岛西部和苏门答腊岛西部,做过一系列与其民族志研究相关的民族志电影,在本次讲座中将与我们探讨“合作民族志”及其电影的创作。

讲座联络人:朱晓阳 zhuxiaoyang@pku.edu.cn 杨玲yangl57@qq.com

来源:豆瓣 http://www.douban.com/event/18511317/


主讲人代表作:Ethnographic Film

作者: Heider, Karl G.
出版社: Univ of Texas Pr
出版年: 2006-11
页数: 192
定价: $ 22.54
装帧: Pap
ISBN: 9780292714588

内容简介  · · · · · ·

Even before Robert Flaherty released Nanook of the North in 1922, anthropologists were producing films about the lifeways of native people for a public audience, as well as for research and teaching. "Ethnographic Film" (1976) was one of the first books to provide a comprehensive introduction to this field of visual anthropology, and it quickly became the standard reference. In this new edition, Karl G. Heider thoroughly updates "Ethnographic Film" to reflect developments in the field over the three decades since its publication, focusing on the work of four seminal filmmakers - Jean Rouch, John Marshall, Robert Gardner, and Timothy Asch. He begins with an introduction to ethnographic film and a history of the medium. He then considers many attributes of ethnographic film, including the crucial need to present "whole acts," "whole bodies," "whole interactions," and "whole people" to preserve the integrity of the cultural context. Heider also discusses numerous aspects of making ethnographic films, from ethics and finances to technical considerations such as film versus video and preserving the filmed record. He concludes with a look at using ethnographic film in teaching.




雷亮中 张世文 杨志伟


卡尔 G.海德:《观看人类学──通过电影的文化人类学》
导读:安定明 张伟明