


中  文  摘  要
Study on Inscription of Old Beijing from Folklore Perspective
——Folklore Analyse and Data Processing of Temple Inscriptions in Old Beijing
Ju Xi
        This dissertation mainly discusses the folklore culture related to the temple inscriptions in old Beijing. The discussion is focused on the theories and methods of the inscription folklore that are analyzed, managed and shared. Some characteristics of old Beijing city are also investigated. This dissertation mainly applied the temple inscriptions in old Beijing as basic materials, with the related documents of historical literature, government archives and field works as the research materials. Not only the folklore research methods mainly used, but the cultural heritage protection methods and the computer technology are integrated as a research methodology. Borrowing and absorbing the academic theories of the related research fields, this dissertation classifies the inscription folklore overall and investigates case study, with the digital database as a main technology, to build up the digital inscription system and explore the relationship between the inscription and the folklore, the methods of the management and the sharing of the inscription are discussed. The theoretical and practical works are carried on, from the aspects of the digital medium and the papery medium in parallel. This dissertation and the database of inscription folklore signifies the primary achievement of the research.
        The dissertation consists of six parts, which are the introduction, conclusion and four chapters and seven appendixes .
        The four chapters make up the main body. The first chapter is the definition of concepts. The related theories are applied to study the concepts and the properties of the inscription folklore. The relationship between the concepts of inscription folklore and the traditions of the local society are defined. Properties of the inscription folklore study in the multi-variant interactive framework including researchers, local society, and users and technology are given out. The second chapter summarizes the folklore culture narrated in the inscription records. and talk about the power conflict, folklore identify and the characteristics of the urban community. Furthermore, the principles of the data processing are discussed. The third chapter is focused on the case study. The materials from literature and field work are used in an integrated way. The chapter begins with the research into the organization in urban society. It is pointed out that the role of the temple played in the development of urban community and the data processing principles are further concluded. The fourth chapter is the discussion on methodology. Based on the research of the former chapters, as well as the theoretical achievements of the data processing. The management and sharing methods of the inscription are settled. The attribute elements, the “original documents—original database—digital database” structure and the detecting of humanities data standards by handbook series are proposed as three key methods.
        The dissertation is focused on the temple inscription and the urban folk. The core idea is that the temple inscription not only recorded the urban folk culture but also had relationships with folk society, which can be used as the research material of folklore study. Especially after the middle of the Qing Dynasty, with the development of the city commercialization in Beijing, communities with different functions were emerged around different temples. The communities often had properties of co-inhabitancy, co-sacrifice, folklore identity and economic cooperation. The temple inscriptions implied, strengthened and transmited some folklore, and recorded this kind of society organization as well. From the aspect of the folklore research material, the temple inscriptions can process the essences of historical literature, text, relic and behavior, which need to be studied from the points of view of the social history, folklore transmitting and the folklore culture heritage. Based on the theoretical research into this field, the dissertation proposed a method to achieve the transformation of the inscription folklore materials to data. That is to extract the attribute elements of the inscription folklore and transforms them into metadata of the database system. The management mechanism of inscription data applies “original documents—original database—digital database” structure. With the help of the well defined database reference book, the sharing of the inscription data can be achieved, which provides an open discussion circumstance, to make further findings and improvement on the Humanity Data Standard.
Key words:  temple inscriptions in old Beijing, study on inscription from folklore perspective, folklore community, attribute elements, database
