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标题: [刘颖]中国文学现代转型的民俗学语境 [打印本页]

作者: luody    时间: 2008-10-30 21:20     标题: [刘颖]中国文学现代转型的民俗学语境

The Folklore Context of Modern Transformation of Chinese Literature

【作者】刘颖 【导师】陈勤建


【摘要 (中文/英文)】 晚清和五四这两个阶段确立了中国现代性由器物、政体到精神文化,由“强国保种”到“新民”再到“立人”的启蒙主义价值体系的架构,而此期的文学则感性地体现了晚清至五四中国现代性发生和构建的历史过程,也因此被称作启蒙文学。启蒙价值体系中的“种”、“民”、“人”、“国民性”等概念则暗含了民俗学的研究范畴,“强国保种”到“新民”再到“立人”的启蒙主义价值的渐进实际上也指示了科学意义上的民俗学理念在中国的滥觞、运用、确立的过程。基于这一思路,本文试图从传统文学与风俗的互为因果的关系入手,确立从民俗学的角度来探究中国文学现代转型的发生、确立以及文学创作的形式与内容的转化等问题,理清清末民初及五四的民俗观念与中国文学现代转型的内在关系,即在中国文学现代转型的发生原因,怎样发生以及发生状况如何等问题上,民俗及民俗学理念究竟起到了什么样或多大程度上的作用。 本文共分六章。第一章“中国文学现代转型的民俗学语境之形成”,主要探讨晚清社会在西学影响下思想观念、社会风气的转变、文学运行机制中新因素的出现以及传教士这一新型民群的文化影响尤其是对他们对中国社会风俗的批判与改造思想等对中国文学由古典向现代的转型所营造的社会文化环境,在此基础上形成了一个启蒙民俗思潮。假借进化论之名而被介绍到国内的西方民族学、人类学以及社会学又促使中国民俗学的滥觞。以上这些可以说为中国文学现代转型提供了一个民俗学的语境。 第二章“文学观念转型开端的深层民俗学机制”,主要是对于文学观念转型背后的民俗学理念的挖掘。小说、戏曲一改其不登大雅之堂的小道地位而被视为“文学之最上乘”,文学由“载道”的政治附庸地位转向独立的艺术门类的悄然开始,这一方面是由于西方进化论在中国的传播与接受,另一方面得力于晚清民初的民俗理念尤其是注重民俗比较以及人心风俗的改造——的推动。而创造新文学的第一人梁启超提出的新民说,则是晚清“人心风俗”改造理论之集大成。他所倡导的三界革命,就是为如何“新民”而找到的不二法门,尤其是小说界革命,从此揭橥文学的国民性改造主题,并且将小说的地位提升到前所未有的高度。 第三章“现代转型的确立期文学与民俗学之血缘关系”,从文化立场观念的转变与民俗学的确立、五四时期的文艺民俗观、新诗与民歌的关系、问题小说之问题与民俗学的研究对象、乡土小说的确立几个方面来具体展开五四时期文学与民俗学的这种密切关系。 第四章“文学表现主体的确立与民俗学之‘民’”以及第五章“文学旨归的定向与民俗学之‘俗’”主要是从内容上来论述转型期文学与民俗学的关系。从……

The formation of Chinese modernity, marked by the gradual establishment of its enlightenment value system from "strengthening the country and protecting the genes" to "enlightening the folks" and to "becoming enlightened people " has gone through its physical and institutional to ideological changes during the late Qing Dynasty and the May fourth period. The literal works created during those periods have reflected the historical changes. And they are, therefore, identified as literature of enlightenment. The key concepts in the enlightenment value system such as "genes", "folks", "people" and "characters of the folks" implicate the research field of folklore. The gradual formation of the enlightenment value system from "strengthening the country and protecting the genes" to "enlightening the folks" and to "becoming enlightened people " actually indicates the progress of folklore as a scientific discipline starting from initial period to the application and establishment stages. Based from what she mentioned from above, the author has made an attempt, from the viewpoint of folklore by exploring the relations of traditional literature and living habits, to analyze the transformation of the modern Chinese literature from its starting to its development and changes of the literal styles and the contents. The author has clarified the integral relations between the folklore concepts evolved from the late Qing and the modem transformation of Chinese literature. The author has put her emphasis on how important roles the folklore and folklore concepts have played on the whys and hows of the literal transformation and existence. The dissertation is divided into six chapters. In the first chapter "The Context of the Modern Transformation of Chinese Literature: the Formation of Folklore", the author has devoted her attention to have explored the social and cultural environment of the late Qing Dynasty. The criticism and the call to reform the Chinese social customs due to the gradual ideological and social conventional transformation under the western influences, the evolvement of the new factors of literal movement and the cultural influences from the missionaries have formed the folk enlightenment movement , thus having paved the social and cultural background for Chinese literature to transformation from its classical form to modern style. With the introduction of Darwin's evolutionism, western ethnology, anthropology and sociology are also introduced to China, thus stimulating the beginning of Chinese folklore. These folk conscious factors have attribute to the transformation of Chinese...

【关键词 (中文/英文)】 中国文学现代转型; 民俗学语境; 深层民俗学机制; 表现主体的确立; 文学旨归的定向; 文学的世俗精神 modern transformation of Chinese literature; folklore context; profound folklore structure; establishment of the main portrayal; the aim of literature; secular spirits of literature

【发表年期】2006年11期 【网络出版投稿人】华东师范大学 【DOI】CNKI:CDMD:1.2006.124415

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