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标题: [郑明璋]汉代文化视角下的汉赋研究 [打印本页]

作者: luody    时间: 2008-10-30 21:15     标题: [郑明璋]汉代文化视角下的汉赋研究



【作者】郑明璋 【导师】王洲明


【摘要 (中文/英文)】 80年代以来,随着社会改革和思想解放的深入进行,汉赋研究也有了空前的发展。研究人员的数量不断增加,研究的领域不断开拓,研究的新方法、新视角层出不穷,历史性的纵向考察和社会性的横向审视不断深入,源流论、作家论、作品论、文化论、思想论、艺术论不胜枚举,学术研讨活动空前活跃,专门著作不断涌现,学术论文的发表也声势浩大。总之,研究方法多样灵活,交叉性学科研究开始出现,心理学、文化学、人类学、考古学、民俗学、文献学、文艺学、语言学的研究方法普遍渗人汉赋研究,研究的多元化局面得以形成。研究者开始对传统的研究方法进行整合与改造,促进了汉赋的系统研究。部分学者在研究中通观两汉时代、汉赋作家及其赋作,涉猎汉赋诸多方面的问题,使汉赋研究呈现为整体研究的态势。 前人及今人的研究成果给我们以巨大的启发,那就是我们必须把汉赋放在汉代这一特定时代的、诸多因素构成的、更广阔的文化背景下,把汉赋置于汉代错综复杂的而又不断发展演变的过程之中去考察,以审视错综复杂的各种文化现象与汉赋创作的关系,我们才能够从更高更全的层面上,对汉赋作综合性的审视和研究。也只有这样,我们才能够发现汉赋研究中的一些更深层次的问题,使我们获得对汉赋的更深、更全面、更准确的认识,就可以看到汉赋在题材、形式、审美追求等诸多方面所具有的总体特征,才可以真正理解和认识汉赋在它的发展和衍变的过程中所呈现出来的题材、形式和审美等方面的多样性、丰富性和复杂性。 正是基于这种想法,所以我们选择了汉代的经学、道家思想、神话与仙话、衣食文化、时空文化和汉代艺术作为我们研究的视角,着重挖掘和分析它们与汉赋创作的关系以及这些文化形态的发展衍变、交叉融合给汉赋的题材和艺术表现形式所带来的丰富性和复杂性。 就具体的文化形态而言,首先是经学与汉赋的关系。儒家思想经过长期奋斗终于在汉武帝时期走上了罢黜百家、独尊儒术的道路,并发展成为汉代社会的主流思想——经学。凭借着政权的力量,再加上利禄之途的引诱和现实生活中榜样的力量,经学思想渗透到社会生活的各个角落。经学的理念影响了汉赋作家对题材的选择,促成了赋家在作品中对定一尊、大一统观念和儒家仁政理想的极力阐发。思想家、文学批评家也总是以儒家经典为标准评论作家作品和各种文学现象。他们强调文学的现实主义传统,重视文学的社会作用。更为重要的是,汉代《诗经》学的发达促成了汉赋中的颂扬与讽谏两大功能。从文学艺术发展的历时性角度看,汉赋的颂美,具有一定的历史进步意义。汉赋作品中所竭力铺陈刻画的宫殿建筑、山川物产、苑囿狩猎、歌舞饮宴以及其他汉人所创……

The Confucianism grasped the power of the thought eventually through long term's struggle , and became the social mainstream of thoughts in Han dynasty.The works of the Confucian became the compulsory contents in the country's school and became the official orthodox philosophy. Though the power of government , added the charm of the road of the benefit and the power of the example in the society , the thought of the Confucian penetrated every corner of the social life .The thought of the Confucian affected the writers' selection of the materials and led to the consideration to the empire .the ideologists and the critics commented on the works and every phenomonens of the literature usually based on the criterion of the Confucian.They emphasized the realistic tradition of literature and respected the social function of the literature.The development of the study of Shijing in Han dynasty led to the two function in Hanfu works.The write-up in Hanfu works had some histerical advanced meaning.As to the criticism in Hanfu works, the consciousness of the criticism reinforced gradually. We regard that the reinforced criticism was made by the changing of the times and the writers'status.Athough the writers usually valued the criticism of Hanfu, they found that it was useless and they were criticized by others. We think that the conflict between the aims of wrting and the effectiveness of the aims was led by three reasons. The development of the Confucianism was reflected in the Hanfu works clearly. We think that the development of Hanfu almost kept pace with the development of the Confucianism, and the development of the Confucianism affected the changing of the contends of Hanfu works and the characters of literature. In early days of Han dynasty, the government practiced the thought of Huanglao.and the thought of Huanglao affected the writing in Hanfu clealy.In Jiayi and Simaqian works , the factors of Huanglao is clear.In Dongzhongshu's work we can see the dying away of the Huanglao thought gradually. Started from the middle times in Xihan dynasty, the affection of the Daojia died away from the government, but as a scholar thought and as a thought of living, Daojia thought had a affection more or less.It could be found in Yangxiong's work.In his wors we can find that he wanted to tune the conflict between Confucianism and Daojia's thought. In Donghan dynasty, the thought of the Daojia went on affecting writers, especially in the middle times of Donghan dynasty, some writers practiced the spirits of the Daojia.They...

【关键词 (中文/英文)】 汉赋; 文化; 经学; 道家; 时空; 神仙; 音乐; 舞蹈; 衣食文化 Hanfu; Culture; Confucianism; Daojia; Time and Space; Spirit; Music and Dancing; Diet and Clothes

【发表年期】2007年05期 【网络出版投稿人】山东大学 【DOI】CNKI:CDMD:1.2007.041459

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