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标题: [王志芳]《诗经》中生活习俗研究 [打印本页]

作者: silver    时间: 2008-10-17 21:46     标题: [王志芳]《诗经》中生活习俗研究



A Study on Living Convention in the Book of Songs

【作者】王志芳 【导师】刘凤君


【摘要 (中文/英文)】 《诗经》以其记载历史的真实性和记叙内容的丰富性,加之诗歌特有的简洁、凝练、含蓄的艺术性,激发着历代学者的研究热情。许多学者从民俗学角度关注其中的生活习俗,挖掘和探究其深厚的民俗文化内涵。随着考古学的发展,考古资料逐渐被引进《诗经》研究领域,推动了《诗经》研究的进一步发展。本文在借助前人研究成果基础上,运用翔实的文献资料和丰富的考古发现,通过文字记载和考古实物的有机结合,对《诗经》表现的诸多生活习俗予以综合考察分析,并通过探求交融了宗教信仰、生态条件、经济方式、社会制度、民族心理等多种因素的生活习俗,再现历史的细节和真实,带读者进入《诗经》的时代,去接近质朴、粗犷的远古世界,从而了解先民的伦理观念、道德信仰、价值取向、思维方式和情感意志,进一步强化人们对《诗经》史料价值的认同和肯定。 本文从《诗经》记载的纷繁复杂的习俗中,选取了最贴近民生的农耕、采集、渔猎、畜牧等物质生产习俗和服饰、饮食、居住、交通、婚姻等社会生活习俗,共九个方面进行了综合考察分析。 一、农耕习俗研究 农业生产是商周时期重要的物质生产门类,先民根据已经掌握的物候知识,按照时...更多序、节令的不同,有步骤地安排各项农事活动。耕种方式经历了火耕、耜耕、犁耕、牛耕等由低级向高级演变的诸阶段。耒、耜、斧、斨、钱、镈、銍、錡、銶等生产工具,被用于整地、中耕、收获、加工等农业生产的各个环节。通过相土、开荒、整地、选种、播种、保苗、除草、灌溉、除虫、施肥、收割、晾晒、入仓等一系列耕种过程和管理方法的实施,先民将会收获麦、黍、稷、稻、粱、菽等粮食作物和瓜果菜蔬以及桑、麻、葛等经济作物,并将这些农耕生产所得广泛用于饮食、祭祀、酿酒、养蚕等各个领域。先民从事农业生产时,除运用科学方法以外,也举行典礼仪式,从而形成了藉田劝农、祈报求丰、预卜祈雨等一系列农耕信仰习俗。 二、采集习俗研究 《诗经》反映了商周时期仍与农耕生产并存,在先民的物质生产中占重要地位的采集劳动。从事采集工作者以女性为主,采集者借助简单的工具,于山涧、泽畔等处采摘品类众多的野菜和果实。这些采集品除供食用外,还被用于养蚕、纺织、祭祀、医药、制衣、包裹、缩酒,甚至被用为传情达意的媒介,服务于先民生活的诸多方面。先民通过采集劳动,逐步熟悉了季节的变化和植物的生长规律,从而获得了丰富的生产、生活知识。 三、渔猎习俗研究 渔猎是人类早期的谋生手段之一,商周时期的先民运用网渔具、钓渔具以及其他形式的杂渔具,展开了内陆水域和近海的捕捞业。这一时期出现了人工养鱼。丰富的渔业产品除了为人类提供鲜美的食品外,还被用来祭祀、蒙鼓、装备武器等。先民根据不同的狩猎对象选择不同的工具和方法,被猎获的动物满足了先民对肉食、皮毛、角骨等的需求。统治者的大规模田猎活动又具有娱乐、阅军、习武等性质。 四、畜牧习俗研究 畜牧业是从狩猎经济发展而来的,商末周初是畜牧最蕃盛的时代,这一时期饲养牲畜基本采用圈养和放牧相结合的方法,主要驯养马、牛、羊、猪、狗等家畜和鸡、鸭、鹅等家禽,各种禽、畜被应用于生产、生活的各个领域。产生于夏商时期的相畜术至春秋战国时期得到进一步发展。 五、服饰习俗研究 服饰是人类物质生活和精神生活的重要外在表现,从《诗经》记载中已经能够看出相对稳定的服饰形式和逐渐完备的服饰制度。其时,衣服的原料主要来源于丝、麻、葛、草、皮等。先民已经掌握了一定的纺织、印染技术。各种质地丰富、种类繁多的佩饰是服饰最绚烂多彩的组成部分,展示了先民对美的感受和追求。周代后期,服饰被纳入了礼治的范畴,成了礼仪制度的载体和表现形式。 六、饮食习俗研究 饮食是人类赖以生存和发展的最基本的物质条件,饮食习俗在人类各种生活习俗中历史最悠久,内容最丰富。《诗经》的记载反映了以农业为主、饲养业为辅的生产经营方式对生活方式和饮食结构产生的深刻影响,以及从而形成的以粮食作物为主食,以各种动物食品、蔬菜为副食的基本饮食结构。随着各种饪食器的不断改进和丰富,蒸、煮、熬等逐渐取代烧、烤而成为主食烹饪的主要方法。这一时期的菜肴按烹调方法的不同,大致有炙品、醢、羹、脍、脯、脩、菹等类型。盐、梅、酒、饴、花椒等各种调料的运用,为烹调艺术的发展开拓了广阔空间。先民运用凌阴贮冰和井底冷藏等方法储存食物。饪食器和饮酒器的系列化增加了饮食文化的丰富性。 七、居住习俗研究 在《诗经》所记载的比较长的时间跨度内,存在着地穴式、窑洞式、地面式、干阑式等各种形式的居宅。由夯土、版筑法建成的土木结构的居宅,形成了中国古代建筑形式的主流。先民根据相应的标选择更有利于生存的居住地和确定更科学的建房时间。居室内一般陈设有筵、席、几、床等家俱。 八、交通习俗研究 人类进入定居阶段以后,开始有意识地进行交通设施的修筑,商周时期,道路、桥梁等设施的修建和维护在国家政务中占有很重要的地位。车、马、舟船等交通工具为人们的出行提供了方便。交通设施的修筑和交通工具的运用,使人与人之间由此及彼、由近而远的交往和物物交换打破了地缘的局限,为社会生活的丰富提供了可能。 九、婚姻习俗研究 纳采、问名、纳吉、纳征、请期、亲迎等六礼,是先秦时期已经确定了的谈婚论嫁的程序。《诗经》所反映的时代已经进入专偶婚时期,但远古群婚、对偶婚等遗俗依然在一定范围内存在,出现了婚姻形态多元化的特点。媵婚是贵族阶层诸多妻妾的一个来源,同姓不婚是周代婚姻习俗中一个非常突出的特点。 本文侧重于从民俗学和考古学角度,选取了《诗经》中记载的农耕、采集、渔猎、畜牧等物质生产习俗和衣、食、住、行、婚姻等社会生活习俗,进行了综合考察分析。《诗经》中以诗歌这种艺术语言表现出来的诸多生活习俗,基本上能找得到与之相应的考古实物,并有《诗经》之外大量古典文献予以资料的支持。《诗经》记载和考古实物相互印证,说明了文献记载与考古发现的一致性,从而充分证实了《诗经》对历史记载的真实性,因此可以肯定地说,《诗经》是诗,同时也是史,它以诗歌这种艺术形式,保存了翔实的历史、文化史资料,承担了记载历史和传承文化的重任。

The Book of Songs arouse scholars' study enthusiasm of all the past dynasties, because of its authenticity, abundance and artistry as compact, implicit poem. Many scholars pay close attention to its living convention from the view of folklore, exploring and probing into its deep folk convention culture. With the development of archaeology, a large number of archaeological datas are introduced into the study area of the Book of Songs, which has driven further develops. Based on the preceding study achievements, this dissertation will discuss many living conventions in the Book of Songs together with full and accurate historical documents and abundant archaeological datas. Through researching living conventions blended with religious belief, ecological condition, economy pattern, social system, national psychology, etc., the dissertation leads readers enter the times of the Book of Songs, approach the plain, crude ancient world, thereby, understand the ethic concept, morality belief, value tropism, thought mode and emotion will of ancient people, and call up people's acceptation and affirmation about The Book of Songs' value as historical material. From the numerous and complicated conventions in the Book of Songs, the dissertation discusses nine aspects including production conventions such as farming, gathering, fishing and hunting, raising livestock and social living conventions such as food, clothing, shelter, transportation and marriage, which press close to people's livelihood. 1. The study of farming convention Agriculture production is an important lines of production in Shang and Zhou period. According to season, climate and other natural phenomena, our ancestors lay on various farm work step by step, based on knowledge about climate they had grasped. The farming ways have evolved from low level to high grade, which were field tilling, fire tilling, spade-shaped farm tool tilling, ploughing, cattle plowing,etc.. The production tools such as lei, si, axe, qiang, jian, bo, zhi, qi, qiu were used for each links of farming including soil preparation, intertill, harvesting , processing. Ancient people would harvest grain, melon and fruit, vegetables and Cash crop, through kinds of work such as selecting field , opening up wasteland, renovating field, selecting seeds, planting, protecting young seedling, weeding, irrigation, fertilization, reaping, solarizing and airing, storing and so on. The harvests were used in many fields such as eating and drinking, offering sacrifices, brewing wine, raising silkworms and so on. At the same time, a series of belief conventions about farming were formed. 2. The study of gathering convention The Book of Songs reflected gathering work which hold important position in Shang and Zhou period. Generally, it were females who went to collect. They gathered all kinds of edible potherbs and fruits in the mountain creeks and pond side with simple tools. These gatherings serviced people in many living fields, not only used for food, but also used for sericiculture, spinning, sacrifice, medicine, clothes, packing, filtering wine, and also used to convey love. By the gathering work, people knew well about change of seasons and growth rules of plants, then accepted affluent knowledge about production and life. 3. The study of fishing and hunting convention Fishing and hunting was one kind of survival method of human beings in the ancient period. Our ancestors deal with fishery in the inland waters and coastal waters with fishing net, fishing rod and other implements. It appeared manpower fishery in this period. The affluent fishing products were applied to offering sacrifices, covering drums, equiping weapons etc. except to provide appetizing food for human beings. The ancients chose different tools and methods according to different hunting abjects, the preys provided people with meat, fur, horn and bone. Ruler's large-scale hunting activity also have the characteristics of entertainment, reviewing the army, practising martial techniques. 4. The study of raising livestock convention Raising livestock come from hunting, which was most prosperous in the later Shang and early Zhou Dynasty, when ancients used pen method together with grazing to raise domestic animals. Horse, cattle, sheep, pig , dog and chicken, duck, goose were main cattle and domestic birds, which were used in many fields. The skill of observing livestocks had further development till Eastern Zhou period. 5. The study of clothes and ornaments convention Clothes and ornaments are important external representation of human beings' material and cultural life. The Book of Songs have already reflected the relatively stable form and gradually complete system of clothes and ornaments. In that time, clothing materials originate from silk, hemp, ge, grass, leather etc. mainly. The ancients had already grasped certain spinning and weaving, printing and dyeing techniques. Diversified ornaments was the most beautiful part, which showed the ancients' feeling and pursuit about beauty. During the period of later Zhou, Clothes and ornaments have been brought into the rite area. 6. The study of food and drink convention Food and drink is the most fundamental material conditions on which human being rely for existing and developing, therefore, the food and drink convention was the most age-old and abundant custom. Recordings from the Book of Songs showed the deep effect that the production mode including main agriculture and subsidiary raising produces on people's life style and dietary structure, and then formed the fundamental dietary structure that give first place to cereal food, takes various animal food, vegetable as nonstaple food. With the improvement and enriching of various food and drinking implements, stewing, boiling , etc. substitute the main method burning and roasting and become staple food cooking methods gradually. At this time, the main cooked food were broil, minced and hashed meat, thick soup, minced meat, dried meat, xiu, salted or pickled vegetables. Salt, plum, liquor, maltose, Chinese prickly ash had opened up vast space for the development of the cook art. The ancients used refrigeration to store food. The series of food and drink appliances enrich the cooking culture. 7. The study of habitation convention During the period that the Book of Songs reflected existed various form of residence house such as crypt style, cave dwelling style, floor style, cadre bar style and so on. Dwelling house built by raming the earth, printing plate builds become the main stream of Chinese building in the ancient time. Based on corresponding standard, the ancients selected the more beneficial space to inhabit and decided more scientific time for building house. There were mat, teapoy,bed and so on in the house. 8. The study of traffic convention. Human beings have started builting the traffic facilities since they entered to the stage of settling subsistence. Construction and maintenance of facilities such as roads and bridges played an important role in the government affairs during Shang-and-zhou period. Such means of transportation as horse, carriage and boat is convenient for people's travel. Construction of traffic facilities and application of transportation means, which broke up the geographic limitation of communication and labor exchange between different persons far and near, in a certain extent, enriched people's social life. 9. The study of marriage convention. Six rites such as nacai, wenming, naji, qingqi and qinying have already become ascertained procedure for marriage during the period before Qin Dynasty. In the stage of the Book of Songs has already entered the single marriage period, but the ancient reliques such as communal marriage and antithesis marriage even existed in a certain range. It appeared a characteristic of diverse marriage forms. Yinghun is a source of numerous wife- and- concubines of aristocracy. It is a very prominent characteristic that marriage between people bearing the same surname is forbidden in Zhou Dynasty. This dissertation practises folklore and the archaeology methods particularly. It has a comprehensive analysis on production convention such as farming, gathering, fishing, hunting,etc. and living convention as food, clothing, shelter, transportation and marriage, which were all reflected in the Book of Songs. Many living conventions recorded in the Book of Songs written in art language can be testified by corresponding archaeological datas and other ancient texts besides the Book of Songs. This dissertation has confirmed the reality of history recorded in the Book of Songs. Therefore, it can be said that the Book of Songs are not only poems but also history. The Book of Songs, which preserves full and accurate datas of history and cultural history, takes on important tasks of preserving history and inheriting culture.

【关键词 (中文/英文)】 《诗经》; 生活习俗; 文献记载; 考古发现; 综合分析 The Book of Songs; Living Convention; Historical Documents; Archaeological Findings; Comprehensive analysis

【发表年期】2007年03期 【网络出版投稿人】山东大学 【DOI】CNKI:CDMD:1.2007.088734

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