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标题: [田良臣]语文科口语课程的多维研究 [打印本页]

作者: luody    时间: 2009-4-10 15:22     标题: [田良臣]语文科口语课程的多维研究

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The Multi-dimensional Research on Oral Chinese Course  

【作者】田良臣 【导师】倪文锦


【中文摘要】 本研究通过对汉语口语事实“本相”及当下口语课程实施现状的考察,结合对已有研究及其范型的反思,在回归汉语口语、汉语口语课程本体的基础上,提出研究的基本问题和研究构想。试图通过多维探究,走出原有的研究范式与思维模式,从本体之维出发,经功能之维、历史之维、域外之维,最后回归本体之维,由此探明口语课程的功能、发展轨迹,借鉴国外的相关经验,在新的知识观、课程观视域内,构建汉语口语课程的维度模型,为口语课程乃至整个语文课程的重建提供新的材料与新的思路,同时也力图在汉语口语课程研究方法和方法论方面有所探究。 通过不同维度的探究,本研究得出如下初步结论: 1.汉语口语课程缺位与异化的深层根由。 从语文科本体外来看,口语课程之所以缺位或异化,主要是源于以下原因:一是“字本位”的传统文化。“字本位”的传统文化是一种精英取向的书面语文化,它与以口语为表征的大众文化或民间文化相对,具有不同的价值标准与运行规范。事实上,我们的语文教育也一直是在书面语的范围内展开的,是一种“字本位”的语文教育。二是现代知识观。以客观性、普遍性、中立性为特征的科学知识,是能够用文字表征的,可以量化的,能够被重复检验的,是真正的知识,这是现代知识观的基本立场。口语知识是不符合科学知识规范的,不属于知识范畴。不仅如此,口语还不能对科学知识进行表征。三是传统的教育目的观。传统的教育目的观关注的是非日常生活,忽视了学习者的当下生活,尤其是日常生活。就言语载体而言,日常生活是口语表征的,非日常生活则是书面语表征的,忽视学习者日常生活的教育,当然不会给口语课程以存在空间。这里是一个残缺的生活世界。最后是陈旧体制的原因。中国社会长期推行的是精英教育,实行的是“书语取仕”,一张试卷判定学习者的学习成效乃至终身命运。愈演愈烈的应试教育进一步强化了书面语课程的“霸权式”存在,加重了口语课程的边缘性。 从语文科本体内部考察,口语课程缺位与异化的原因有:第一,传统的语文观。传统的语文观将语文视为外在于人而存在的符号系统,是一种可以被“拿来”、被“运用”的工具,特别地,这是一种能够被置于主体视域之内进行科学分析的“物”(工具)。很明显,书面语正好符合这一“工具”特性。而与主体生命、生活具有一体同构性的口语,实在难以被“拿来”,更难以被置于主体视域内进行触摸、把玩。因此,人们自然也就将口语拒斥在“工具”范畴之外。第二,以教材代课程。语文教材长期以来的“文选型”,自然难有或少有口语课程存在的空  

【英文摘要】 This research investigates the essence of Chinese spoken language and the present practice of spoken language course with introspection into the existing research and its paradigm. Based on a regression to the fundamental nature of Chinese spoken language and Chinese spoken language course, the principle problems and assumptions of the research were developed. It attempts to throw off the shackles of the old research paradigm and thinking pattern through multi-dimensional research, starting from the essential dimension, via functional dimension, historical dimension, and outer-domain dimension, and going back to the essential dimension. By this it is expected to discover the function of spoken language course and the track of its development, to construct the Chinese spoken language dimensional model in a new knowledge view and course view using related experience of other countries, and to provide new materials and perspectives for the rebuilding of spoken language course and language and literature course. It is also an attempt to explore the research method and methodology of Chinese spoken language. Through the exploration into several dimensions this research researched the following conclusions.1. The root cause for the vacancy and alienation of Chinese spoken language course. Looking from the external of the language and literature course, there might be the following reasons that account for the vacancy and alienation of Chinese spoken language course. First, the "word-standard" traditional culture. The "word-standard" traditional culture is an elite-orient written language culture, the opposite of the mass culture and folk culture represented by spoken language, and has different standard of value and pattern of operation. As a matter of fact, the language and literature education has long been carried out in the realm of written language and it is actually a "word-standard" education. Second, the modern notions of knowledge. Science, as characterized by objectivity, universality and neutrality, can be expressed by words, be quantified, and be repeated. Therefore, it is assumed to be real knowledge. This is the basic standpoint of modern notions of knowledge. The knowledge of spoken language does not conform to the criteria of science and thus does not fall into the category of knowledge. What's more, spoken language can not capture science. Third, the educational purpose. The traditional education concerns only the non-daily life overlooking the learners' present life, especially their everyday life. As far as the carrier of language is concerned, daily life is represented by spoken language and non-daily life is represented by written language. Overlooking the learner's daily-life education will surely result in leaving no room for spoken language course to exist. This is a fragmentary world of life. The last reason - the problem of regime. The elite education has long been overwhelming in Chinese society. A test paper can determine not only the learners' effectiveness in learning but also their lifelong fates. The ever-intensified examination-oriented education system further reinforced the supremacy of written language course and aggravated the inferiority of spoken language course.By examining the internal of the language and literature course, the following reasons can be found which result in the vacancy and alienation of Chinese spoken language course. First, the traditional opinions of the language and literature course. The traditional opinions of the language and literature course consider the language and literature as a character system that exists independently of human. Therefore it is a tool that can be borrowed and utilized, especially an object (or tool) that can be put into the subject view

【中文关键词】 语文科; 汉语口语; 口语课程; 口语知识; 课程建构

【英文关键词】 Chinese; Spoken Chinese; Oral language course; Spoken language knowledge; Course structure

【网络出版年期】2006年11期 【网络出版投稿人】华东师范大学 【网络出版投稿时间】2006-09-11 【DOI】CNKI:CDMD:1.2006.124869 攻读期成果

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