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标题: [王静]人与自然:中国当代少数民族作家生态文学创作研究 [打印本页]

作者: luody    时间: 2009-4-10 15:12     标题: [王静]人与自然:中国当代少数民族作家生态文学创作研究

CNKI 中国博士学位论文全文数据库


【作者】王静 【导师】文日焕


【中文摘要】 本论文《人与自然:中国当代少数民族作家生态文学创作研究》的写作源于对当今全球化背景的思考。21世纪是一个需要强烈关注生态的世纪。著名生态思想研究者唐纳德·奥斯特指出,“我们今天所面临的全球性生态危机,起因不在生态系统自身,而在于我们的文化系统。要度过这一危机,必须尽可能清楚地理解我们的文化对自然的影响。” 从这个角度上说,本论文强调的不仅仅是生态失衡的环境保护话题,它所关注的生态写作涉及到人类对自然环境的忧患意识和对自我、对所有生命存在价值的再审视。通过对民族作家生态写作的研究,我们看到了民族文学作品中人与人、人与社会,尤其是人与自然关系的演进。生态写作对当今社会和人类精神的关注远远超出其他的文学写作,它所折射出的人类意识、地球意义及文化意义体现了文学的终极追求。 西部与生态关系的课题在我国目前的经济发展环境下显得尤为严峻、迫切。少数民族有丰富的生态资源和思想,在民间文学中的表现随处可见。当代在我国文坛中较早表现生态、至今还执着地在生态文学领域中努力耕耘的大多为少数民族作家,他们的笔下概括了我国大部分生态背景,从森林、草原、大漠、海湾到山林、高地不等,这方面的作品在境内外受到关注,越来越多地被评奖、翻译和出版。他们多为本土作家,怀着对生于斯长于斯故土的热爱,用关爱生命的目  

【英文摘要】 The creation of this dissertation was derived from the pondering over globalization. The 21st century is a century that we have to pay much attention to ecology. The famous ecological researcher Donald Worster pointed out that nowadays we are facing a global ecological crisis, which is caused by our cultural system rather than ecosystem itself. To survive this crisis, we must comprehend the influence of culture on nature as clearly as possible.From this perspective, the dissertation emphasizes not only the issue on the environmental protection of ecological imbalance, but also the suffering consciousness of human beings to the natural environment and the reexamination on the value of the existence of all lives including human beings. Through the research on ecological literature by Chinese minority writers, we pick up the evolution of relationship between man and man, man and society and especially man and nature. The concerns of ecological writing about the society nowadays and human spirit are far beyond other literary writings. It reflects human consciousness and the significance of earth and culture and embodies the ultimate pursuit of literature.With the present economic development in China, the subject on the relationship between the west and ecology seems particularly rigorous  

【中文关键词】 人与自然; 少数民族; 当代文学; 生态文学

【英文关键词】 man and nature; minority; contemporary literature; ecological literature

【网络出版年期】2006年12期 【网络出版投稿人】中央民族大学 【网络出版投稿时间】2006-09-25 【DOI】CNKI:CDMD:1.2006.134779 攻读期成果

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