[①]“多长算是长”,原文“howlong is long”,引自Lauri Honko: Textualising the Siri Epic,AcademiaScientiarum Fennica,FFC264,Helsinki,1980,P.35.
[②]伦敦史诗讲习班(LondonSeminar on Epic)。1963年10月底,在伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院(Queen Mary College)举行的一次关于历史与史诗的学术会后举行的招待会上,提议成立一个讲习班(seminar)定期讨论史诗的动议得到大家支持。于是,“伦敦史诗讲习班”正式创立。该讲习班从1964年6月22日揭幕,到1972年3月21日举行最后一次活动,前后历时8年。其间23名成员(8人为创始成员),加上邀请的嘉宾,一共宣读了31篇论文。这些成果后结集为两大卷的论文集出版(Traditions of Heroic and Epic Poetry,The ModernHumanities Research Association,1980,1989)。
[④] Cycle,“组诗”,也有汉译为“诗系”的,指内容围绕某一时代或某一传奇(人物)展开的一组诗歌作品。在系列史诗中使用时,也有翻译作“史诗集群”的。
[⑤] Chante fable是法国中世纪的一个叙事类型,以韵文和散文交替叙述故事,前者可唱,后者可诵。流传至今的唯一作品就是《奥卡森和尼克莱特》(Aucassin et Nicolette),讲述一对恋人经过诸多磨难,终成眷属的故事。“法国叙事歌”是《简明不列颠百科全书》的译法,中国大百科全书出版社,1986年版
[⑥] Saga是指中世纪冰岛各种散文形式的故事和历史作品。有广义和狭义两种用法。
[⑦]这一段话相当重要,故而原文摘引于此:“Epics are great narratives about exemplars,originally performedby specialized singers as super stories which excel in length, power of expressionand significance of content over other narratives and function as a source of identityrepresentations in the traditional community or group receiving the epic.”见于Lauri Honko,Textualising the Siri Epic,Academia ScientiarumFennica,FFC264,Helsinki,1998,P.28.
[⑩]“歌的理论”德文作Liedertheorie。这是一个由19世纪德国语言学家们发展起来的理论。此术语的字面意思是“歌的理论”。 他们认为长篇史诗是由较短的起源于民间的歌汇编而成的,这一创见导致了所谓“分辨派”的出现,他们试图证明《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》就是由较小的部件和零散的歌汇编而成的。
〔1〕Traditions ofHeroic and Epic Poetry,Vol. 1,ed. A. T. Hatto,The ModernHumanities Research Association,1980. P.2.
〔2〕Chris Baldick,The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms,Oxford University Press,2004. P. 81 - 82.笔者汉译。
〔3〕The New PrincetonEncyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics,ed. Alex Preminger and T. V. F. Brogan,Princeton University Press,1993. P. 361.
〔4〕The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics,Fourth Edition,Editor in Chief Roland Greene,PrincetonUniversity Press,2012,P. 9.笔者汉译。
〔5〕http: / /www. juminkeko. fi /vietnam/index. php? site = vastaanotto&lang = en
〔6〕Richard P. Martin: “Epic as Genre”,A Companion to Ancient Epic,ed. John Mile Foley,Blackwell Publishing,2005,P. 17.
〔7〕John Miles Foley: “Introduction”,A Companion to Ancient Epic,ed. John Mile Foley,Blackwell Publishing,2005,P. 1.
〔8〕Guida M. Jackson,Traditional Epics: A LiteraryCompanion,Oxford University Press,1994,P. 651 - 654.
〔9〕Lauri Honko: Textualising theSiri Epic,Academia Scientiarum Fennica,FFC264,Helsinki 1998.
〔10〕Lauri Honko,Textualising the Siri Epic,Academia Scientiarum Fennica,FFC264,Helsinki,1998.
〔11〕朝戈金.口传史诗诗学: 冉皮勒〈江格尔〉程式句法研究[M].南宁: 广西人民出版社,2000,39.
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〔13〕Chao Gejin: “Mongolian Epic Identity: Formulaic Approach to Janggar Epic Singing”,Reflections on Asian - European Epics,ed. Ghulam - Sarwar Yousof,Asia - Europe Foundation,Singapore,2004,p.156.
〔14〕黄宝生.摩诃婆罗多•前言[M].( 卷一) ,北京: 中国社会科学出版社,2005,9.
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〔16〕廖明君、巴莫曲布嫫.田野研究的“五个在场”[J].民族艺术,2004,( 3) : 14 - 28.
〔17〕[美]阿尔伯特•洛德( 尹虎彬译) .故事的歌手[M].北京: 商务印书馆,2004,第5章.
〔18〕[匈]格雷戈里•纳吉( 巴莫曲布嫫译) .荷马诸问题[M].桂林: 广西师范大学出版社,2008,42.
“How Long Is Long? ”———On the Length ofEpic
CHAO Ge-jin
(Institute of EthnicLiterature,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 100081)
[Abstract]Epic is one of themost important stylistic types of literature. There are various opinions about the definition of epic. Although epic isdefined as a long narrative poem in major reference books,the length of epic is still at issue. Lauri Honko,the most famous expert of epics in the 20th century,held that the length of epic should contain at least 1000poem lines. The writerdiscusses the shortcomings of this standard based on the theory of oral poeticsand filed research materials both at home and abroad,and then points out that the core standard for epicshould be the content rather than the number of lines.
[Key words]oral epic; long narrative poem; oral poetics; definition of epic