国际民族学民俗学学会全称 International Society for Ethnology and Folklore。今年年会在欧洲克罗地亚举办,时间定于2015年6月21日到25日之间。现向全球学界同仁征求参会论文。论文大纲提交必须在1月14号之前完成,过期不予考虑。论文大纲必须通过网上参加讨论组(panel)的形式进行提交。SIEF已从121个参加申请的讨论组中筛选出108纳入会议,其中囊括了民俗学及民族学研究的所有领域。因为panel太多,我没法一一查看申请者信息,所以不知道是否已经有国内老师或同学成功申请了panel。如有了解相关信息的请在此处留言,大家可以共同讨论商议和征集论文。
SIEF2015 12th Congress: Zagreb, Croatia. 21-25 June 2015
Call for papers, workshop contributions, films and posters
The call for papers, workshop contributions, films and posters is now open and closes at midnight on January 14th, 2015.
Before you propose a paper, a workshop contribution, film or a poster, please read the theme of the congress, the rules below, and then browse the list of panels.
For SIEF2015, panels have been divided into thematic streams: Archives, Body/Embodiment, Digital/Virtual, Disciplinary discussions, Food, Gender and uality, Heritage, Home, Migration/Borders, Museums, Narrative, Politics and social movements, Religion, Rural, Socialist and post-socialist studies, Urban. The specific streams are complemented by a “General” stream that includes panels that did not directly fit into any of the thematic streams. Apart from the panels, there is also the Workshops and posters stream that includes the workshops ans poster sessions. When browsing through the list of panels, you can alternate between the All panels view that shows all the panels in one list, regardless of the stream and the All streams view that shows the list of streams.
Proposing a paper
Paper proposals must consist of:
•a paper/contribution/poster title
•the name/s and email address/es of author/s
•a short abstract of fewer than 300 characters
•a long abstract of fewer than 250 words
All proposals must be made via the online form, not by email. There is a 'propose a paper' link beneath the long abstract of each panel page, workshop page and the poster session page (in the case of poster sessions and workshops, the “paper” will mean a workshop contribution or a poster proposal). Go to the panel/workshop/poster session page you are interested in and then click on this proposal link to make your proposal directly to that panel/workshop.
On submission of the proposal, the proposing author (but not the co-authors) will receive an automated email confirming receipt. If you do not receive this email, please first check the Login environment - Cocoa (see toolbar above right) to see if your proposal is there. If it is, it simply means your confirmation email got spammed/lost; if it is not, you will need to re-submit, as for some reason the process was not completed. Co-authors cannot be added/removed nor can papers be withdrawn by the proposers themselves – for that, please email congress(at)siefhome.org .
Proposals will be marked as pending until the end of the Call for papers (14/01/2015). Convenors will then be asked to make their decisions over the papers proposed to their panel by 28th of January and to communicate those to the proposers, marking them up within the login environment (Cocoa). Papers which are neither accepted nor rejected, but marked for 'transfer', will then be considered by the Scientific Committee to see where else they might fit in the conference programme. There is no guarantee that such papers can be re-housed. We aim to resolve all transfers by the end of February.
Delegates may only make one presentation, although they may also convene one plenary session or panel; or be a discussant or chair in one plenary session or panel. Even though delegates may make multiple proposals, we discourage this practice as later you will be required to withdraw papers if you have multiple acceptances, inconveniencing those convenors.
Delegates are not obliged to become members of SIEF for 2015, however all are encouraged to support the Society in this way. There will be a financial incentive to do so, in that non-members will pay a higher registration fee.
Workshops are conceptualised as practical events, guided discussions and free-format exchanges leading to specific public outputs. They may include elements of performance, exhibition materials, or interactive media displays.
We invite documentary film submissions which address topics such as heritage, cultural imaginary, everyday practices and realities, future of humanities, sustainable development and innovation and change to be interpreted in the broadest sense. We also encourage innovative methodological and technological approaches in visualizing culture in line with new media arts, digital ethnographies and experimental video. The Call for Films ends on January 14th, and the selection should be made by the middle of February.
Poster sessions
The poster sessions are meant to provide everyone with the opportunity of presenting their work, without overburdening the program, and accommodate those who do not wish to present orally. Posters must confirm to the same basic requirements as outlined for the panel sessions. Sessions will run throughout the Congress, with dedicated slots when poster presenters will be available at their respective display to discuss their topic with the colleagues. Junior scholars are especially encouraged to participate with a poster presentation.
Useful information for later in this process
Editing your paper/workshop contribution/poster
Paper authors can use the login link in the toolbar above to edit their proposals.
Pre-circulation of papers
SIEF has no rule about this; however many convenors are keen to pre-circulate completed papers. To facilitate this and save on email traffic, if requested by convenors, authors can upload PDFs of their papers within the online system, which will then show as a downloadable file beneath their abstract on the public panel page on this site.
Timing of presentations
Each panel/workshop slot will be 90 minutes long, accommodating a maximum of 3 presenters; each panel/workshop may only extend over three slots, i.e. a maximum of 9 presenters and no longer than a day. Convenors should allot each presenter a maximum of 30 minutes (20 for presentation and 10 for questions/discussion).
We are unable to represent specific intra-panel timings in our programme. Delegates reading the conference book will have to work on the assumption that papers will be evenly distributed through the panel.
Communication between authors/convenors
Convenor/author email addresses are not shown on the panel pages for anti-spam reasons. However there is an in-built secure email messaging system. If you cannot work that, please email congress(at)siefhome.org to obtain relevant email addresses.
Any queries with the above please email congress(at)siefhome.org.