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标题: [连敏]《诗刊》(1957-1964)研究 [打印本页]

作者: luody    时间: 2009-2-24 14:11     标题: [连敏]《诗刊》(1957-1964)研究

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【作者】连敏 【导师】吴思敬


【中文摘要】 1957年,《诗刊》创刊,1964年被迫停刊。这八年间的诗歌作品、诗歌活动、诗歌事件,都在《诗刊》留下了重要的记录和痕迹,《诗刊》见证着中国当代诗歌的荣辱功过。本论文试图从刊物的创立、传播、编撰、自我定位、接受、终止等环节所表现出来的独特内涵串联出一个国家级的诗歌刊物发展的整体脉络,并彰显其独有的品格,揭示出特定年代诗歌场域中新诗的功能、特征、形象等问题。第一章主要还原《诗刊》的创办过程。它的形成过程既表现为一种在特定时空范围内诗歌文本得以展开的自然顺序,也表现为各种文学观念、审美成规、心理机制等的逻辑性构成,揭示出《诗刊》在创刊之初就表现出文化和政治两种功能,既体现出党的意志,又具有某种民间性和非正式性。第二章主要以编辑为考察对象,考察主编、编委、普通编辑的憧憬、焦虑、自勉、谋划等等心理的和意识的因素,以及办刊人对社会人生某些层面上的集体性体验,从而揭示出编辑群体所表现的公共性与独创性的矛盾对刊物的影响。第三章至第五章主要关注作品文本。前两章分别选择1957年下半年的“反右派”和1958年的大跃进这两个典型的运动,根据《诗刊》与这两个运动有关的作品来分析文本与文本群、文本类型在自身内部以及在更大的文化语境中聚集、凝结和获取现实指涉力的方式,其中的变化过程为我们思考和总结一个刊物和一个阶段的社会主义文艺的特点和得失提供一个有效的观察点。第五章带有回顾与总结的意味。其一,从陆续发表的“编后记”这个特殊文本中折射出的社会环境,社会情感和社会功能能够加深我们对1957年至1964年这一阶段社会形态的理解,同时,“编后记”也反映了国家对诗歌创作的管理与监督,体现出国家对一个时期文艺创作状况的基本看法;其二,在对《诗刊》栏目的兴废、《诗刊》举办的诗歌活动与《诗刊》对作者群体的选择三方面进行的数据分析中,可以看出《诗刊》在“思想宣传”与“诗歌想象”方面进行统一的努力。从这两个不同的角度对《诗刊》的生产、演变进行梳理,阐释特定年代诗歌生产规律。第六章借助相关的史料和当事人的回忆,呈现出《诗刊》停刊及复刊这两个事件一波三折的过程。本着考证、呈现的目的,笔者认为1957年至1964年的《诗刊》,是各种诗歌活动的策源地,又是传播诗歌信息的重要渠道;既是意识形态政策的执行者,又为意识形态的重拳所打击;既有强烈的艺术追求,又历史地具有某种“组织性”的自律……这一切的丰富性都注定了它留下的文字绝不只是具有单纯的文学层面的价值,而是能够展现或折射出更多的历史的、文化的、社会的东西。  

【英文摘要】 1957 witnessed the funding of Poetry and 1964 its termination. However, this eight-year publication had been significantly marked by a series of works and events which testified the glory and disgrace of Chinese modern poetry. This thesis intends to retrieve the life of this national publication, illustrate its specialties and reveal the function, characteristics and imagery underlying the domain of modern poetry of the said period.Chapter 1 reconstructs the founding of Poetry, which represented a chronology where the poetry had been exhibited in a given time and space, and as well as a logical mix of literature, aesthetics and psychology. At the outset, Poetry had shown its twofold function, i.e. that of culture of and of politics. On one hand, it conformed with the Party Line; on the other hand, it is unofficial and informal.Chapter 2 investigates the editors of Poetry and exhibits the effects on Poetry arising from the conflict between publicity and individuality felt by the editors...更多, by analyzing the psychological and ideological factors (i.e. yearnings,, anxieties, self-solace and deliberation) of the editors as a group, and their collective experience regarding their social life and their lived experience.Chapters 3, 4 and 5 highlight the poetry in its own right. The first two chapters showcase the Anti-Rightist Campaign (1957) and "the Great Leap Forward" (1958). Based on the works of Poetry and the poems relevant to the two said political campaigns, these two chapters analyze the ways in which the poems assembled, cohered and acquired referentiality intra-textually and in a wider cultural context. Changes in that formative process provide an effective frame of reference for us to reflect on the losses and gains of the Poetry and socialist literature in a particular time. Chapter 5 presents a sort of review and conclusion. First, the social environment, emotions and functions refracted from the epilogues published in succession can deepen our understanding of the years between 1957 and 1964, and at the same time, mirror the government policy on creative writing. Secondly, it transpires from the findings about the ebb and flow of the Poetry, the activities sponsored by the Poetry and its policy on defining the writing community that the Poetry once struggled to weave 'propaganda' and 'poetic inspiration' into a coherent whole. In a nutshell, this thesis explores production and mutation of the Poetry and illuminates rules of poetic production in that particular time.Chapter 6 draws on the relevant historical data and recollections of the participants, to exhibit the eventfulness of Poetry's publication.Proceeding from empirical research and reconstruction, I see the Poetry during 1957 and 1964 as a magnet for poetry activities, a significant means to spread the message of poetry; it is the executor as well as the victim of ideological policy, it is not only geared toward artistic pursuit, but also politically disciplined. All these variables come to mean that the works left behind go beyond mere literariness, but reflect historical, cultural and social aspects of creat  还原

【中文关键词】 《诗刊》; 新诗; 诗歌生产

【英文关键词】 Poetry; modern poetry; creative writing

【网络出版年期】2007年03期 【网络出版投稿人】首都师范大学 【网络出版投稿时间】2007-07-12 【DOI】CNKI:CDMD:1.2007.076410 攻读期成果

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