帕奇(Paach)典礼是一场在圣佩德罗萨卡特佩克斯(San Pedro Sacatepéquez)举行的谷物崇拜仪式。整个仪式描述了谷物生长和收获的过程,包括舞蹈、马姆语祷告以及餐宴。老年男女们穿着带有玉米须的仪式服装,在意识中做祷告,帮助完成准备工作和提供食物,并伴着马林巴琴弹奏的音乐表演礼仪舞蹈。几年来,参与仪式的年轻人和传授者都在减少,使得帕奇(Paach)典礼面临失传。
人家申请的不是“泡菜”(Kimjang, making and sharing kimchi),就像日本申请的不是“料理“,中国的不是”算盘“一样。咱们首先不要误读人家的资料。
这一项估计要到下午才会审议 作者: 南池子 时间: 2013-12-5 12:40
The Committee
1. Takes note that China has nominated Chinese Zhusuan, knowledge and practices of mathematical calculation through the abacus (No. 00853) for inscription on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity:
Chinese Zhusuan is a time-honoured traditional method of performing mathematical calculations with an abacus. Practitioners can perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponential multiplication, root and more complicated equations by moving beads along the abacus rods according to defined formulas. Chinese Zhusuan has played a vital role in giving an impetus to mathematical studies, promoting algorithmic practices and fostering intelligence. Zhusuan oral formulas have easy-to-learn rhymes that represent specific calculation rules and summarize the arithmetic operations. Beginners can make quick calculations after some fairly basic training, while proficient practitioners develop an agile mind. Zhusuan is widely used in Chinese life and is an important symbol of traditional Chinese culture, providing a strong sense of cultural identity. It has been handed down through generations by traditional methods of oral teaching and self-learning. Training in abacus-based mental arithmetic is thought to improve a child’s attention span, memory and mental capability. Today, it contributes to the advancement of calculating techniques, cognitive schemas, educational psychology and intellectual development. It also has a far-reaching influence in various fields of cultural creativity, including folk customs, language, literature, sculpture and architecture.
2. Decides that, from the information included in the file, the nomination satisfies the following criteria for inscription on the Representative List:
R.1: Zhusuan is considered by Chinese people as a cultural symbol of their identity as well as a practical tool; transmitted from generation to generation, it is a calculating technique adapted to multiple aspects of daily life, serving multiform socio-cultural functions and offering the world an alternative knowledge system;
R.2: Inscription of Chinese Zhusuan on the Representative List could contribute to enhancing visibility of the intangible cultural heritage and promote respect for human creativity, particularly as an example of adaptability to contemporary needs;
R.3: Current efforts to protect and promote Chinese Zhusuan are described and proposed safeguarding measures such as the publication of research on the element, the creation of manuals, and its promotion through contests, demonstrations and seminars are supported by the State Party and organizations concerned;
R.4: The element has been nominated with the active participation in particular of the Chinese Abacus and Mental Arithmetic Association, as well as of bearers, scholars, organizations, and in cooperation with regional and national authorities; the communities provided their free, prior and informed consent;
R.5: Chinese Zhusuan was included in 2008 on the National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage maintained by the Department of Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Ministry of Culture.
3. Inscribes Chinese Zhusuan, knowledge and practices of mathematical calculation through the abacus on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.