Abstract: Religion has been playing an important role in South Korean society, but it lacks self-reflection. Based on the origin and development of Christianity in South Korea, this paper points out that religion in South Korea is neither universal nor transcendental, but the fruition of modern knowledge and institutions. For grasping the essence of religion in modern South Korean, we need look historically at the three key concepts of “South Korea” (as a nation-state), “religion” (as part of modern knowledge and institutions), and “modern” (which means modernity) first of all. Accordingly, for such historical evaluation, we need to trace back to the end of the nineteenth century when Korea started as an open port.
{1}Nicholas B. Dirks, “History as a Sign of the Modern”, Public Culture, Vol.2, 1980, p.25.
{3}这一部分可参照拙稿。 张锡万:“谁的近代性?为什么要讲近代性?:对韩国近代性理解的几种考察”, 《现代思想》1997年第2期。
{5}郑鉴录:朝鲜时代出现的谶书,综合了谶纬、风水、 道教思想等几种民间信仰。 以李沁(朝鲜王朝的一个祖先)和郑鉴(朝鲜王朝灭亡以后将兴起的郑氏的祖先)两人在金刚山相遇预测将来朝鲜的命运为核心内容。 朝鲜时代在民间有相当影响力。
{8}对“迷信”和女性的同一化请参照下面著作:Kim Yun-sung, “The predicament of Modern Discourses on Gender and Religion in Korean Socity”, Korea Journal, Vol. 41, No.1, Spring 2001, pp.128-131.
{9}Schmitt、 Carl等思想家批判说,正是这种主张才显示了近代性的神话平等原则实际上是不可能实现的。请参照Keith Tester, Civil Society, London and New York: Routledge, 1992, p.131.