赵旭东 齐 钊
【关键词】费孝通研究 亲迎 三区论 三圈说
Abstract:Among the studies of Fei Xiaotong both in China and overseas, few have noticed his bachelor thesis, A Study of the Custom of Bride-fetching in Chinese Wedding. Wang Mingming was no exception. In his recent research, Wang proposes the theory of “three rings”. He traces the historic origin of his theory, in particular that of the “intermediate ring”, in order to establish a pedigree, and he regretfully neglects Fei’s early text. As early as 1933, Fei’s thesis has anticipated in experiential terms what the theory of “three rings” now proposes for reflection and discussion. In this paper, we try to compare Fei’s theory of “three regions” with Wang’s theory of “three rings” in order to show how the former has foreshadowed the latter.
Keywords:studies of Fei Xiaotong, the custom of bride-fetching, the theory of “three regions”, the theory of “three rings”
另外,从论文中对多学科既有研究成果的引用,我们也可以看出费孝通当时对多学科所进行的综合。这些引用有中国古代典籍《仪礼》、《诗经》、《春秋经传集解》、《晋书》、《礼记》等,有王国维的《观堂集》,有蒋廷锡的《尚书地理今释》、余永梁的《易卦爻辞的时代及其作者》、谭其骧的《中国内地移民史——湖南篇》,也有李济的《中国民族的形成》(The Formation of the Chinese People)、史禄国的《北方通古斯的社会组织》(Social Organization of the Northern Tungus)、《华南和广东省的人类学》(Anthropology of Eastern China and Kwangtung Province)和《满族的社会组织》(Social Organization of the Manchus),还有李景汉的《定县社会概况调查》,等等。{53}