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标题: [李恒田]全球化语境下二十世纪末中国小说 [打印本页]

作者: luody    时间: 2009-2-6 21:59     标题: [李恒田]全球化语境下二十世纪末中国小说

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On the Chinese Novel at the End of 20'Th Century in the Context of Globalization  

【作者】李恒田 【导师】胡亚敏


【摘要 (中文/英文)】 20世纪末中国小说在许多方面表现出对民族传统的回归,从全球化的视角观察,我们发现这些选择与小说家文化自主意识的增强、世界文化的多元主义追求关系密切。整个20世纪中国文学都在努力走向世界,但80年代以前基本上是在向西方趋同中追求文学的世界性,而20世纪末,中国小说却在回归民族传统中越来越受到全球的关注。本文以此为中心展开论述,主要探讨的问题有:世纪末中国小说同归古代小说传统的具体表现有哪些:这些表现与全球化语境的关系如何,在具体作家作品中有哪些体现;20世纪末中国小说回归传统的具体历史语境是什么?对这些问题进行研究,探讨中国小说回归民族传统的全球意义,对全球文化的和谐发展、对中华民族文化身份的建构都具有重要意义。 前言部分介绍论题提出的全球化背景、文化多元主义思想,以及这种背景下中国文化和中国小说研究的特殊意义:同时介绍论文的理论基础、研究方法和主要内容。 第一部分20世纪末中国小说创作的症候分析,主要从小说观念、具体艺术技巧和小说文体意识等三个方面展开分析。本文首先从小说观念上考察世纪末小说,作家如何处理生活和作品的关系是小说观念中最基本的问题,中国一直有现实主义文学传统,20世纪末小说创作重现了不同程度的“视点下沉”、返回平民等现实主义倾向,这些变化是艺术的蜕变,还是民族文化自主意识下的自觉追求。在艺术技巧方面,20世纪末中国小说在叙事聚焦、人物关系设置、故事情节构思等方面表现出明显的中国传统特色,这些现象和作家的文化自主意识有直接联系。小说文体意识方面,20世纪末中国小说创作中,作家群体的多元化、小说家个体意识的觉醒、创作风格多样化现象也非常明显,这些现象和世纪末中国文化环境有关,同中国小说文体传统一脉相承。通过对20世纪末中国小说症候的分析,我们发现其中有一个共同的倾向:在艺术源流上,他们表现出向中国古代小说传统回归的倾向。 第二部分选取世纪末获得全球性文学奖的三位作家余华、莫言和韩少功,对他们小说中的症候作个案体分析。细读余华小说《活着》和《许三观卖血记》等小说,比较余华小说在20世纪90年代转型前后艺术技巧的异同,分析余华小说和新写实主义小说的关系,从而探讨余华小说在叙事情感立场和小说丰题选择等小说观念方面表现出的平民性追求:细读莫言的《丰乳肥臀》等小说,分析莫言小说民间特色写作及其具体叙事技巧和中国古代小说民间性传统的关系:梳理韩少功小说创作中由文化“寻根”到小说艺术“寻根”的文学创作探索历程,分析小说《马桥词典》的古代笔记小说文体因素,在此基础上论述《马桥词典》文体的叙事优势,探讨韩少功小说“寻根”中表现出的自由的文体意识源流。我们发现,这三位作家小说获得全球影响是与他们对本民族文化传统的重视分不开的,余华获奖的作品主要集中在他转型以后的小

At the end of 20'Th century, Chinese novels indicate a tendency in many aspects to clew the artistic features of the traditional ones, which has the inseparable relations which novelists' consciousness of the national culture and the pursuit of multiculturalism all through the world in the contest of globalization. This thesis mainly focuses on the following questions: the artistic farness of the traditional novels manifested in the novels by the end of 20Th century, the historical contend for the novels to inherit the artistic techniques of the ancient ones. The analysis of the above questions has great significance to the harmony of various worldwide and to the construction of China's cultural identity.This thesis includes the preface and four sections. The preface discusses the significance to study Chinese cultures and novels under the background of globalization and multiculturalism .It also introduces background of the thesis, theories and methods in the thesis and the important points.The first section is the analysis of phenomenon of novels at the end of 20's century, which has three points. Part one discusses whether it is the progress or retrogresses of the tradition of realism in the novels that the novels by the end of last century had such realistic features as "viewpoint-singling", "focus on the mass". Part two demonstrates that the narrative strategies in the novels at that time, for example, "the flourish of Neorealism", "the retreat of the avantguard consciousness" and "the renascence of classical realism", are closely relate to the novelists' consciousness of national culture and to the rising of multiculturalism. In part three, the thesis discusses the distinct features in the novels by the end of 20'th century, the variety of novelists ,the consciousness of novelists' own identity and the variety of novel's style, which have intimate relations with the reality at that period and with the great power of China's cultural tradition. The conclusion of the analysis is that the novels at the end of 20'Th century had the tendency to follow the artistry of Chinese traditional ones.Section two is the case study of the three novelists: Yu Hua, Han Shao-gong and Mo Yan, who have won the global literature reputation. The conclusion for study of Yu Hua's novels, To Live, Chronicle of a Blood Merchant, etc, is that his novels manifest the civilian tendency in the aspects of the narrative strategy and standpoints. As to Mo Yan, the thesis studies the Chinese folk features of his novels. It argues his folk position as his words "writing as a common people", and analyzes the idiographic skills of Chinese folk narrating. The thesis chooses the text cases are Big Breasts &Wide Hips , Red Sorghum and Torture of Sandalwood and so on. As to Han Shao-gong, the thesis combs his course of creation from "seeking origin" in literature to that in artistry and discusses the features of sketchbook in A Dictionary of Maqiao. Thereupon, the thesis continues to expound the global significance of Han Shao-gong's novels adopt the national artistic tradition in novels. The similarity of these three novelists is that the worldwide reputation is from their respect to and adoption of their own cultural tradition .The study of novels by Yu Hua, Mo Yan and Han Shao-gong presents the importance to insist on the consciousness of national culture and the great signification of presenting cultural tradition in the novels.Section three is the further analysis of the above questions from the historical angle and find of the course for the phenomena in the novel by the end of 20'Th century. In the 20'Th century, Chinese novels were influenced both by western and traditional novels ,but they had different tendency at different periods. According to the tendency, the history of novel in the 20'th century can be divided into four stages: from the late of Qing Dynasty to the Movement of May Fourth;from the Movement to 1940's;from 1940's to the middle of 1980's;from the middle of 1980's to the end of 20'th century. Especially in 1990's, many novelists displayed the distinct tendency of national tradition in the novels and got the reputation globally, which presented that the tendency had both the national and the global significance.Section four discuss the inspiration that the Chinese novels of the 20'th century end obtaining global prize give us. The global context what Chinese culture faces is that, on one hand, global multiculturalism pursuit is distinct increasingly;on other hand, the west culture imperialism is still present. These are contradictory. Chinese has a centuries-old history in culture exchanging with other nations. Each era has different principle of cultural exchanging, to fit the time occasion. The historical comparison is helpful for us to make certain which principle of cultural exchanging we should take in the time of globalization today. Based on the analysis and discusses above, the thesis argues the importance of the conscious of cultural independence and identity in the world, which is beneficial to establish the principles to handle with the relationship of culture between nation and word.

【关键词 (中文/英文)】 全球化; 20世纪末中国小说; 民族传统; 文化多元主义; 文化自主意识 Globalization; Chinese Novels at the End of 20'Th Century; National Tradition; Multiculturalism; Consciousness of Culture Independence

【发表年期】2006年09期 【网络出版投稿人】华中师范大学 【DOI】CNKI:CDMD:1.2006.079166 攻读期成果

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