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标题: [徐美恒]论藏族作家的汉语文学 [打印本页]

作者: luody    时间: 2009-1-31 12:30     标题: [徐美恒]论藏族作家的汉语文学

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Discussing the Chinese Literature of Zang Minority Writers  

【作者】徐美恒 【导师】赵学勇; 常文昌


【摘要 (中文/英文)】 长期以来,我国现当代文学研究界一直把藏族文学包括其他少数民族文学作为民间文学的一部分排除在“中国现当代文学史”正史之外,直到20世纪90年代,先有吴重阳的《中国现代少数民族文学概论》把现代文学史上的少数民族作家分离出来研究,首开文学史写作的作家民族身份视野,但只是从既有的文学史资料中做了分类剥离,民族文学史理论体系的建设观念尚不明确,比如,既没有论述到一位藏族作家,也没有讨论藏族的民间文学。后有特·赛因巴雅尔主编的《中国少数民族当代文学史》显示了较全面的少数民族文学史构建意图,但观察文学的视角不局限于汉语文学。接着陈思和主编的《中国当代文学史教程》进一步从“进入汉语世界的多民族文学”角度注意到了少数民族的民间文学和作家文学两个系统,并从“中国当代文学史”的高度把握少数民族文学,可惜只是用“民间精神”的“望远镜”做了浮光掠影的观察。2004年,丁帆主编出版了《中国西部现代文学史》,对少数民族作家文学和少数民族民间文学现象多有深入讨论,但他选择的是地域文学史角度,讨论的对象超越了少数民族文学范围。也就是说,中华人民共和国成立以来,少数民族的汉语文学已经取得辉煌成就,但一直没有引起学术界专门的关于少数民族汉语文学的深入研究,目前还没有产生一部中国少数民族汉语文学史研究论著。本论文的研究有意于先从当代藏族汉语文学入手,填补这一空白。 所谓藏族文学,需要从“两个部分”和“三个层面”进行综合观察,才能完整把握其含义。“两个部分”是指藏族文学分为民间文学和作家文学两部分。“三个层面”的含义包括:第一,从内容看,是以表现藏族的社会生活为主的文学;第二,从创作主体看,文学源出的主体必须是藏族身份,包括藏族作家个人创作的文学和藏民族集体创作的流传于民间的口传文学;第三,从文学的语言载体观察,藏族文学的原创语言主要是藏语和汉语两个系统。其中的汉语文学系统,包括藏族作家最初用汉语创作的作品和最初用藏语创作后来翻译成汉语的作品,也包括用现代汉语记录整理的藏民族口传文学。本文主要讨论藏族作家在中华人民共和国成立后创作的现代汉语文学。也就是说,“当代藏族作家的现代汉语文学”是本论文的研究核心。这个研究对象由“三个层次”构成一个有机整体,即:在内容上是以表现藏族的社会生活为主的文学;创作主体主要是以中华人民共和国公民身份存在的具有藏族少数民族身份的作家;语言载体是以五四白话文运动、国语运动以来,又经普通话规范的现代汉语。 在中国文学的现代文学史时期,诞生了藏族作家的现代汉语文学。根据目前发掘的资料,具有“现代性意义”的藏族作家文学发端于根敦群培(1905~1951),而最早的藏族作家现代汉语文学是格达活佛(1902~1950)创作于20世纪30年代.

The Zang minority literature and other ethnic minority literature have been excluded, as part of folklore, from the official history of Chinese contemporary and modern literature until the 1990s when Wu-Chongyang focused on those minority writers in his book entitled A Survey of Minority Literature in Modern China. It was the first time in the research of history of modern Chinese literature that the minority identities of those writers were stressed. But in the book there is not a definite theoretical system for the history of ethnic minority literature, e.g. no Zang minority writers or Zang folklores are discussed. Afterwards, Te. Sinbayer (Inner Mongolian), as the editor in chief, published The History of Contemporary Minority Literature in China, which intends to build an overview of the history of ethnic minority literature, but his pespective goes beyond the Chinese literature. Then Chen-Sihe, as the editor in chief, published A Course on the History of Contemporary Chinese Literature, which further discusses the two systems of folk literature and professional writings from the points of view of "multi-nationality in Chinese literature", but fails to make in-depth observations. In 2004, Ding-Fan, as the editor in chief, turned out History of Modern Literature in Western China, and made further study of the minority writers and the minority folklore, but his distinct point of view of history of regional literature goes beyond the limits of ethnic minority literature. It is obvious that though great achievements have made regarding the Chinese literature of the minority nationality, there has not been thorough research on Chinese literature among minorities and there has not been a work concerning the research into the Chinese literature of Chinese minorities since the establishment of the People's Republic of China. The dissertation is intended to fill up the vacancy in literature by research on contemporary Han literature of Zang minority. A comprehensive observation of the Zang minority literature from Two Parts and Three Layers helps to achieve a complete understanding of its essence. Two Parts mean folk literature and professional writings in the Zang minority literature. Three Layers include as follows: first, it is literature mainly dealing with the social life of the Zang minority; second, it is literature with Zang origin, including the personal literary works created by the professional Zang minority writers and the oral literature created by the Zang minority community; third, it is literature created originally in two system of both Zang language and Chinese language. The Chinsese literary

【关键词 (中文/英文)】 当代藏族作家; 藏族汉语文学评论; 民族文学风格; 文学的时代文化意义 the contemporary Zang minority writers; the discussion about Zang minority Chinese literature; national literatary style; cultural connotation of literature

【发表年期】2007年03期 【网络出版投稿人】兰州大学 【DOI】CNKI:CDMD:1.2007.012918 攻读期成果

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