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标题: 【分享】2008~2012年社会学界引用率最高的112部著作 [打印本页]

作者: 马衣努    时间: 2012-6-10 01:01     标题: 【分享】2008~2012年社会学界引用率最高的112部著作

                     来源: 民大雅集的日志

          The 102 most cited works in sociology, 2008-2012

                 Posted on June 1, 2012 by Neal


     What books or journal articles are relevant to sociology today? Here are the 102101* works that were cited the most in sociology journals over the last five years. While the data comes from contemporary articles, the cited works could be from any year. In addition to the rank and citations, I also include the journals where the piece was cited the most, adjusted so that journals that publish many articles are not overrepresented. Additional details below the table.

  If you want to explore relations among the cited works, check out the network version.

  *[Note: Updated June 5, 2012 to add ASQ and Social Networks; remove articles with fewer than 10 cites (which are probably not articles), eliminate some duplicate articles; and add a link when WoS provides the article's DOI. There is now a three way tie for 99th, so only 101 journals make the list.]

  RankCitesCitationModal Journals

  1.218Bourdieu P 1984 Distinctions SocialSociological Theory, Theory and Society

  2.185Granovetter MS 1973 Am J SociolSocial Networks, Administrative Science Quarterly

  3.174Raudenbush SW 2002 Hierarchical LinearSociology of Education, Criminology

  4.171Putnam RD 2000 Bowling Alone Am DecCity & Community, Sociological Forum

  5.166Wilson WJ 1987 Truly DisadvantagedCity & Community, Criminology

  6.133Denton Nancy A 1993 Am Apartheid SegregaCity & Community, Criminology

  7.128Mcpherson M 2001 Annu Rev SociolSocial Networks, Annual Review of Sociology

  8.127Glaser BG 1967 Discovery Grounded TJournal of Contemporary Ethnography, Qualitative Sociology

  9.124Swidler A 1986 Am Sociol RevSociological Theory, American Journal of Sociology

  9.124Coleman JS 1990 Fdn Social ThoeryRationality and Society, Journal of Mathematical Sociology

  11.123Dimaggio PJ 1983 Am Sociol RevAdministrative Science Quarterly, Theory and Society

  12.122Lareau A 2003 Unequal Childhood IMSociology of Education, Annual Review of Sociology

  13.121West C 1987 Gender SocGender & Society, Journal of Contemporary Ethnography

  14.119Goffman E 1959 Presentation Self EVJournal of Contemporary Ethnography, Social Psychology Quarterly

  15.117Anderson E 1999 Code StreetsCriminology, Social Problems

  16.111Sampson RJ 1997 ScienceCriminology, City & Community

  17.105Meyer JW 1977 Am J SociolAdministrative Science Quarterly, American Journal of Sociology

  18.104Giddens A 1991 Modernity Self IdentSociology, Sociology of Health & Illness

  19.103Hochschild A 1983 Managed Heart CommerWork and Occupations, Social Psychology Quarterly

  20.98Granovetter M 1985 Am J SociolAdministrative Science Quarterly, Rationality and Society

  20.98Bourdieu P 1977 Outline Theory CultuSociological Theory, Theory and Society

  22.96Coleman JS 1988 Am J SociolSociology of Education, Sociological Perspectives

  22.96Gottfredson MR 1990 Gen Theory CrimeCriminology, Youth & Society

  22.96Wilson WJ 1996 Work Disappears NewCity & Community, Criminology

  25.92Snow DA 1986 Am Sociol RevMobilization, Social Problems

  26.91Goffman E 1963 Stigma Notes ManagemSocial Psychology Quarterly, Journal of Contemporary Ethnography

  27.87Hirschi T 1969 Causes DelinquencyCriminology, Youth & Society

  28.86Sewell WH 1992 Am J SociolSociological Theory, Theory and Society

  28.86Long Jscott 1997 Regression Models CASociology of Education, Criminology

  30.85Burt RS 1992 Structural HolesSociological Theory, American Journal of Sociology

  31.84Mead GH 1934 Mind Self Soc StandpSocial Psychology Quarterly, Sociological Theory

  32.83Portes A 1998 Annu Rev SociolRural Sociology, Sociology of Education

  33.82Mclanahan Sara 1994 Growing Single ParenJournal of Marriage and Family, Sociology of Education

  33.82Mcadam D 2001 Dynamics ContentionMobilization, Sociological Theory

  35.81Mccarthy JD 1977 Am J SociolMobilization, Administrative Science Quarterly

  36.80Alba RD 2003 Remaking Am MainstreAnnual Review of Sociology, Social Science Research

  36.80Blau P 1967 Am Occupational StruSociology of Education, Annual Review of Sociology

  36.80Radloff L S 1977 Applied Psychological MeasurementJournal of Health and Social Behavior, Journal of Marriage and Family

  39.79Portes A 2001 Legacies Story 2 GenSociological Perspectives, Sociology of Education

  40.78Sampson RJ 2002 Annu Rev SociolCriminology, City & Community

  41.77Tilly C 1978 Mobilization RevolutMobilization, Sociological Theory

  41.77Bourdieu P 1990 Logic PracticesSociological Theory, Theory and Society

  43.75Connell RW 1995 Masculinities SSGender & Society, Sociology of Sport Journal

  44.74Baron RM 1986 J Pers Soc PsycholSocial Psychology Quarterly, Administrative Science Quarterly

  45.73Benford RD 2000 Annu Rev SociolMobilization, Administrative Science Quarterly

  45.73Edin K 2005 Promises I Can KeepJournal of Marriage and Family, Gender & Society

  47.70Meyer JW 1997 Am J SociolAdministrative Science Quarterly, Annual Review of Sociology

  47.70Blalock H 1967 Theory Minority GrouCriminology, Social Problems

  47.70Bourdieu P 1992 Invitation ReflexiveSociological Theory, Acta Sociologica

  50.68Gordon MM 1964 Assimilation AmericaSociological Perspectives, American Journal of Sociology

  50.68Coleman J 1988 Am J SociolActa Sociologica, Sociological Perspectives

  52.67Esping-andersen G 1990 3 Worlds Welfare CapActa Sociologica, Work Employment and Society

  52.67Acker J 1990 Gender SocGender & Society, Work and Occupations

  54.66Portes A 1993 Ann Am Acad Polit SSSociological Perspectives, Demography

  54.66Heckman JJ 1979 EconometricaAdministrative Science Quarterly, Social Science Research

  56.65Kanter RM 1977 Men Women CorporatioWork and Occupations, Gender & Society

  56.65Garfinkel Harold 1967 Studies EthnomethodoSociological Theory, Gender & Society

  58.64Giddens A 1984 Constitution Soc OutSociological Theory, Theory and Society

  59.63Hays S 1996 Cultural ContradictiGender & Society, American Sociological Review

  60.62Collins Randall 2004 Interaction Ritual CSociological Theory, Social Psychology Quarterly

  60.62Lamont M 2002 Annu Rev SociolAnnual Review of Sociology, City & Community

  62.61Sampson RJ 1993 Crime Making PathwayCriminology, Sociological Perspectives

  62.61Singer JD 2003 Appl Longitudinal DAJournal of Marriage and Family, Journal of Health and Social Behavior

  62.61Jacobs JA 2004 Time Divide Family GWork and Occupations, American Sociological Review

  65.60Pager D 2003 Am J SociolAmerican Journal of Sociology, Social Problems

  65.60Rubin DB 1987 Multiple ImputationSociology of Education, Social Science Research

  67.59Bourdieu P 1986 Hdb Theory Res SocioSociology, Sociology of Sport Journal

  67.59Bumpass L 2000 Pop Stud-j DemogJournal of Marriage and Family, Demography

  67.59Blumer H 1969 Symbolic InteractionSocial Psychology Quarterly, Sociological Theory

  67.59Tarrow S 1998 Power Movement ContiMobilization, American Journal of Sociology

  67.59Becker Gary S 1981 Treatise FamilyJournal of Marriage and Family, Demography

  72.58Dimaggio P 1997 Annu Rev SociolSociological Forum, Administrative Science Quarterly

  72.58Bianchi SM 2006 Changing Rhythms AmeGender & Society, Journal of Marriage and Family

  72.58Wooldridge Jeffrey M 2002 Econometric Anal CroSociological Methodology, Criminology

  72.58Budig MJ 2001 Am Sociol RevGender & Society, Work and Occupations

  76.57Blau PM 1977 Inequality HeterogenSociology of Education, Sociological Methodology

  76.57Shaw CR 1942 Juvenile DelinquencyCriminology, Social Problems

  76.57Correll SJ 2007 Am J SociolGender & Society, Work and Occupations

  76.57Sampson RJ 1989 Am J SociolCriminology, City & Community

  80.56Blau PM 1964 Exchange Power SociaJournal of Mathematical Sociology, Rationality and Society

  80.56Raftery AE 1995 Sociol MethodolSociological Methods & Research, Social Forces

  80.56Wasserman S 1994 Social Network AnalJournal of Mathematical Sociology, Sociological Methodology

  83.55Allison PD 2002 Missing DataSociology of Education, Work and Occupations

  83.55Abbott A 1988 System Professions EWork and Occupations, Theory and Society

  83.55Goffman E 1974 Frame Anal Essay OrgSociological Theory, Journal of Contemporary Ethnography

  86.54Cherlin AJ 2004 J Marriage FamJournal of Marriage and Family, Gender & Society

  86.54Beck U 1992 Risk Soc New ModerniBritish Journal of Sociology, Work Employment and Society

  88.53Putnam R 1993 Making Democracy WorActa Sociologica, Rural Sociology

  88.53Kalmijn M 1998 Annu Rev SociolAnnual Review of Sociology, Acta Sociologica

  90.52Lin N 2001 Social Capital TheorSociology of Education, Acta Sociologica

  90.52Allport GW 1954 Nature Prejudice 25Sociology of Education, Social Psychology Quarterly

  90.52Mcadam Douglas 1982 Political Process DEMobilization, Social Problems

  90.52Berger PL 1966 Social ConstructionSociological Theory, Theory and Society

  90.52Giddens A 1990 Consequences ModerniSociology, British Journal of Sociology

  95.51Royston P 2005 Stata JJournal of Marriage and Family, Work and Occupations

  96.50Snijders T 1999 Multilevel Anal IntrCriminology, Social Psychology Quarterly

  96.50Mcpherson M 2006 Am Sociol RevSocial Networks, Annual Review of Sociology

  96.50Blair-loy M 2003 Competing DevotionsGender & Society, Work and Occupations

  99.49Bianchi SM 2000 Soc ForcesJournal of Marriage and Family, Gender & Society

  99.49Bryk A 1992 Hierarchical LinearSociology of Education, Journal of Health and Social Behavior

  99.49Latour B 1987 Sci ActionTheory and Society, British Journal of Sociology

  Data is drawn from citations appearing in 5,471 articles published between 2008 and 2012 in 37 sociology journals. Articles data is from the Web of Science. The journals (followed by the number of articles in the data set) are: Acta Sociologica (78); Administrative Science Quarterly (74); American Journal of Economics and Sociology (201); American Journal of Sociology (166); American Sociological Review (184); Annual Review of Sociology (102); British Journal of Sociology (169); City & Community (78); Criminology (157); Demography (245); Gender & Society (143); Journal of Contemporary Ethnography (115); Journal of Health and Social Behavior (141); Journal of Marriage and Family (375); Journal of Mathematical Sociology (50); Mobilization (102); Qualitative Sociology (106); Rationality and Society (74); Rural Sociology (97); Social Forces (274); Social Networks (142); Social Problems (127); Social Psychology Quarterly (74); Social Science Research (396); Sociological Forum (160); Sociological Methodology (43); Sociological Methods & Research (87); Sociological Perspectives (85); Sociological Quarterly (131); Sociological Theory (69); Sociology (254); Sociology of Education (76); Sociology of Health & Illness (295); Sociology of Sport Journal (100); Theory and Society (102); Work Employment and Society (188); Work and Occupations (66); and Youth & Society (145). Feel free to lobby me for the inclusion of a different journal or the exclusion of a certain journal.

  The abbreviations are courtesy of Web of Science. Unfortunately, they don’t provide article titles and often abbreviate books in different ways, so there is some measurement error in the data.

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