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标题: [宋洁]论当代文学的民间资源 [打印本页]

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On the Folk Resources in Contemporary Chinese Literature
【作者】宋洁 【导师】赵学勇


【摘要 (中文/英文)】 20世纪末以来,当代文坛上骤然掀起了一股民间文化热,作家们纷纷将目光投向了民间世界。这一文学现象的出现是由特定的文化语境及文学自身发展逻辑所规定的,其文学意义不可低估。民间文化鲜活的生命力无疑会为当代文学注入新鲜血液。一方面,它可以为当代文学的健康发展提供必要的审美资源和价值资源。民间文化可以极大地拓展创作主体的想象力,从而改变当代文学长期以来因主流文化的压抑所导致的想象力极度缺乏的状况。另一方面,民间文化又可以为当代文学及艺术的发展提供重要的精神资源。民间世界以其特有的自由自在、野性与活力为现代人的畸形化和片面化发展提供一种有效补偿,从而为现代人抵制人性异化,重构健全人格起到积极作用。毫无疑问,民间文化形态是构成当代文学的重要的价值资源,它对于当代人精神的生成,对于真正意义上的具有现代性品格的文学作品的诞生,对于重构中国当代文学都具有不可替代的价值和意义。 世纪末的民间文化热可以看作是对新文学传统的延续。考察20世纪中国文学发展史,我们会发现民间文化在其中始终扮演着一个特殊的角色,其戏份时轻时重,却似乎总是处于被遮蔽或被利用的状态,直至1990年代以来才逐渐繁荣起来,蔚为大观。但不可否认的是,长期以来,学术界对于民间文化的研究并没有引起足够的重视,尤其是对乡村民间文化的整理和爬梳是相当匮乏的。而中国是一个乡土气息极为浓厚的国家(费孝通先生称之为“乡土中国”),农民人口占到了总人口的80%,这就决定了农村成为我们构建和谐社会的关键所在,因此,对民间文化形态的整理和研究就具有了十分重要的意义。而这正是本论文的重心所在。在当代作家中,贾平凹文学创作的民间文化成份极为浓厚。他在自觉吸取民间文化的养料方面已做出了不少的努力和尝试,研究他在借鉴民间文化时的得与失会对我们有所启迪。因此,本文选取了他的小说创作为切入点,来研究当代文学中的民间资源。 贾平凹的作品堪称研究商州地域民俗文化的一大富矿,它涉及到了商州地区民俗生活中的方方面面:诸如语言民俗、饮食民俗、节日民俗、婚嫁丧葬民俗、信仰民俗等等。但本论文不求面面俱到地阐释其作品中所涉及到的全部民俗事象,而以突出重点为原则,以便有足够的篇幅来解读其核心内容。本文重点探讨了三个方面的内容:1,社会民俗(第二章:“当代村落家族文化的变迁”)。村落家族文化体现着中国乡村社会中的组织特征和文化特征。它构成了中国社会生活的一个重要方面,是研究中国社会必不可少的一个透视角。对当代村落家族文化的变迁进行研究,有助于我们深入了解转型期中国社会特有的政治、经济、文化和风俗人情,从而为中国当前的乡村现代化建设提供可资借鉴的参照。2,信仰民俗(第三章:“贾平凹与民间宗教信仰”)。可以说,影响一个地区一般民众精神文化生活的最深层的核心就是民间宗教文化。它作为一种独特的文化现象已渗透到了民众日常生活的方方面面,对民众的思维方式、风俗习惯甚至是心理情感等都产生了深远的影响。因此,只有深入考察民众们的宗教文化信仰,才有可能达到对该地区历史文化传统演变、民众心理进行较深层次的阐释与把握。3,多种民俗——信仰民俗、社会民俗、人生仪礼民俗等的综合体现。(第四章:“贾平凹与民间性文化”)。性文化在当代作家们的笔下得到了突出地描写和强调,贾平凹因着意于呈现生活的原汁原味,因而更是将“性”当成了一种必不可少的点缀甚至是公开的招牌。民间狂欢文化的实质就是物质——身体的狂欢,充满着对下半身的崇拜(巴赫金语)。在民间世界中,对原始生命力的极度张扬使得人们的行为方式体现出一种粗放、纵欲的特色,从而使得“性”在民间文化中占据了举足轻重的位置。在这些民俗文化中,潜隐了广大民众的人生哲学与处世方式,在某种意义上它甚至有着“元哲学”的价值,为我们探寻民众的文化性格、精神结构提供了重要的精神资源。本文试图通过对商州地区民俗文化的深入分析和研究来探讨中国民间社会的特征及动因,以小见大,用以“了解更广阔更复杂的‘中国社会’”(费孝通语)。 长期以来,在人们的观念中,民俗文化与现代性意味着完全地对立——传统与现代,甚至是野蛮与文明。但是,令学者们困惑不已的是,民间民俗文化在经历了一个世纪的现代性势力的冲击之后,它并未随着社会现代化程度的提高而消失。相反,在世纪末的今天,民间不仅保留了自己的世界,且日益呈现出勃勃生机。目前,这一“传统的复兴”问题已引发了学界人士的极大兴趣。事实上,民俗文化与国家的现代性诉求并非就是两个互不关联的部分,彼此对抗与消蚀。民俗文化中有可能恰恰蕴含着现代的因素,它对于现代性的完善与重建有着十分积极的作用和意义。主要体现在它对现代性的质疑和反思,对人的感性生命及诗意化生存方式的回顾与眷恋等方面。因此,我们完全可以从民俗文化中挖掘出一些合理的、积极的因素使其能服务于我们的现代化建设。历史的发展已经证明,把民俗文化仅仅当成是“大传统”、“官方文化”的对立面,对其进行贬抑和压制是完全不足取的。一个社会文化的发展应该是多元化、多层次的组合。民俗文化在提升民众凝聚力,构建和谐社会方面,无疑可以发挥巨大的作用。我们应充分发掘民俗文化的价值与意义,使其能服务于我国的现代化建设。

Ever since the last years of the 20th century, a fever for folk literature has hit the Chinese literary circle in a big swing and writers one after another began to seek and enlist resources in this field. The emergence of this literary phenomenon, whose literary significance cannot be undervalued, is urged by certain literary context and the inherent logic of literary development. Without doubt, the vigor and vitality of folk literature will infuse new blood into contemporary literature. On the one hand, it will provide necessary aesthetic and literary resources of value for a healthy development of contemporary literature, inspire the imagination of the creative perceiver to a large extent so as to change the situation in which there is a serious lack of imagination due to the inhibition of the mainstream culture and, on the other hand, it will also provide important spiritual resources for the development of contemporary literature and arts. The world of folklore, with its unique carefree leisure, unruliness and energy, can effectively compensate for the abnormal and lopsided development of the modern man so as to enable him to resist the social alienation imposed on him and reconstruct for himself a sounder personality. There is no doubt that folk literature is an essential literary resource of value for contemporary literature and it is of indispensable significance for the modern man's spiritual genesis, for the creation of literary works with modernity in its true sense and for the reconstruction of contemporary Chinese literature. The zest for folk literature at the end of the 20th century can be regarded as a continuation of the new literary tradition. Looking back on the history of Chinese literature in the 20th century, it can be found that folk literature has always played a particular role in it, some times a major one and sometimes a minor one, but it has always been in a state of anonymity or being ungratefully taken advantage of. It was until the 1990s that folk literature began to flourish gradually and present a splendid sight. It cannot be denied, however, for a long time the study of folk literature has notreceived adequate attention in the academic field, and the assortment of and research into the rustic folk literature has especially been rather deficient. But China is a country with such strong local colors (what Mr. Fei Xiaotong called "China the rustic country"), and the percentage of farmers in the whole population is 80% that rural area will prove a crucial hindrance to the establishment of a harmonious society. Therefore, a detailed examination of the pristine folk literature is surely of urgent importance and it is on this point that this paper will focus. Among the contemporary writers, Jia Pingwa's literary creation is featured with strong elements of folk literature, and he has made incessant efforts in absorbing nourishment from it. A summary of his gains and losses in this respect will be enlightening and, for this purpose the present dissertation takes his fiction creation as a point of penetration to survey the utilization of folk literature reserves in contemporary literature. Jia Pingwa's works of can be rated as a "high-grade ore deposit" for the study of regional folk customs of Shangzhou in Southern Shaanxi, because they are concerned with all aspects of folk life there: languages, dietary habits, festivals, marriages, funerals, religions etc. However, this thesis is not intended to cover and expound all the folk customs involved in his works, but would give prominence to its cores in the limited length. The thesis takes priority on the following three aspects: Firstly, social folk customs (Cheaper Two: The Vicissitudes of Contemporary Rural Community and Clan Culture). Rural clans embody the organizational and cultural characteristics of Chinese rural society, and they make up an important part of Chinese social life and present absolutely necessary perspectives for the study of the Chinese society. A study on the vicissitudes of contemporary rural community and clan culture will be of help in penetrating into the politics, economy, culture and customs of a transitional China so as to offer insightful suggestions for the modernization of contemporary rural areas. Secondly, religious folk customs (Chapter Three: Jia Pingwa and Folk Religions and Beliefs). It can be said that the greatest force that influences ordinary people's spiritual and cultural lives in a certain region is folk religion, which, as a unique cultural phenomenon, has penetrated into all aspects of people's life and has had far-reaching repercussions on their way of thinking, their customs and even psychologies, emotions etc. Therefore, only by investigating thoroughly into the common people' religious and cultural beliefs can a deeper explanation and understanding of the vicissitudes of historical and cultural traditions in this region and an apprehension of the common people' psychologies be achieved. Thirdly, various kinds of folk customs—religious customs, social customs, etiquettes etc. are integrated and presented (Chapter Four: Jia Pingwa and Folk Sex Culture). Sex culture is remarkably described and emphasized by contemporary writers and, accordingly, Jia Pingwa, who exerts himself to represent true life, regards sex as an indispensable ornament, even a public label of his. The essence of carnival culture in the folk world is the revelry in the material—the body, a full worship for the lower parts of the body (Bakhtin). In the folk world, the extreme admiration for the primitive vitality has endowed people's behavior with such characteristics as roughness and lechery, to the effect that "sex" has taken a pivotal position in the folk culture. Hidden in the folk culture are ordinary people's philosophy of life and way of dealing with the world. To some extent, the folk culture bears the values connected with "meta-philosophy" and it has provided important resources for the exploration of common people's cultural character and spiritual structure. This thesis tries to probe into the characteristics and motives of Chinese folk society based on a thorough analysis and study of folk customs in Shangzhou region so as to "learn about the more extensive and complex 'Chinese society'" (Fei Xiaotong), hoping, in the process, to catch a glimpse of the general through the particular. For a long time, folk culture and customs have been regarded as the absolute oppositions to modernity, as tradition versus modernity, even savage versus civilization. But what is puzzling to the scholars is that after a century's impact from modernity, folk culture and customs have not disappeared with the enhancement of the modernity in our society. On the opposite, at the end of the 20th century, folk custom not only preserves its own characteristics, but also becomes more and more prosperous. At present, the "revival of the tradition" has provoked a great interest in the academic circle. In fact, folk culture and a country's pursuit of modernity are not necessarily of an irrelevant parallel, one confronting and eliminating the other. Rather, folk customs and culture may contain elements of modernity and can play an active and significant role in the perfection and reconstruction of modernity. Accordingly, some reasonable and positive elements in the folk customs and culture can be exploited to serve for the purpose of modernization. As proved by history, it is not desirable to treat folk custom culture as the opposite of the "grand tradition" and "official culture", nor is it desirable to depreciate or suppress it. The development of a nation's culture should be a multivariable and multilayered integration. Folk culture will doubtlessly play a greater role in promoting a nation's cohesion and contributing to a harmonious society. The value and significance of folk culture should be well employed in the country's modernizing process.

【关键词 (中文/英文)】 民间文化; 民俗文化; 民间宗教文化; 民间性文化; 当代村落家族文化; 现代性 folk culture; folk customs; folk religious culture; folk sex culture; contemporary rural community and clan culture; modernity

【发表年期】2007年04期 【网络出版投稿人】兰州大学 【DOI】CNKI:CDMD:1.2007.116044 攻读期成果

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